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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. With the new Star Trek film set to begin filming in January, reports are that Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth have walked away amidst Paramount's insistence they re-negotiate their deals as the studio tries to save money on the film. And even crazier, the studio says the film remains a priority with or without them.
  2. In some of the audio he mentions being a broken person with issues and apologizes to his family. He did a roll or something and remarked he thought that would have been it (crash). He says he knew how to fly from video games (is Flight Simulator THAT good??) but needed help with some rather minor things (setting the bugs). It certainly raises questions about aircraft safety when someone can access and take off in a commercial plane.
  3. Thats really the crux of the disappointment with the referendum. Regardless of what side people fall on, if they treated every average city decision (and thats what this is, its not as big as IGF, MTSC, Portage Place, The Forks, BRT etc), nothing would ever pass and people voting "no" on one would eventually favour something and lose. Thats not how you govern. We elect a council and Mayor for the purpose of doing the due diligence, having expertise in place and making decisions that might not always be the most popular but are in the best interests of the city. Asking people who are not educated on the issue to vote is just not prudent. We sure wouldnt have the Esplanade Riel as many, many people (probably myself included) were against that little vanity project and its become an iconic image of Winnipeg (and I go there quite often, its great). No IGF (and ask yourself where the Bombers would be today because CIS would have been condemned). No MTSC which means no Jets. Which means no TNS, probably means no Alt/Glasshouse either. And possibly no new tallest Skyscraper. People who want to vote no, fine, I get it. But if you dont like something, dont go. Dont ruin it for everyone else who understand why its a positive for the city.
  4. Spell checker. Always does that. WWE signed the Hardy’s due to their increased popularity for Broken Universe. Matt Riddle is coming in because New Japan wanted him. Theyve wanted Kenny for years. It’s really a matter of when he decides to go. But man...you have to think the offer goes up. Usually WWE takes the position that they hve a salary structure and aren’t going to upset it. Thats why the WCW invasion sucked (they wouldn’t take the big stars). And why Nash left (he wanted to stay but Vince would t match). WWE is basically flush with money and when the tv deals kick in, its massive profits. They need new stars. It would not be realistic to think Kenny should walk in with a top tier guaranteed contract and probably pushed even harder than AJ was. Even better if it’s an Elite package deal.
  5. Yeah I think new japan has to lock Lenny up to make their US expansion a success. The thing is if tv outlets see this and decide it’s worth having non-wwe wrestling. They used to think wwe was the only game in town. But with sports tv packages rising someone like WGN or Cuban or TBS might offer a lot of money. Even Impact could benefit but their ratings are dropping. Although rumours are Chris Jericho is considering going there.
  6. Incredible. And one of the quickest sell outs on MSG history. Boy that contract offer for Kenny Omega just skyrocketed.
  7. Yes, I'd like to see Thurs games in June. You're always battling cottage country in Winnipeg but its only a fraction of the total population of Manitoba that needs to show up for the games.
  8. I dont recall going to Eatons but the Bay was the go-to place when I was a kid. Excellent toy department and literally, they had everything. Every department was fully stocked as they had so much space. And great Christmas decorations. My grandparents would take me there shopping regularly and we'd go to the Buffet restaurant they had in there. I remember it was always dark, like walking into a cave but I loved it. And they had a huge talking parrot (a real one) outside the restaurant exit that intrigued me.
  9. I think June games are better than late Oct/early Nov games. Kids are in school so you're not on vacation yet. Watching football on a beautiful day is awesome, seems a waste to have nothing all June and then sit home in late October because its cold. I could be wrong...but thats my take.
  10. I think they are drawing fine and are profitable so nothing really to overcome. I was a big believe in moving the season up, but not just to add bye weeks, to end it sooner. Those games in late October or early November when it can be pretty cold, well, people arent going (and when I did go, I was handed a free ticket by Bombers staff once). On the flip side, we often have nice weather in early-mid October so taking advantage of that would help.
  11. Ive only been to England (Im a citizen). Lots of very old buildings ofcourse. But the countryside is gorgeous. We stayed with relatives, cant remember where exactly, but it would equate to a small town near the big city and it was surrounded with rolling hills. You'll always get that. Although, New York is a good example of a city that carved out some significant green space!
  12. Imagine wanting to keep P&M closed and calling it a vanity project of the Mayor while, with a straight face suggesting the city buy Portage Place. Yowza! Removing some barriers is a referendum, imagine what would happen if a mayor suggested that!
  13. You're not providing any alternatives that have anything to do with keeping P&M barricades up. You're trying to change the discussion to equate agreeing about other areas of need with agreeing with you. It's the old "Dont spend money on a stadium when my street has potholes" argument. It simply has nothing to do with P&M. Worthy things for the city to consider, but nothing at all to do with P&M. And if any part of your argument against opening is related to money (or how it can better be spent), you cannot possibly suggest the City buying Portage Place and actually be serious. By the way, the Portage Place experiment to help downtown was tried once already. Stop equating the P&M discussion with "drawing people downtown". You know thats not what its about. And thats not the discussion here. If you want to continue to litter your posts with insults (as you always do when you feel you're losing a debate), please just stop. Dont need threads locked over it. Just dont participate if you have nothing to say. Because its far too easy to say you've been suckered in if thats the tact you want to take. To suggest Centerventure, the owners of all properties at P&M including the owners of WPG Square, a lot of residents (and by the way at more progressive forums the poll numbers are like 95% in favour of opening) are all contrarians who have been suckered by goons is a very lame and insulting point to make that undermines your entire effort.
  14. During the Blackout years, when TSN got an HD station, the games were never blackout'ed in HD because there was only one. ie. If you turned on TSN and the game was blackout'ed, you could watch it on TSNHD. I remember that very distinctly as a benefit when I got my HD TV. Now of course, they have five HD channels so they could blackout if they wanted to. I honestly dont think it would make that big of a difference.
  15. There is actually a lot of room for whatever the owners want to put there. At the very least something nicer than the current concrete wasteland. But as Nate said, the key is removing barriers not about an attraction. And it definitely wont become Times Square until the City changes their silly LED Sign law. Although I expect continued investment in better and more interesting lighting in that area.
  16. You're pushing a false narrative and believe me, you dont want to start a debate with me by calling me a liar. There are accounts all over the place of people going down to the underground and it reaks of urine. Ofcourse it is. There a stories all over of women being reluctant or afraid to go down there alone. Unless you think everyone is lying (yeah, everyone is but you lol). I mean... you say all along Portage Ave is piss soaked but im lying when I say P&M area is? So...what, people love the concrete wasteland so much, out of respect they decline to piss there? Dont attack me personally and then confirm what I said. It makes you look foolish. The concrete wasteland is because of the tall concrete barriers. Its not about the buildings. And it also refers to the lack of street presence. Which is understandable because the intent was to drive people underground. The city is wise to focus on the downtown as a whole which is why P&M is important. If you're down to the argument that P&M being a closed is a problem but a small one so the city should ignore it, you've run out of points to make. Regardless of opening or closing, the city cannot leave P&M as is. It requires major repair. There are broken concrete areas, missing steps etc. This isnt a "spend money vs dont spend money". The City WILL spend money either way. They have to. Please list the ways that the City could give a shot in the arm to downtown that in some way would replace investment in opening P&M. Also, this isnt about downtown development directly. It IS about that shot in the arm in the sense of development of East Portage, the Forks and connectivity to the rest of Downtown. One only need to look at the massive private investment in downtown projects to see that downtown isnt dying and doesnt need the city to fix it....what people are in favour of is the city removing barriers that block the connectivity between all multi-million dollar private developments that are fixing downtown and bringing people there. You might not support it but the people who own the property, including the company that owns WPG Square want it open.
  17. - ROH (with New Japan) is going to sell out MSG for their WrestleMania Weekend show (running head to head against NXT). They sold over 8000 pre-sale tickets and I believe its over 12000 and just opened to the public. This is really remarkable and exciting. They have not advertised any of their top stars (Omega, Bucks, Cody) because all have expiring contracts. This will be the first North American wrestling gate to top $1million that was not promoted by Vince. It will be the first MSG sell out since 2015 (WWE event with Brock) and before that, 2012. WWE's most recent MSG event with Ronda and Undertaker did not sell out. WWE has got to be pretty pissed off about this. - WWE quarterly numbers: $281,542,000 in revenue and ended with a $9,945,000 profit. That's $67 million more than last year's quarter though profits didnt jump as much due to executive compensation (stock grants). WWE is looking very, very good as far as revenue and profit is concerned. - The ALL IN event has some interesting broadcast partners. They will air the first hour on WGN America and then the main show will be on PPV, Fite TV and Honor Club. It will likely be on New Japan World as well, but only for Japan. The line up thus far: Young Bucks & Kota Ibushi vs Rey Misterio, Bandido & Ray Fenix Cody Rhodes vs Nick Aldis(c) - NWA World Heavyweight Championship (with the idea Cody is trying to win the title his dad won) Okada vs Marty Scurill Jay Lethal(c) vs Winner of WGN America Battle Royale - ROH World Heavyweight Championship Christopher Daniels vs Stephen Amell (of Arrow fame) Hangman Page vs Joey Janella Tessa Blanchard vs Chelsea Green (from Victoria, BC) vs Brit Baker vs Madison Rayne Rumoured: Kenny Omega(c) vs Pentagon Jr - IWGP World Heavyweight Championship WGN was interested in TNA but it would have meant TNA going dark for a few months before WGN has a slot for them. The popularity of non-WWE in the US is creating some interesting possibilities. If ROH or Impact or New Japan got a major national TV deal, it changes a lot of things for them. - New Japan is marketing a Bullet Club cologne with Kenny Omega as the face of the marketing. - Brian Pillman II has signed a multi-year deal with MLW (they have TV in the US). - Lots of speculation that Chris Jericho will end up in Impact even though he said he'd do nothing in North America to piss off Vince. He's apparently changed his mind. he also wanted $250,000 (if I recall correctly) to work Winnipeg vs Kenny lol - Some teasing for an nWo reunion. Hogan, Hall & Nash were filming nWo related stuff at Hogan's beach shop....and there are rumours they will all return to WWE Tv. - WWE is looking to scoop up key guys that work for these promotions that are gaining ground (ROH etc). They signed Matt Riddle after not wanting to because of his pot advocacy and Pentagon Jr & Fenix are on their radar. Of course, they'd snag Kenny and the Bucks in a heart beat if they could. And I imagine Cody too
  18. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-ghost-kitchens-1.4774471
  19. I dont think the idea is it becomes a tourist attraction. The point isnt to have tons of people pour into the intersection just to see it. The idea is keep more people at street level and create a connection between downtown and East Portage/Forks. Its to remove really ugly bunker style cement blockades. But in doing that, the stake holders that own property there have all been in favour of this and will contribute to making it look better, feel better and be more appealing to the public. We're soon to have 600 new residents living there. There is a new hotel on the east side being built with the feeling the East side is ripe for the next re-development boom. The Forks are about to build a lot of residential. So you create the natural gateway to be an inviting, accessible place for people to freely move. The safety issue is moot. The annoyance to driver's is rather small and only during small windows. And the money issue is moot too because if they keep it closed, the city still has to spend millions on repair. I think even if someone doesnt really care, once you accept that millions of dollars will be spent at P&M to improve it, repair it, make it more accessible, why not also open it and let it truly be the gathering place it has always purported to be. I think we in Winnipeg are often self-loathing. But let's realize that outside of Winnipeg, everyone known P&M. And yet, when you visit, its a decaying, ugly cement wasteland that forces you down broken, dangerous stairs into piss-stained dangerous corridors. Its not a place you want to visit. And if you have to traverse it, its not a place you look forward to doing so.
  20. Not really, Rasmussen is a well known conservative-bias polling group. Plus there is always the chance of voter stupidity lol
  21. The father of the suspect was a character witness for one of the WTC bombers (the early 90's bombing).
  22. I remember going to Pizza Hut in the US with my parents when we were kids and it always felt special because we didnt have it here. Tony's on Pembina is another good pizza place. I find it greasy but delicious. My buddy hates it (though he generally hates everything I like, the jerk). Shakey's Pizza was our go-to place as kinds and had the table top arcade games.
  23. The idea has merit but I want to see investment in space exploration. I suppose that could still happen but if they decide that a base on the Moon and humans on Mars are strategic military endeavors, then the missions become ones of military and not civilian, like NASA.
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