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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Oh and WWE announced second quarter results today which were favourable and sent the stock souring. Its over $84 a share, up from $20 a year ago. That's not a typo. Revenues increased 31% to over $280 million. Operating income over $21 million. This is for the quarter. They do have a mystery note of $49 million which many assume is the Saudi money. So whats interesting is, the full results paint this bright picture of a company awash in profit they cant possibly spend fast enough. But remove that Saudi money and look at falling attendance, soft ratings, corp costs up, slowing social media numbers...
  2. Im sort of surprised by some of the online push-back to the women's PPV. Its a good thing. Although the ham-fisted way WWE handled it is very annoying. You'd think Steph marched on Washington and got women the vote or something. They pushed it as the first ever, which it isnt. First for WWE, but LPWA had an all-women's PPV in 1992 and TNA had several taped all-women PPV's. October 28th, "Evolution", all-women PPV. Will feature women from all the brands. They have about 54 women under contract so they have enough and if they want them all on the show (I think they said it would feature 50), expect a battle royale or something. Women's Tag Team Championship belts are done and in the companies possession. Steph said they are coming but not yet (implying not on the PPV) but the finals (or final two rounds) on the show would make sense to me but who knows. They might see it as a big announcement to make AT the PPV. The belts are said to resemble the men's tag titles with feminized Roman helmets and white straps. Interestingly, they are scheduled to go back to Saudi Arabia in November and they see the women's PPV as diffusing criticism. I would think it would increase criticism since the women are featured so much they get their own PPV but still cant go to Saudi? Other touring acts send women to Saudi (to tremendous backlash unfortunately). Its weird. Kenny Omega is the only undefeated participant in New Japan's G1 tournament and attendance is up 12%. Juice Robinson is 0-3 and has to face Kenny yet so odds are Juice would get the upset victory (Juice has interest from WWE and seems to be appearing on Being the Elite raises that profile so obviously key people in WWE watch it). Kenny is working with a heel fracture (which is crazy as I busted my heel in a match years ago and it was excruciating). A promotion called Ring Warriors announced they have a TV show on WGN America. This has an in-direct Winnipeg twist. In 2002 when our promotion (PCW) began, we had financial backing by a local businessman (he was made President of PCW). He was a legit millionaire (didnt end well though). So every local promotion wanted to try and scoop our money man or feed from the money trough (one promotion offered to sell to us and we were going to buy but he asked for $100,000, which broke down as $10,000 for his promotion and $90,000 for his heart & soul). Anyway, one of the other locals was a member of the NWA. The NWA former president Howard Brody was working with guys to create what sounded like a more modern take on the NWA (affiliate promotions) called Ring Warriors. The local company pitched our money guy saying Ring Warriors was going to be the biggest thing ever and had everything they needed....except money. And if John (our money guy) would invest, it would be huge. John was non-committal so they had Dusty Rhodes call him to pitch. John was so excited the day he came into our offices to say he had a voice mail from Dusty! lol Fortunately, John declined to invest. And even Don Callis had a meeting set up with John. John wanted Don as an adviser but Don hated my then-partner. The morning of the scheduled meeting, John's building got raided by the RCMP and he cancelled the meeting with Don. Who knows what would have happened. Rumours of Rey signing a two-year deal with WWE. WWE didnt want Rey working All-In so it will be interesting to see what happens there. And how liberal his deal is (money and dates). Jericho said earlier this year he'd never work in North America for anyone other than Vince but this week said he'd be open to Impact. Im not sure that isnt Jericho just being kind to his friends there. He wanted $250,000 to do a show in Winnipeg this year. But if he is serious, expect an angle on Jericho's cruise where Impact will be working. There was a show called World Class Revolution that took pace at South Fork Ranch (of Dallas fame) with Charlene Tilton (also of Dallas fame) taking part. That sounds awesome. Brian Christopher got busted for a DUI. Guy is a mess. We worked with him in Winnipeg and he was super great to work with (he also drinks Long Island Ice teas by the gallon). ROH is trying to get CM Punk for the big MSG show in April. Gonna be tough but I wonder if Punk's desire to screw WWE would be the tipping point to him doing it. Matt Riddle (former UFC) is rumoured to WWE. He's really good but loves pot and that kept him out of WWE and New Japan for awhile.
  3. Vesa will definitely get every chance to make the team. And Roslo might have some growing pains at 2C but nows the time to give it a shot and try it out. As Goalie said, its more of a 3 line thing and Little will still get plenty of minutes.
  4. A reboot? Thats weird wording. More like a spin-off/sequel/continuation. The show was brilliant and Grammer is a tremendous actor so I'd tune in.
  5. Deadwood was a great series but Im sort of over it. Ill watch the film but I hope I dont have to re-watch the series to catch up.
  6. They want you to forget that Mueller is a Republican. The AG is a Republican. The Deputy AG is a Republican.
  7. Does he pick out her clothes and friends too
  8. Ive advocated this for a long time. Broadbeck makes the point that its not a "public building" but its really a red herring anyway. Im not sure what benefit there would be to the public to have it owned by the province. The profit the team would generate without paying the debt would be tremendous and make them one of the wealthiest teams in the league. But since they have made their debt obligations, I suppose there is nothing wrong with continuing to insist they do so. At some point, the Bombers will have some down years and there will be a movement to have the debt wiped out I think. probably not for awhile though. If they ever discuss private ownership again, it would surely have to happen. Perhaps True North would add the Bombers & IGF to their portfolio without the debt.
  9. Yeah, the only remaining contract of significance is Josh. And it will be interesting if they go 8 years or a bridge. I could almost see them going 3 years (unless that makes him a UFA, I cant remember). But Buff has three years left on his big deal so bridging Josh til then frees up some money and puts off the decision but then you're likely paying him, assuming he continues to progress and play at a high level, big money then. But you also have a shot at keeping him for over a decade.
  10. Dano will get more opportunity now with Armia and others gone. Jets have $73 million spent including Bonus wiggle room. So about $6.5 left to the cap to sign Josh and Petan.
  11. It should be illegal to openly lie on a transcript. Its a complete fabrication.
  12. He also played Jesus did he not? i think he was unavailable for the second pilot. The studio wanted more action anyway which he surely could have provided. But Shatner understood that role better than anyone.
  13. So the trump base wasn’t able to sustain Ivanka? Weird. Her end game has always been a run for presidency herself.
  14. He thinks Americans are really really stupid
  15. I stumbled across this on TV the other night and didnt catch that the guy was a legit Georgia state rep. Now its big news and he refuses to step down (he lost his primary so he's out when his term is up anyway). On one hand, I almost felt bad for the poor moron who fell for this. On the other, he's a racist prick who got outed for being a racist prick AND a moron. My favourite bits were when Sacha is showing him "up-skirt pics" and shows him a penis and zooms in and says "do you recognize this?" and the rep doesnt even react and says "its a Glock 45" (referring to the gun the guy has in a thigh holster to the right of his penis. And the idiot with his pants down chasing Sacha backwards yelling AMERICA!
  16. According to Memory Alpha, The Cage took place in 2254 and Where No Man took place in 2265. TOS was basically taking place 300 years from date of production, so 1965 became 2265 and so on. The TOS films muddied that. Near as I can tell, TMP took place in "the 2270's". It was 1979 when it was produced but most sites list it taking place in 2271-ish. There is a huge time jump in WOK to 2285. Discovery's premiere took place in 2256. So to recap: Enterprise launched in 2245 under command of Robert April (his wife Sarah April was Chief Medical Officer). Jonathan Archer (133 years old) lived to see the Enterprise launched and died the next day. Non-canon novel indicated Chris Pike was Captain April's first officer and became Captain in 2250. Pike was promoted to Fleet Captain in 2264/5 and James Kirk became Captain of the Enterprise. Spock was Science officer on the Enterprise under Captain Pike (thus, he's mentioned in Discovery) and the first officer was "Number One", never given a name on screen though she had several names in books, including "Una" (this is probably her name in Discovery). She was a Lieutenant in The Cage because Gene based the ranks on old British naval and first officers were usually Lieutenants. I'd assume she'd be bumped up for Discovery. Interesting fact, she tested poorly with audiences during screen tests of The Cage, moreso the women than men. And studio execs told Gene he could keep the "alien" (Spock) or "the woman" but not both. He kept Spock and assigned her personality traits (highly intelligent, emotionless, logical, cold) to him. In The Cage, the alien says Number One's cold exterior is an act and she often fantasizes about Pike. She's to be played by Rebecca Romijn in Discovery which is great casting. And ofcourse, footage of The Cage was re-used in the two-part TOS episode The Menagerie, making it all canon.
  17. Two years after I believe. Several years before the second pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before, with William Shatner in the lead role.
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