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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I might not have seen all the tweets. I think Gunn said they were satire but they come across more like someone posting stupid things for shock value. Immature and stupid. From what I saw (and as I said, I likely didnt read them all), I dont think a firing was in order. But I also dont think it means people arent allowed to make mistakes. Mistakes often have consequences. Disney is within their right to fire someone if they feel his opinion or actions dont align with their values or simply for business reasons if they think there will be sponsor and fan blow back. This seemed like one instance where Disney could have "come down hard", Gunn issues a strong apology, did some counseling or volunteer work and everyone moves on. The real take away from this is, dont be an idiot in social media. If Im anyone with any remote public persona (or a desire for one), I'm scrubbing my social media clean. I know WWE as a large corporate entity actually vets all potential talent's entire social media as they had some unwelcome surprises and the word was put out that if you have anything remotely negative, you'd best delete it. There are people with far too much time on their hands who will painstakingly go through your whole life looking for issues to exploit to tear you down.
  2. Bruce Greenwood. He also looks a lot like the original actor Jeffrey Hunter. The trailer seems to indicate a Captain Pike quite different from the brooding, introspective figure who questioned what he was doing in the original pilot the Cage, although there was an in-universe reason why he was that way (the previous mission referenced a disaster where crew were killed and it affected Pike). They've indicated there will be "easter eggs" to The Cage so hopefully they sort of touch on how he came back from wanting to quit.
  3. I believe you’ve been sucked in by the hysteria of the NIMBYs who hate change. Rehardless the vote will be to remain closed. Just as the vote would be to have nothing change in this City if civic politics was governed by vote. It’s ludicrous.
  4. How can something that has already led to numerous indictments, convictions and guilty pleas be a hoax or witch hunt? If Trump did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about. As the President, he should be thrilled with the results Mueller has already gotten.
  5. Brent is an ideal person to follow to learn about why its a good idea, learn about why the reasons against it just dont stand up and to see some cool "then & now" pics that he posts. He's a well respected architect in the city and an eternal optimist. I wonder if the reason no one goes to Shaw Park, Bell MTS Place or all the office buildings is because there is no where to park downtown. With TNS and 300 Main coming, they better build some parkades. Stat!
  6. Regent and Lag is a huge intersection. People cross it. Ever been to Vegas? The Strip is very very busy, but you can cross it. They also have a freeway a few blocks away but the strip is still very busy, all day long. People who are intimidated by crossing P&M simply won't. No one will force them too like people are forced underground now or you have to walk blocks away to cross. Its giving people more options.
  7. Well I didnt know that. I suppose my assumption that it was rare means....wait for it...I was wrong.
  8. There is no one thing that creates downtown revitalization. We've seen it with every project. MTSC. Hydro building. Portage Place. But its about creating more things and reaching a critical mass. Now there are more residential developments happening and coming that will create even more people. There has to be a walkability factor. You stated many examples when people gather there. Common sense tells us a TON of people are at P&M every day just by the sheer volume of people that work there but of course, not many hang out at P&M because there is notwhere to go and its not at all inviting. Its absolutely a concrete wasteland. I dont know the details about Scotia Bank. Next time I see it, Ill post. But all stake holders are committed to spending money to improve the area. The owners of Winnipeg Square, who you think would want to force people underground are completely on board with this. They will spend money on Square as well to create a better synergy between above and below, especially as they will have a residential tower right there. Brown's, for one, kept their patio open during the winter. I heard of others too but dont recall off the top of my head. We'll keep an eye out this winter. As the weather has been more balmy and those big heaters make it comfortable. But of course, that's not the point. People are outside all day long at the Forks. The point isnt that opening P&M relies on people sitting there in January. Its just another fact that hinders the argument that there is no use for the intersection "most of the year". Its just not true.
  9. Where would you park? Downtown? Really? There is already restaurants at that location and many offices that people visit. Tons of parking. But part of the reason to open it is to create a more walkable area so you dont have to choose to park on the East side because its a pain in the ass to cross over or vice versa. Last time I was at the Goldeyes, we walked over to Earls and some people continued across to somewhere else. In a future with an open P&M you could go that way, hit up a resturant or bar at P&M, or cross over and hit up the locations down Portage. Add in the impending Residential tower at the intersection, residential at TNS, residential at The Forks, a new hotel just behind P&M on the east side (plus that area will continue to be developed), there will be tons of people out and about, freely crossing and mingling.
  10. Sure, there are ways to apply wind breaks. I dont think that's an insurmountable thing. I've been at that corner many times in my life and none of those times did I recall it being really nasty (though, ofcourse, I was not hanging out since there is no reason to). But let's be honest, a cool looking patio with a good atmosphere right at P&M? If they sufficiently wind block it, that sounds awesome. As I said, many patios all along those streets and they're packed.
  11. Ummmm, google street view it. or go visit. Concrete barricades. I do however, love the fact that the "keep it closed" side is now arguing that no one will hang out there and people already hang out there all the time. Which is it?!! lol Of course, P&M is a traditional meeting place for special occasions as we well know, and as you well stated. Just Google Map it and look. There is tons of space there. On the East side especially, on both sides of Hy's around the Richardson Building and in front of the MTS building. The west side, not so much as those buildings were built much closer to the street but certainly enough for sidewalks. And I believe Scotia Bank is already renovating their street presence on that side. Dont get hung up on one thing and make it all about that. The fact this space could be opened up for patios, street level retail or simply a place to sit and watch the cars go by is not the main point. Its just a nice added feature and would also help the underground a lot in creating a far better synergy between above and below. I would have said hanging out on Portage in December didnt sound so great either but there are patios actively open all winter now. Whats the big deal? People get hung up on instinctive thoughts without applying critical thinking. "No one will be outside in the winter". It's Winnipeg, people are outside all year long.
  12. And its important to note that the guy who compiled the dossier was an expert on Russia, a top intelligence guy, had routinely provided the US with intelligence in the past and also had no clue who he was compiling the data for (ie. he didnt know it was for GOP or the Dems). Trump is a criminal. He's hoping that the public turns against Mueller so he can justify firing him without kicking off a constitutional crises that might see his removal and a potential violent revolution. Think "Arab Spring" but in the US.... yikes. So far, all his blathering is just noise and isnt gaining traction.
  13. Why wouldn't people hang out there? They wont now, since it's a concrete wasteland. But there is a lot of unused and poorly used space there. Once it's renovated and you have street level retail, restaurants, patios etc, people will surely hang out there. The patios down portage and down main are packed all spring-fall. In fact, some are used all Winter.
  14. People can always wheel themselves a couple of blocks away to cross the street. The weather isnt an issue over there. 😉
  15. How often are there trades where the condition is, if he sucks you get nothing? Can you even trade a player for nothing?
  16. The day Sanders’ smug face is disgraced and unemployed will be a great day. Everything trump says here is untrue. Not just a difference of political opinion but verifiably a lie. Also the steel dossier has never been discredited. On the contrary it’s largely been proven true. And is highly credible.
  17. It will be interesting to see if he tries to rescind it for former Presidents. As I understand it, most Presidents didnt often avail themselves of daily intelligence briefings anyway (H.W. did) but still, its a slap on the wrist by a tyrant and an attempt to cut people off from information. I used to make fun of people that were so anti-W. that they claimed he'd create a fake pretense for war, declare martial law, suspend elections and civil rights and create a Nazo-like dictatorship. But if someone came here from 10 years in the future and said thats exactly what Trump did, how surprised would you be, honestly?
  18. Its low obviously but yeah, you never know. Plus its currency. Its better than releasing him or paying him to under-perform.
  19. I would have figured we'd at least come away with Montreal's 2024 first rounder. But, good for Bowman to get a fresh start and Im sure there's a financial reason for the Bombers too.
  20. It sounds like 4 & 5 are completely different. The early word was QT's film might even be a different cast and era. But later word was it would involve this cast. Seeing as JJ exec produces both, he could connect them but Im not sure it would work.
  21. Nope, not good enough. Tanev is much better right now. Lemieux has upside but he has to start putting it together really soon. Tanev is a solid hockey player.
  22. This will be what Trump uses try to seize power when the walls close in
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