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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I dont think he'd be subject to impeachment for lying since he has not lied under oath. Which is one of the reasons he's yet to meet with Mueller...once he does, he's far too likely to lie about something and then he's screwed. But I think he does know he's guilty, he just might not agree with it, like you said. He does what he wants and thinks he can do whatever he wants. Like Nixon said, its not illegal when you're the President. Unfortunately, that's not true. Rudy's word games plus speculation that Trump might have been in the meeting via speakerphone are a problem. I would believe fully that Trump believes there was nothing at all wrong with doing that. And this "defense" is pushing that narrative. If Cohen is believed and there were several people at a meeting where Trump gave the go ahead for the Russian meeting, all they need is one other person to corroborate.
  2. Wasnt the satellite mapping an estimate based on plotting the pings across a course? I think it continued well after the last radar and was shown to have continued to make course corrections. I was firmly in the camp of some wild catastrophic failure where the pilots turned back to a known airport but lost consciousness. Its possible the pilot, sensing the catastrophic nature, programmed a new flight path away from any cities...or was suffering from lack of oxygen and programmed a course that made no sense. But its becoming more suspect that one of the pilots maliciously did it.
  3. This is important. It basically confirms other reports that trump may have been in that meeting via speakerphone. And also that they expect trump to be indicted (or at least to referred for charges) for conspiring with the Russians and obstruction. Their defence is collusion is not a crime. This is word play. The law isn’t collusion, it’s conspiracy. Rudy is just trying to get the public consciousness to accept trump colluded but it’s not a crime. Which ofcourse it is, but it’s called conspiracy.
  4. Are they hoping trump eventually gets a new trial based on lousy legal representation? Rudy is really bad at this
  5. I believe this was his last WWE appearance. That charisma...man, his dance was hilarious. He was a great heel.
  6. A few tweets This story is worth a read The heat for this!
  7. Exactly. I mean it’s the difference between “brain dead” and “passed away”. To split hairs just to criticize someone is pointless. Althoigh to be clear I stated Dave spoke to Brian’s brother. I was wrong. It was a family friend. Story on Dave’s website and his breaking news audio all went into detail about the different reports. The twitter era makes people chase the scoop.
  8. Okay. I don’t know why you do this. It’s always fun to talk wrestling with you until you do this. Firstly when you quote news sites you should know you’re quoting mark sites that read the observer (and others) and then spit out Dave’s news as if it’s their own. You’d be better just going to the source. Secondly it was Brian’s brother that Dave spoke to. Thirdly it was not Dave that broke the news. And finally a guy is dead. Why you need to turn that into a debate about Dave Meltzer I don’t know. But if you do, I’m happy to have that debate all day long. I try not to be condescending because I really do enjoy the discussion and you’re obviously a wrestling fan. But when you’re wrong you’re wrong. And on this subject it’s rare when I am.
  9. Just heard that Brian was in jail since the 7th and Jerry wouldn’t bail him out because he wanted to learn a lesson. Yikes. Very tough.
  10. He was a huge star in Memphis when it was one of the most popular territories in the world. He was very good in WWE as an undercard act during the attitude era. Had he not had his drug and alcohol issues he’d have certainly extended his career in WWE so I don’t know that he’d have been higher on the card but he’s had been there longer. He was really good. Hes has alcohol issues for years. I don’t think it’s the fading start scenario because he’s been pretty faded for a long time. He had a great attitude when he was in Winnipeg ten/eleven years ago. He was no Steve Austin for sure but definitely a case of wasted potential. Jerry was there a lot because he worked primarily in Memphis. But Brian was raised by his mom. And started wrestling at 16 under a mask so his dad wouldn’t know until he was good enough. But the reason Brian was Christopher and not Lawler was partially to hide Jerry’s age and because Jerry didn’t want Brian hurting the Lawler name by being a screw up. I worked a show with both of them on it and they sort of interacted like co-workers rather then father/son. Almost like Jerry kept his distance. But Brian called him dad. Brian had one of the young guys rib Jerry. The show was being taped for TV and had a rumble main event but Jerry worked Gunn in the semi main which was not taped because Jerry has tv restrictions. So as far as Jerry is concerned he was only doing the Gunn match. The rumble starts and Jerry gets changed into his street clothes and is relaxing when the young kid runs up and frantically says Jerry Jerry you’re next up for the rumble! Jerry turns white as a sheet and begins tearing at his clothes to get back into his gear even though he wasn’t supposed to work to work the rumble. But kid said he’s in so he’s a total pro. Suddenly Brian walks up busting a gut laughing. Jerry ended up taking the kid out for dinner as a reward for having the guts to pull the rib at Brian’s behest. I really enjoyed Brian’s time here.
  11. He sent out a bunch of tweets today. Attacking mueller. Very clear he is desperate and has a very guilty conscience.
  12. It was reported all over. Meltzer was told by his brother that he had passed while someone else said he was brain dead but being kept on life support until Jerry arrived. I posted before Meltzer even commented on it as it was all over. I believe pwinsider might have broken it.
  13. Never had the pleasure of working with Nikolai but he trained under Stu Hart in Calgary. Most people will remember him from later in his career but he was really good as a heel. Worked wirh Brian a couple of times. Once on my own show and once (or twice) for someone else’s Show. He was very enthusiastic, fun, easy to work with. A pro to work with it. Very out going in sort of an ADD type of way but enjoyed hanging out with the boys and talking wrestling. We had a fun conversation about Samoa Joe (he wasn’t a fan). He drank Long Island Ice Tea. He loves those. He should have been an even bigger star than he was. Ridiculous charisma. Very solid worker. He’s had issues for a long time and it’s a shame he didn’t get the help he needed. This incident might have been a cry for help. Very sad.
  14. unconfirmed reports that he has died. Very sad. Age 46 Also Nikolai Volkov has died. Age 70
  15. Supposedly they realize this trilogy is totally disjointed from the first six films and want to fix it. I wonder if they’d use Gui-Gon in some way. To connect it they really need Obi Wan and Anakin to appear as well.
  16. I was thinking that same thing. They should cold open wirh like phasing back in lol. And pretend it never happened. Then again they have to fix Rey’s parents thing and Snoke. Rian made a real mess of things.
  17. Han Solo’s death was fine in TFA. It had purpose and drama. Luke’s was terrible and called off a terrible film and especially a lousy characterization of Luke. If they had a good way to kill Leia so be it. It’s good to see her but she’s the weakest of the leads. To the extent on TLJ they put her in a coma to sideline her and have her role to Laura Dern. JJ needs a miracle to fix the trilogy.
  18. OITNB new season dropped on Friday. It’s not good. I’m three episodes in. The first episode was awful. The subsequent ones have had moments of quality. They still get too cute, force too much unfunny humour and it’s actuallt quite boring.
  19. Well that's the debate right? I think if he had one allegation from 20 years ago, he'd probably survive it. But if someone is in a position of power and uses that power to harass women, then its definitely going to come back to bite him. Ive only worked at my company for ten years but I have a feeling if someone came forward today to say I harassed then ten years ago, Im in big trouble...
  20. I think, if traded, the likelyhood is a young D with potential to be really good. Not someone who can fill Trouba's position now, but hopefully later. The other team would make that trade because they want Trouba now. And I'd suspect the D coming back, as much potential as he might have, will not be as highly thought of as Trouba, meaning a high pick and a solid second player in the deal as well. Either another D man or a centre prospect. Petan might go the other way to sweeten our side.
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