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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. By that token, couldnt the victim have been making a citizen arrest too, and was killed for it? Its absurd. Gun toting morons being allowed to make citizen arrests of a guy jogging down the street who did nothing wrong...what a joke.
  2. And its silly anyway since he plead guilty to lesser charges in a deal so saying oh he plead to minor things that werent material...yeah because he made a deal to flip and then when Trump got to him, he suddenly wanted to change his mind? Come on. I guess the Judge is in on it...the judge who called his acts treasonous. Everyone is out to get Trump lol
  3. Dude, you're wrong on the facts and so blinded by your love for Trump. You didnt come in here arguing legal minutia. You said it was justice being done. He is guilty. He admitted it. He was caught. Trump & Pence both admitted it. You seem to be the only person who thinks he didnt do what he plead guilty to. You have no obligation to reply, by the way haha
  4. Yup because his charges are a plea deal. So withdraw his plea and then let him face the much stiffer charges he would have. The reason he wanted to change his plea in the first place is because he was about to sit down with prosecutors and totally flip...suddenly, he did a 180...I wonder why. Oh yeah. The problem though is he was charged by the Special Counsel and Barr just did an end run. What happens down the road if a Democratic is in the white house, there is some scandal, a special prosecutor comes in, charges a democrat with crimes, he pleads guilty and is awaiting sentencing, special counsel office is closed and the Democrat President fires the AG, fires the assistant AG and suddenly the charges by the special counsel are tossed out? Think anyone in the GOP would have an issue? It basically guts the special counsel.
  5. You're wrong. Stop ignoring facts. So it was just a coincidence that Flynn talked to Kislyak "multiple times" to wish him a Merry Christmas, right? And was Pence lying when he said Flynn lied to him? Was Trump lying when he said Flynn lied to Pence? Are you suggesting that Flynn did NOT lie, told Trump and Pence he did NOT lie and they both publicly said he did? How does that make sense? You're clinging to the fact Barr, who has repeatedly shown to be Trump's lawyer, not a real AG, is dropping the case and you're ignoring the actual facts. You can believe that lying to the FBI is no big deal. You can believe back-channelling to Putin is no big deal. But you cannot deny the facts that those things are wrong, he was caught, he admitted it and the only difference today is Barr deciding that, even though Flynn is guilty, it doesnt matter.
  6. I hope all Americans understand this. The fix is in. But it can be defeated by voting.
  7. So again, to understand this correctly, you believe its okay for Flynn to lie to the FBI, which is a fact, and get away with it because he's did it for Trump? Spare me the DOJ nonsense when Barr has proven to work for the interests of Trump and not for the interests of justice. You're saying its totally okay to lie to the FBI. You're as partisan as they come and sadly, as an alt right, its...well, sad.
  8. So let me understand this. You believe that Flynn should be allowed to lie to the FBI if he didnt think he was lying even though you just said Flynn knew the FBI knew was lying? That is a fact in this case. He lief. Even Pence and Trump said he lied. And a judge ordered the call he lied about released but the White House blocked it. It would be so easy to help Flynn's story if they released it. But they wont. Because he lied. This isnt about whether Flynn is guilty because its a fact he is. He is because he broke the law. And more obviously because he admitted it to a judge. Your issue is you think he should be allowed to break the law...why, because he's one of your Trump bunch?
  9. Which makes lying even stupider, doesnt it?
  10. He lied to the FBI about his interactions with the Russian ambassador. The DOJ's efforts now to dismiss are not apples to apples. He received lesser charges due to his cooperation and plea bargain. Its like having someone for murder and agreeing to assault as a plea bargain and a year later saying, well, assault wasnt that bad so let him go, forgetting he actually committed murder. Exaggerated example obviously. Do you now believe that lying to the FBI should not be a crime? Is that what you're saying? And also that being an agent of a foreign power without properly reporting that should be ok too? Why dont you read what the Judge said about Flynn? Or does that not matter (the Judge must be on it it too, right)?
  11. I assume you're doing your thing but are you kidding? Lol...posting things to inflame responses is one thing but you have yet to actually post a salient point why you think Flynn, who was OBVIOUSLY guilty, getting off is "justice prevailing"...lol
  12. Sure but Im talking about racially motivated assaults/killings. Its just ridiculous. Its so hard as a white male to understand it. My sisters are aboriginal and I see the racism and it makes my blood boil.
  13. Its a travesty that it took the video being released to get anything done. These two killers admitted what they did...that they went home and got weapons so they could ambush the victim feeling he resembled a break & enter suspect. And without video, it was considered self defense??? Absurd. Do black people need to wear their own bodycams in America?? And what of this third guy who was filming...
  14. Its so crazy to think its the Republicans that want all this control by the President over the people and even over Congress. And when the alt right scream hypocrite, just wait til their is a Democrat in the White House or control of Congress and they do half of what this GOP has done. Congress especially, have sold out the constitution.
  15. Seems all to often the fun toting freedom lovers dont want freedom for all. Just for their way of thinking.
  16. You have to think the judge is unlikely to refuse the DOJ request here but he absolutely felt Flynn was guilty. I think he called him treasonous in fact. He could sentence Flynn and force trump to pardon him (which Barr is trying to avoid obviously).
  17. I didn’t realize Barr was a comedian!
  18. There are many suggesting they can use self defence and stand your ground laws. Logic and common sense tells is that’s ridiculous. But you never know.
  19. Mueller report: As if 99% of us need reminding
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