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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. And I heard video of him speaking. He SOUNDS like Spock, unlike Quinto. (Well not exactly but he has a richer deeper voice than Quinto). Between Spock, Pike and #1 I find it hard to believe this excellent casting, new sets, new CGI is all for a guest stint on Discovery. They must be spinning off into their own series.
  2. Jeff Jarrett sues Anthem (the parent company of TNA/Impact, owned by our very own Leonard Asper). Basically its for trademark infringement. The story goes that when Anthem bought TNA, they hired Jeff Jarrett as Chief Creative Officer (they had a formal agreement in principal for that role but JJ was essentially acting in that role right away). They agreed to buy JJ's Global Wrestling promotion and "merge" them with the idea of having GFW replace TNA branding. Plus, TNA had several international commitments where they had to provide PPV's so they'd usually do a "One Night Only" taping but with JJ, they took his original master tapes of the GFW TV show that he taped in Vegas as a proposal to submit to networks, and re-purposed them as One Night Only PPV's (so they didnt actually have to take anything new and didnt lost their international deals). Jarrett had his public issues, got fired, went to WWE-sponsored rehab but Anthem kept airing the GFW TV show and using the Global belts til their new ones were ready. They never did officially consummate the merger. I remember they were roundly criticized for announcing a merger before it actually happened and then had to back track, including dropping the GFW branding. The only real issue besides monetary damages Anthem might incur is they kept the name Global Wrestling Network for their streaming service and JJ wants that too. They also sell DVD's of the GFW shows, I have no idea how they think they can do that. But Id have expected them to have worked this out without a lawsuit.
  3. Holy smokes, he looks the part in all the ways that Quinto doesnt.
  4. I remember reading that so much of the character came from Weller himself, how Robocop talked, how he walked (which was really cool), etc. I felt like a lot of that was missing from the re-boot film (plus it sucked). Getting Weller back would be great. Maybe they create a newer model and Robo is in retirement but has to come back when the newer model is corrupt!
  5. Everyone knew. It was just to be funny. I think he did three matches as Who and that was it lol. My impression is he was tough to deal with if he didnt have family around to look after him. Like, he fizzed when he went singles and was back for the team with Owen...then gone, then back for the Hart Foundation. Bret always seemed like he had him under control for the most part. But honestly, how much would he had been back if he wasnt married to the Hart's? Probably not much. But Bret surrounded by his family made sense, especially for Owen's heel turn. An interesting footnote is Pat Patterson came up with the brothers feud idea and pitched it to Bret with the idea of bringing in Bruce Hart to feud with him. Imagine that. Yikes. They thought Bruce could carry it better than Owen. Bret nixed it and said only Owen could tear the house down with him. Bruce was not happy. But Bruce also cost the family big time. When WWE bought Stampede Wrestling in the 80's, it was because Stu had a wide Television reach throughout western Canada and was drawing big houses for an indy (they drew 6500 in Vancouver). Vince wanted the TV penetration (much like the reason he targeted the AWA as well, but didnt respect Verne enough to buy him out, just attacked him). The deal was Vince paid $1 million to Stu in 10 yearly installments of $100,000. Stu had to shut down Stampede and couldnt run but would receive a percentage of all WWE gates in his territory (making Stu a WWE local promoter). That local promoter deal, they used to do all over, Bob Holiday was the local promoter in Winnipeg. I think it was 5% of the take (maybe 3%). And Stu wanted Vince to hire his top stars (Bret, jim, Bulldogs). None of the 4 were pushed because Vince didnt actually want them. I recall Bret was billed as "Cowboy" Bret Hart. I think it was Bret that suggested putting him and Jim together and their matches with the Bulldogs tore down the house all over. Anyway, Vince paid the first $100,000 installment. But Bruce, who funny enough wasnt included in Stu's demand for Vince to hire, didnt even know. He was the booker and basically ran Stampede. He was on the road coming back from big houses in BC when he heard the news that Stu had sold and Stampede was shutting down. So Bruce said screw it and ran 1 or 2 "independent" shows. Vince used that as a breach and never paid Stu another dime. Stu said he would start up then and Vince said go ahead...Vince had his TV network and his top stars. So Stu started Stampede again and thats what most of us remember growing up as the one with Brian Pillman, Owen Hart, Larry Sharpe etc. So Bruce cost his dad $900,000 plus his cut of WWE house shows
  6. I dont think it was a punishment. I read a report from Bruce Prichard's podcast where he said Stu asked WWE to book Jim because his outside bookings had dried up and it was just the first gimmick they sort of had in mind. Just to tell the silly jokes. He was basically enhancement talent, so he was a veteran that could have decent matches with the guys moving up. A better punishment would have been to just have him be himself and beat him into oblivion every week on TV. The gimmick sort of protected him.
  7. He sure aged in just a few years. But Robocop is bald anyway. They could CGI him young or do a story where Robocop's organic matter ages like normal. That would be interesting.
  8. I don’t know how they’d do it (would robocop age? CGI?) But it would be awesome.
  9. It might seem more of a "girl film" as its about emotional drama between couples due to an affair. But it surprised me with some wild plot developments including death, drugs, plenty of sex etc. It took me awhile to get into but once you get a feel for the characters, you kinda want to see what happens to them. They have a unique plot device where each episode presents the same general story from two character's perspectives. It confused me during the first season but once I got the hang of it I liked it. If you watch, this season really pays off the emotional investment in the main characters. And West is great (all the leads, including Josh Jackson - Pacey! - are very good).
  10. Here's a brief bio from Dave Meltzer (Neidhart was almost an Olympian!):
  11. No one replied when I asked last week if they watched The Affair. Man...it is so good. One of the best episodes of any show Ive ever seen aired last night. Gut wrenching.
  12. I think because they hire a producer who said he never liked Star Trek and knew the answer to "fixing" it was to make it more like Star Wars. I mean, thats a screw up from Day One.
  13. Word is Jim fell and hit his head and the call to EMS noted seizures and convulsions. So...like just awful if it in fact was a random accident.
  14. I was in the area of P&M this weekend (went to Le Monkey Bar on the bridge) and I paid closer attention to the new skyscraper going up that will bring 600 people to the area. There is a cross walk currently, right outside where that building will be. But its sort of dreary and all the times I've driven through, I rarely recall people using it. That will, of course, change when the building is up. So one argument would be that people can cross there. But I would suspect that cross walk will be jazzed up too. If P&M was open, you'd likely get away with closing that one altogether. Sals holds a lot of nostalgia but its not nearly as good as I remember as a kid. But for the amount I eat there, nothing beats a Nip!
  15. I suspect the Flight Sim use might have been so they knew how to fly the course to the Towers and Washington. Even the missing MH plane, the pilot had a Flight Sim he would use to fly different routes/airports etc and he was an actual pilot. I played with Flight Sim years and years ago. Is it geared more for people that know what they're doing? Maybe they can install some sort of lock out mechanism whereby you need a code to be able to start a commercial plane.
  16. I liked Clinton more later. But he was as charming as they come and one of the truly great speakers of his generation. Where Obama had the "Change" stuff down great, Clinton was a better speaker (Obama was very good too) but Bill actually had a lot of content to his message. And I was a W. fan (would have voted for him if I was American. But yeah, I agree. I think one thing we see with Trump is this great divide. W. was very divisive in a traditional way (it still being just politics) and Obama was divisive but often in the way most people would ignore (the racial stuff). Trump is outside the norms of "political disagreement".
  17. Yes he drank a lot when he worked indies. He worked for a local promotion (TRCW) in 2001, I believe it was and did well but the promoter said he lost money. I believe they had him fr an out of town show and kept him for a couple shots in Winnipeg when the locals never brought in "names".
  18. Reports of Jim Neidhart passing away, age 63. Seems legit as it came from B. Brian Blair. It had come out recently that he was battling dementia. We worked with Jim in 2004. Ill come back with a couple of Jim stories in a little bit...
  19. Trump certainly makes the presidency's of Obama, W., Clinton etc look positively charming.
  20. He really has the most delicate ego out there. He previously praised Omarosa as being smart. But now she isnt. Plus, if she had been fired so many times before, wasnt smart, was vicious etc why did he hire her? Doesnt he see how this is an indictment of him? I also like how his directive to Kelly was to keep her on because she said nice things about Trump lol And boy, does he have a pattern when he calls certain people unintelligent, doesnt he?
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