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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. People can take it or leave it but this comes from Bellamy who is the chairman of centreventure
  2. The referendum essentially cut her knees off and now she’s resorting to allegations and attacks.
  3. I like Efron. He's great. He does so much comedy but I could see him as an action star. He certainly has the physique for it. Remember when Bruce Willis was cast, coming off of Moonlighting, people were incensed. They thought it was a joke. So Efron, I could see. He has charm. The reason the later Die Hards sucked, besides poor writing, was that John McClain became a super hero action character rather then an average cop stuck in a crazy situation where the odds were against him. The films lost their charm.
  4. True. The argument the JJ writers gave was that they weren't talented enough to come up with a way to resurrect Kirk. A terribly defeatist attitude. But assuming no one wants to tackle that in a 2 hour film, a 13 episode mini series would be the perfect place to do so. Captain Kirk goes on one last mission to save the universe. We are talking about a multiple award winner for his acting. Shatner is acclaimed and the role is iconic. The free advertising you'd get from one simple press release makes it worth exploring.
  5. Pretty cool news. CBS is definitely all the way in on Star Trek, thanks to streaming. Now give me William Shatner at Kirk and we’re talking....
  6. Well he certainly has a type. If you’re black or you don’t praise him, you’re on his **** list. If you’re both you’re really in the cross hairs. Usually people of power are intelligent enough to pick their spots. Trump is incredibly stupid. After everything he has seemingly accomplished, his legacy will be one of disgrace, played for laughs and ridiculed. Being president might be good for his bank account but he went from a popular b list celebrity to a pariah.
  7. That sucks. I was pretty young when Diff’rent Strokes was on but we watched it. Same with Facts. It was a fun show and she was the glue. Although I kinda liked the first season before they whittled it down to the four girls.
  8. Ummmm didn’t he swear up and down that the meeting had nothing to do with Hilary?? I also love how he’s throwing Don Jr under the bus here.
  9. Really good story. Roslovic always scores among the highest in fitness testing. Doesn’t try to gain too much weight but adds muscle every year. Wants to keep his speed. Works on explosiveness exercises. Never misses a workout. Monitors everything he eats. Etc. People rave about his talent.
  10. Diehard: Year One. They are working on this now. Premise is a prequel/sequel with Bruce Willis portraying older John and a younger actor playing young John seen though flashbacks. Apparently Holly will appear as well (in both eras). Hopefully they can bring back the charm of the first one (and the second wasnt bad either).
  11. When we start going as far as saying its uncomfortable or difficult for old sick fans to get there, I mean really...we're not talking sense anymore. Im sure CIS would be very comfortable for the elderly and sick. I'd like to know where someone lives that it takes 40 minutes to get to the UofM. But even then, it took me longer many times to get to CIS from the south end (Kenaston gridlock). IGF isnt too far at all. Some people might be too far though. But thats their problem.
  12. Oh no! Where can we donate? I hear they take Rubles.
  13. Honestly, a few times we just paid the parking fee. Usually the driver drives and the passengers cover the parking fee. And we park right across the street. We've arrived very close to kick off and there are spots available. Also parked on Pembina...many more spots now than the first few games when it opened as more people seek alternative transportation. A buddy throws his and his son's bike in the truck and park wherever its convenient and bike the rest of the way. Some people will always want or need to drive and there are plenty of options. For GnR I parked at my parent's apartment on University and walked the rest of the way. In regards to Point Douglas, imagine if they had leveled all those lower income homes to build a stadium. And you're still going to have issues in and out. And it was never going to revitalize the area. You'd have a giant cement building in a lower income area that sits empty the vast majority of the year. It was a pie in the sky idea when Asper was throwing everything at the wall. I think the only real alternative was Red River Ex site and that would have been fine too. And then I could complain about the long drive to and from...
  14. Ben Affleck will direct a film starring Matt Damon about the McDonald's Monopoly fraud. I had never hard of it. The trial began the day before 9/11 which might be why so few knew of it. Its a crazy story. https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-an-ex-cop-rigged-mcdonalds-monopoly-game-and-stole-millions
  15. The "real fan" argument is very lame. It happens everywhere though. You're not a real Jets fan if you dont go to every game. You're not a real Star Trek fan if you dont hate DIscovery. yadda yadda. Ive never had Bombers' season tickets. I go to a few games per year. My buddy is corporate sponsor and has a loge box. We're both fans. When I dont go, I watch every game on TV even if I have to watch it on delay and I avoid all social media/radio so I watch it like its live. We're here talking about them...we're all fans.
  16. Agreed. If you're stuck on campus that long, you're looking to be stuck on campus. If you walk home, that's your choice. If you take six buses, well too bad. Last game, we hung out and had some drinks in the lounge and I still got home early. The people that complain that IGF is much farther than CIS have to realize, not everyone lives in St James and not everything is going to be built in their back yard. For example, if I want to go to IGF, it's super convenient. When I want to go to Arby's, its a pain in the ass. But if I want some sweet sweet beef n cheddar, I make the sacrifice.
  17. He should have learned from Nixon. Its not the crime, its the cover-up. This moron tweeting just this week, urging the AG to end the investigation into him is absolutely idiocy. As President, they might not think it's enough, but thats an attempt at obstruction right there. In writing.
  18. What I love about IGF, living in Waverly Heights, is we can leave literally, 15 minutes before kick off, park right at the stadium and waltz in. When we went to CIS, you knew to leave at least an hour+ beforehand because traffic was a nightmare...and then you had to find parking (this was better once the Arena was torn down and you could park there). We'd often park over by the Chapters (sometimes having a drink in one of the lounges beforehand so we were allowed to park there) and walk and it wasnt much closer, if at all, than parking on Pembina and walking to IGF. And we did that in the cold cold weather too. We did that in the rain. And let me tell you, cold and rain was a lot more uncomfortable in CIS than it is in IGF.
  19. Im not sure I see their theory being true in the sense Mueller would put our a statement about Trump. He seems very "by the book" and likely will submit his report, whenever it's complete, to Rosenstein to do with what he wishes (and he doesnt have to make it public). Mueller knows he cant indict Trump. The idea he might seek permission to do so is interesting. That could be a way to make a statement...that the President is so corrupt he requires indictment, even if it becomes a Supreme Court fight Trump would surely win. But the article lays out Trumps actions compared to the articles of impeachment against Nixon and really shows that, regardless of any other evidence or testimony we arent aware of (surely a lot), Trump's constant false statements about Russia and the investigation and attacks on Mueller are, alone, worthy of impeachment. Judged by that standard, taking into account all the charges and pleas Mueller has secured already, one can only imagine the mountain of charges he would refer to Rosenstein.
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