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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. A ped bridge to St Vital would be ideal. I know they tried water taxi too. But I know people that leave and go east on Bishop, North on Pembina, South on Pembina, Waverly, Kenaston etc. I realize that immediately surrounding IGF its essentially University Cres or Chancellor Matheson, but there are many ways to and from once you leave campus. The last couple of times I went, I didnt walk, we drove and parked right across the street from IGF. Didnt wait in traffic at all. It was easy and convenient.
  2. Not want. Is. He won. He’s been running for mayor all year. He’s actually a really smart guy. He’s a libertarian but ran as a Republican. His family has long lived in Knox County where they own a business.
  3. The location is such a red herring. I've been to more games at IGF because of the location than I went to at CIS. So at worst, you're swapping people out. In the first couple of years does that mean some season ticket holders dropped off that werent replaced? Maybe, but they will be replaced by people who find it more convenient. I think Goalie is more correct in that weekends in the Summer here, you're competing with cottage country. And everyone has TV at the cottage and half of the people with trailers do too so they're watching the game in HD at the lake when you couldn't do that in the past. The only time the location is an issue if its pouring with rain or freezing cold and people make the walk from Pembina. But since we've had games with rain and events in the cold that didnt seem to be an issue. I know going to CIS seems like, for revisionists, the easiest thing in the world, but it wasnt for a lot of people sitting in gridlock to get there or parking a mile away and walking.
  4. Im not a fan of the image as a tease. Im cool with pushing the female leads. But I'd have done a cool poster of just Sarah Connor as Linda Hamilton looks suitably badass.
  5. he knows that but its arbitration so you have to inflate your ask to get what you want. If he asked for fair market value, the arbitrator would split the difference and he'd get less.
  6. Finished the new season of OITNB. No spoilers. Its interesting because every season I hate it after the first couple of episodes (or even half a season) but then it improves and this season was no different. Its like the writers can't perform until the new characters and relationships have taken hold and show them the way. They still far too often inject bad comedy (forcefully) in an effort to be "cute" and quirky, like they *have* to be a dramedy at all costs. And its lame and doesnt work. Where the series shines is the drama. Its a funny show but the real laughs come organically, from funny characters not forced humor. The opening with Crazy Eyes was one of the worst things Ive seen and I almost didnt watch the rest of the season. I disliked the new characters at first but came to enjoy a few of them. Badison will be the character that people argue over because I wanted her to go away but came to enjoy hating the character and wanting to see her on screen (to see her get her taken down). The best parts of this season were not prisoner-related at all (or not "in prison"). The Corrections Officers who survived last season's riots all have issues (mostly) about what happened and it was really interesting. When they started playing them all for laughs and made virtually all the officers "bad", it lost its interesting dynamic. The trial of Taystee for murder of a guard during the riot is the most tense and dramatic story this season. I wont reveal how it turns out. But you were on the edge of your seat awaiting the resolution. Even characters I previously had no time for like Cindy became interesting. Flaka, who annoyed me without Maritza, had some great moments too. I know all the critics love Crazy Eyes but she was absolutely dreadful this season. Nothing to do but be very, very annoying. Im assuming the storyline she was loosely connected to will be picked up next season because otherwise, her arc began and just evaporated into thing air. Warden Joe and Warden Natalie had more fleshed out characters this season and I liked Joe as a quirky character from season but hes become one of the best on the show. Its not just inmates who crave redemption and he's a great character in that regard. And I always loves Pennsetucky. A lot of people have been angry over her storyline with the guard who raped her. They wont be much happier this season and while she started out with an interesting story, she ended up just another character but at least she steals every scene she's in and is, organically hilarious. The over-arching story this season involving the "sisters" was a bit disappointing. It didnt really deliver the tension they were going for and we didnt really come to care about them at all. It was played for laughs even as it tried to be serious though it climaxed in a unique way. So, if you are a fan, wait til about episode 3 or 4 and you'll start to enjoy this season more.
  7. Wasnt the finale filmed without knowing if they'd be renewed so they filmed a cliffhanger and got screwed? I dont think Alf holds up today but I suspect a 2018 version would be more TV14 than Rated G.
  8. https://accesswinnipeg.com/2018/07/filipino-chain-maxs-restaurant-opening-in-winnipeg-fall-2018/ Also, I had the chance to visit Cibo Waterfront Cafe this week. Cool looking place. Only had a beer and coffee so can't comment on the food but their breakfast menu looked great. Also visited Brown's Social House for the first time on Portage. Again, didnt eat, but the patio was nice.
  9. Don Jr is in trouble. Seems like he lied to Congress and that’s a crime. He’s going to be indicted.
  10. This is a good example of what I think Rudy is trying to do and why I think it’s a sign of desperation and a guilty conscience. In the meeting between Russia and Don Jr and Jared, Rudy made the distinction that trump was not physically there. That implies he was there via speakerphone which has been speculated. So that’s not good. On Fox News Rudy admits there were other meetings but he trips all over himself. He admits reported have come to him about these meetings but the news isn’t public yet. He made it public. They are trying to get in front of all damaging info. But in a sense they are showing themselves.
  11. Lawsuit claims Skip wrongly classified its drivers as independent contractors rather than employees
  12. Yup. Im curious to see more about this particular case because of the charge and the time it took to lay that charge. I assume they’d go with extortion if that was an issue but maybe it was not explicit.
  13. Yes I would agree. A drug offences is a "hurt yourself" crime whereas this obviously has negative ramifications for the other party.
  14. Wait. You can't do that? I assume he showed it to people. Isn't Canada a one-party consent law? Maybe different for audio vs video. Either way its sleazy to video tape without consent. But I think there is a better solution than criminal court. Unless he extorted her or showed it to people...tban that sucks.
  15. "All In" announced today Rey Misterio is working the show. So thats another battle of wills WWE lost although supposedly he has a two year deal on the table from them. I expect it will be announced after All In. Also, numerous people saying Hulk Hogan is in Miami today (the site of tonight's RAW). Hogan lives in Clearwater so its not out of the question he'd be visiting Miami but its far enough away that he likely doesnt visit often. If he makes his return, it fits WWE's method of keeping it quiet by having him drive in and hope not be seen (oops). For big surprises they often fly the surprise to another nearby city and have them drive. Hogan could drive from home. WWE is antsy about ratings so it would make more sense to advertise Hogan if he was there but they might do it for a surprise pop. Also sounds like a change to Seth/Ziggler's summerslam match is happening and the speculated reason is WWE doesnt feel like Summerslam has enough sizzle. Well..Roman vs Brock isnt very hot. Brock is advertised for tonight and Heyman has been booking everything to do with Roman/Lashley/Brock so I bet they do a big angle tonight.
  16. I think its two-fold. There is no law about collusion. The legal issue is conspiring to commit a crime, not colluding to commit a crime. The word "collusion" is thrown around because it describes the general acts of Trump and his campaign, not a specific crime. If Trump or his people were aware that Russia was offering to hack the election or the DNC to help Trump, its conspiracy to commit a crime. And then there is obstruction to cover that up. I think the "collusion is not a crime" stuff is 1) to create a narrative that working with Russia (or anyone) for dirt on your opponent is simply politics and not criminal. Rudy knows "conspiracy" is absolutely illegal but collusion is not a law so he's sort of saying the correct thing but he knows its just a word game. What he really means is "getting dirt on your opponent isnt a crime". They want the general narrative to be that they might have had meetings, might have accepted dirt, might have suggested to Russia to get that dirt and even timed its release but that's just politics as usual. I think to what end, Rudy's intent is to create a public sense that sure they did that, but so what? If he came out today and said "Trump conspired with Russia to hack the election to beat Hilary", he's screwed. So they play these games to slowly release that as a general sense of reality. They are, in essence, admitting it while at the same time, marketing their narrative that its no big deal. And I think the second part might be to draw a line between collusion and conspiracy. They know Mueller can't charge for collusion. So when the report is released, if it has charges, indictments or allegations against Trump, none of them will be "collusion" and Trump can claim victory..."see, there is no collusion", "See, final reports shows NO COLLUSION". And then their defense becomes "sure, we colluded, but we didnt conspire" while at the same time trading on their months of word games to say "this conspiracy charge is nonsense...as we said, collusion isnt a crime and its just politics" and it gives the base and the GOP something to rally around..."look, this is just politics as usual". They will have made "collusion" so meaningless that by the time it becomes conspiracy, they're controlling the messaging. It tells me that they absolutely expect to be charged or otherwise accused of conspiracy and obstruction. They are mounting their defense already. They will then say, if there is no collusion, there can be no conspiracy and if there is no conspiracy there can be no obstruction. Im not legal eagle, but thats my take. And its desperate.
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