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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. In my neck of the woods (South Wpg), Pizza Hut closed their sit down restaurant (which was always empty). I dont know if the sit down north Pembina is still open but when it was, it was always empty. One of the employees said they were almost entirely delivery and take out. So they closed the Fort Richmond one and put a small deliver/take out only location in the Shapes strip mall on Pembina. A few years ago Santa Lucia on South pembina did the same thing, closing their sit down restaurant and moving to a take out/delivery store front near Bison. I agree with Brandon that Boston Pizza is very expensive for their pizza and I never think to order it. I actually thought it tasted terrible but tried it a few weeks ago for the first time in ages and it was pretty good (did they change their recipe?) I dont have a favorite. When I feel like Pizza, I often have a craving for different places. Probably Santa Lucia or Papa Johns are the ones I have the most. Then Pizza Hut. Panago is actually really good and has vegan pizza for the gf so when she wants, we order from there.
  2. Colt Cabana suing CM Punk https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/colt-cabana-cm-punk-contract-legal-fees-lawsuit/
  3. It’s interesting how negatively people Viewed the closing of P&M
  4. Trump claims he did nothing wrong but wont answer questions about the things he clearly did wrong. They obviously think Mueller has him for Obstruction. Id guess Mueller would give in because even if the interview is constrained to asking Trump about his favourite foods, he's likely to lie about something and then he's toast. And if its really important, subpoena him and make Trump have to argue that he shouldnt be allowed to be suboenaed (making him look guilty) and when he loses, make him take the 5th.
  5. He had an engineer explain numbers from a consultant report. Perhaps the consultant and engineer are cherry picking. But they both know more than we do. None of the reasons to keep it closed pass the common sense test to be fair.
  6. One aspect to IGF is that with the open concourse, people can buy the cheapest seats and just wander around. I doubt its a huge issue but in my own circle of friends, I know people (and have done it myself) where you buy the cheapest ticket and meet up with friends. Because there is always a couple people wanting to get drinks or whatever, you can sort of rotate out of seats/concourse area. Now that I have a friend with a Loge, same thing. Cheapest seat and hang out in the loge. But all the arguments aside its not like attendance is terrible. And probably every reason listed is a partial factor. Bombers are profitable, right?
  7. To be honest, we rarely watch the half time show. And I cant imagine it impacting attendance either way. But I did watch the last game I attended, it was a game of Ultimate. Pretty interesting and I imagine totally free for the Bombers. Sort of like Timbits hockey. That kind of thing, its something different to watch for the people sitting there and costs nothing.
  8. In either regard, its sort of crazy to think it would happen. But imagine a scenario where Obama (or Clinton or W. for that matter) decided, nope, Im not leaving. Now imagine a scenario where in 2020, the vote is really close but Trump loses. His people ramp up a false narrative of voter fraud. Trump declares the results illegitimate and says he's ordering an investigation that could take X amount of months and until then, the results are set aside and the election is disregarded. The Dems (and like-minded Republicans) would take it to the supreme court where they'd lose because its been stacked. Come Inauguration day, Trump just refuses to leave. There are riots and protests. He sends in the military to quell them. Its crazy. But doesnt it sound a lot more likely now than ever before? Even before the election he won, Trump was saying he might not accept the results. What happens if he takes that position in 2020 and loses? Does the Secret Service just toss him out on his ass?
  9. The common sense aspect is people have been programmed to think P&M is something it isnt. Its an intersection. A large one. Everything that makes P&M interesting and special are reasons in the "open" column. This has been a good thread but I've still not seen one good reason to keep them closed. And I think the majority of Winnipeggers who will vote no wont do it because of a deep understanding of traffic engineering or a concern for safety. They will say "I have pot holes in my street and I dont want to spend money". Well, P&M is badly in need of repair. Its going to be millions of dollars to fix it up regardless of whether the cement bunkers remain.
  10. Apparently he has a 300 year old family claim to the land. I dont know the guy but in the few years I've been aware of him he has always been a progressive person in regards to downtown. He's a city architect and works with centreventure. Just because he supports something others dont, doesnt mean he has a secret agenda.
  11. He didnt do the study from which he got those numbers. He's an architect. What's his agenda? Whats the agenda of the "no" people?
  12. I park in the parking lot when I go, right across the street, 30 second walk.
  13. The Stadium in either location didnt lead to growth. its used like 10 times a year. That being said, its South Winnipeg.
  14. How many of those outlets were there when the Stadium was built? Also, unless they could build IGF at the site of the old stadium, its really a moot point. While there are likely some people who lived close to CIS that are too stubborn to brave the mean streets of Winnipeg for 20 minutes to get to IGF, there are others who live much closer to IGF that benefit. Unless we're building 10 stadiums so its always close, there's a trade off. I think you have to look at the era of IGF vs CIS and see the difference in how people consume their content, the dropping of attendance for many sports leagues etc. Its not just, of they built it too far away. The choice was build there or not have it at all. What would attendance be at CIS today? Not every good, because it would have collapsed and killed everyone.
  15. How about wrestling? Put a ring on a rolling stage and bring it out at half time. I know a guy... 😉
  16. I absolutely believe that its mostly due to TV. So many people (especially sports fans) have big fancy TV's with surround sound and the best seat in the house is the one in my living room. Thats just reality. No replacement for the atmosphere of a live game and if I had the extra cash, I'd buy season tickets. But when I go out to a game with friends, we have a good time that is too good for my wallet more than 3 or 4 times a season.
  17. The GOP as it currently sits, fully embracing the alt white nationalist agenda would LOVE, LOVE to make the liberals worst conspiracy fear come true - a reason to disavow election results, declare martial law, suspend the constitution and take control
  18. I wasnt as bothered by the Klingons as many were because they've looked different in just about every series over the years (and even from season to season). It was a Fuller idea and I got the impression, once he was gone, the people left in charge weren't as fanatical about changing everything as he was. The other legacy aliens shown were very accurate with a bit of tech update to modernize them but very much a homage in ways the new Klingons werent. And this idea of showing us how Discovery fits in canon and "moving towards" TOS is something they've said many times and, again, its something I think the people in charge after Fuller left wanted to do..whereas he wanted it to all be HIS version, the producers want to respect visual canon as much as they can. So Im looking forward to it. If you add hair to the Klingons from season 1, they are pretty close to the TNG or TOS film Klingons.
  19. I think if there was no referendum, she becomes a legitimate threat for "no" voters. Her campaign was about that. She was smart to frame that narrative. But without, her getting all conspiratorial just makes her look nuts.
  20. Why doesn’t Miller just push for a ban on non whites and stop beating around the bush.
  21. There are places on Pembina that definitely have a lot of fans attend before/after the games. Boston Pizza, Pier 7...even my buddie's hotel which is in Fort Richmond has been packed for some events at IGF. They should absolutely have a bridge over the Red to the Campus. It makes sense, not just for the stadium but the University. I'd be curious if having a dock would make sense. I know there was some water taxi services in IGF's first season but I dont think it was super popular. If they had water taxi all the time to a nice dock area, would it be used by students as well? Of course, a football stadium was not going to kickstart other development simply because of how little it's used (unlike an arena). Also, the Thursday night thing, I've always found its not a hard sell. if people want to attend an event, being out late on a thursday isnt so bad because if you're tired and/or hungover, its only one day to get through before the weekend (and for a handful of games, many people can opt out of working Friday if they really need to). I've had lots of events on various days and Thursday was actually the ideal day (even more so than Fri/Sat at times).
  22. I think they should have kept the gag of Die Hard and had John innocently caught up in a crazy situation. Under Siege stole the idea for a warship...and a train. But John on a cruise ship vacation with his wife and its hijacked? Gold! (notwithstanding Speed 2). Although Diehard 3 wasnt terrible.
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