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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well since we agree on P&M and I was getting beat up pretty good in that thread, Ill begrudgingly agree with you here :-) But seriously, my confusion was more to how you can be so sure Trouba doesnt want to be here? Is that an emotional reaction to the prospect of losing the player? Im not saying you're wrong, we dont know. If it goes to Arbitration it probably means you're right but his ask isnt indicative of that. He wouldnt ask for less on a one deal at Arbitration.
  2. Ive said numerous times that I can be wrong. Im only human. But I wont say Im wrong when Im not. What good would that do? lol Interesting you mention Broadway because I believe it was Broadway and Memorial that has similar traffic volume to P&M (I think I saw the stat as 90%). Regent and Lag, same thing...huge, busy intersection. I appreciate your perspective. I originally thought opening it was a crazy idea but I was open to exploring the idea. When I peruse social media I see most people get hung up on three issues: Safety, travel time, money. In regards to safety, just moments ago, I saw someone I actually am friends with claim that as soon as a person gets hit or there is a fender bender, its going to be gridlock. But that could happen anywhere and an accident at P&M is gridlock regardless. The stats on car/pedestrian accidents show it to actually be a rather rare occurence. Opening P&M should not drastically increase the risk to pedestrians or the risk of car accidents. Travel time...I mean, that's where we're going to disagree. I've sat for ages on Kenaston trying to make the ten minute drive home. I've sat on Pembina for ages doing the same thing. Waverly? It can be bad. But if we're being honest, we're talking about one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening, 5 days a week. Its rather smooth sailing the rest of the time. Will it be longer, sure. Currently, people use crosswalks on Portage and Main that are close to the intersection. Its not like its a freeway through there for miles. Money. This one is mostly "spend it on my street instead". Its not a lot of money relatively speaking. We can't just choose a new cool street. P&M is important, not because its an every day gathering place but because it could be and because of the masses of people in the area and the lack of ability to cross easily and safely impedes growth. Its extremely lousy for people with disabilities to get across using Winnipeg Square. Many women have expressed their sense of being unsafe when going underground at certain times. Its been closed for 40 years. Opening it is worth a shot. You cant just remove the barricades tomorrow and let it be chaos, I agree. Make a plan and embrace it. Thats all Im saying.
  3. Im not sure I could tell you what he looks like lol maybe most customers wouldnt recognize him. Just my opinion but I generally hate to see anyone fired. Im not sure it makes anything better in this case but of course, it demanded consequences. Had he been a model employee, Rogers might have stood by him. What I hope happens is, Wheeler doesnt feel like he was victimized and digs in. Hopefully he gives some great thought to how he really feels about Trans people and the gay community and even if his deep-seeded opinion doesnt change, that he recognized how words can hurt, especially when someone has the power, like he did, to really speak so loudly.
  4. Seeing some chatter (not from sources I usually read so wont link yet) that Mueller submitted evidence lists about Manafort and Bernie Sanders' campaign strategist is all over it. The idea seems to be that a lot of the communication Mueller is using against Manafort occurred between Manafort, this campaign strategist and a Russian. Leading one to suspect that Bernie's strategist sought out the position as part of a larger effort to undermine the election (or at least to sow discord in the Dems and try to undermine Hilary). If true...yikes!
  5. I agree 100%. Its a lousy precedent to set. im looking forward to future referendums on all decisions we elect politicians to make lol Bowman did make the point that the result is non-binding. So he could win and simply disregard it (breaking his promise, though he also promised to open it so he's breaking that one anyway) or, more likely, hope it puts the issue to bed, wins a third term without it being an issue and immediately sets about opening P&M since he'd have a fresh mandate. Thankfully they didnt go this route for the MTSC. Or the Jets wouldn't be here right now.
  6. lol Rich...well, I was called a troll right off the discussion. And insulted. But thanks for the support. I didnt say your opinion was silly. I suggested that everyday traffic and engineering issues like how to time lights for pedestrian crossings being insurmountable are silly. If that is offensive, I apologize but if we agree in principle about everything else but disagree on the technical feasibility of making the traffic lights work in a manner that makes crossing efficient, I'd say thats an easy solution. but then again, we live in a city where they cant coordinate lights and have shorter than average Amber's so maybe you have a point. But thats more likely a choice than a department of engineers without the ability to fix it. Anyway, back on topic, as far as offering a solution...to what? The traffic light timing? Im not sure if you're an engineer or traffic expert but Im not. But those people exist. Its not my job to offer a solution on that front. In fact, Id suspect they've already looked at it. But you raise a good point...are the vocal people outraged at possibly opening P&M experts in that? On your point about the corporation, i dont get your meaning. Are you suggesting they believe opening P&M is a bad idea but believe it supports their tower? I dont think thats the case but its an interesting perspective. I can see that emotions are high here for some reason. Weird.
  7. I think its makes a lot of sense that if you create a scenario where people gather at street level that it contributes to revitalization. No single effort downtown will do the trick. But we could defer to the companies that spend millions of dollars in the area and have a direct stake in whether people are above ground or below ground. Surely, those companies didnt roll a dice. They gave careful consideration. One of those companies, which owns Winnipeg Square, wants P&M open. They're also building a 40 story tower there. They and the other property owners are committed to spending on re-development. A hotel is being built on East Portage. The Forks are planning a major development of retail and residential. There are plans for BRT on the east side of P&M that will surely be more effective if people can cross there. Every argument about "green light length" and whatnot...this isnt like the City is trying to cure Cancer or put a man on Mars. These are traffic and engineering issues that every city on earth deals with every single day. If we suggest that the intersection isnt very good for crossing (even though it used to be crossed all the time), we're pretending that these issues are insurmountable and that's inherently silly.
  8. It was a major aspect of his campaign. He won. They voted to open it. Its only an issue because there is an election. if the election was next year, its probably moot cause it would be open. And there would be no desire to close it up again. Its a gimmick campaign promise by a candidate running against an incumbent. She beat Bowman up on this too. He's very weak.
  9. Open minds work both ways. There are lights and cross walks right now that impact P&M. If you look at the actual result of opening the intersection, the development, the growth etc, you will see that the rather small inconvenience to you is off-set by a much greater good. If 15 minutes is so bad, can we put a question on the ballot about fixing Kenaston so I never get stuck in traffic on my "commute"? If they opened it, you'd be mad. You'd wait 3 minutes and it would seem like an hour. And after six months, you'd adapt and it would be same old same old. And one day, you'd be downtown and enjoying a patio at P&M or walking from the ball park to Portage or spending the day at the Forks and heading to the arena and wonder why they didnt do this ages ago. Or it will be chaos. Neither of us really knows. But I look at both sides and I see minor issues or flat out false ones (safety) and I much prefer the development/growth factors then being concerned about you spending an extra 15 minutes in traffic. Sorry. But be assured. Bowman will win, P&M vote will be to remain closed. And a whole lot of people who never leave the suburbs will be super happy.
  10. Brandon, you always start changing the discussion from the issue to the poster when you feel you're losing (or you get mad). No one had suggested a 15 minute delay. You made that up. The study quoted by CBC said 50 seconds. Is that reasonable? I dont know. I'd have guessed longer. But then I'd be telling the experts they're wrong. This is Winnipeg, I've sat in 15+minute traffic a million times (if you drive, so have you) for a variety of reasons. There are crosswalks near P&M today. They dont cause chaos. You've got an extremely negative situation for disabled people wanting to get across now who are forced under ground. Let's be honest, this argument is ALL ABOUT DRIVERS. Look, I get it, I drive. I wish every road was a freeway. Kenaston was designed by a moron it seems. It takes ages to get a block on some days. To go nuts overr a few minutes drive time at P&M? Totally an over-reaction. If it opens, it will be cool, it will attract more people, there will be a major street level precence that isnt there today. It will be fed by all the stake holders that own land there doing improvements and adding services for those people. There will be development East of the intersection and it will tie The Forks to downtown. All those things are vastly more important than you getting through one intersection a few minutes quicker. How many angry NIMBY types complaining and voting in polls even ever drive through P&M? Probably a lot less than are being vocal about an issue that doesnt impact them. Bowman didnt put his ego aside at all. He ran on this issue and won. He's robbing his opponent of the one issue she has. Its good strategy but chicken ****. And yes, it is okay to be wrong. Please remember that.
  11. You're making wild assumptions. Im far too lazy to look up the study (it was in a CBC article I read) that its 50 seconds per direction (so if you consider an entire commute, it's 100 seconds a day). I mean, lets be honest, a bit of rain, a bit of snow and its a lot longer. 15 minutes? Good grief, when it snows in this city, the streets are chaos and it takes me 15 minutes to get down Kenaston. It takes longer to get down Pembina. If we're going to hinder development and progress to save a minority of the people a couple of minutes of their commute, that is entirely wrong-headed. I can tell you've heard some arguments against it and adopted them without thinking about them. The idea other cities have large intersections is not about freeways. Thats a silly argument. Every city, including Winnipeg has large intersections. And those other cities would give a flying fig about two minutes per commute when there are millions of dollars of development money at stake. If you really think the majority of Winnipeggers understand the engineering factors involved, well, come on... the people making the "pedestrians will be killed" argument is foolish (they dont know stats on car/pedestrian deaths). As for being wrong, is that an admission? If P&M is opened and after one year, if its chaos, Ill gladly say I was wrong. Dont turn this into your usual nonsense, please Brandon (which you do when you're losing a discussion).
  12. WWE and Hulk Hogan sure screwed up his return. New Day and Titus have publicly spoken out and the word is more than half the locker room is unhappy.
  13. He could easily have taken the position that Scarlett Johannson would likely do a great job with the role (there are even several lame "shock jock" type jokes he could make about it) without going into an offensive and idiotic attack on trans people. He did it to get a reaction. He succeeded.
  14. Lots of co-mingling. NRA tied up in it (which makes sense). If the American people believe the NRA conspired with Russia, its going to turn the tide even more in favour of de-powering the NRA and accepting gun control. Then you have Wikileaks, the so-called voice of the people, an open arm of Russia to disseminate hacked materials to help Trump. Its gross.
  15. He's playing by the rules. And he wasn't going to ask for $5 million in arbitration so that he can end up agreeing to $5. Of course he wants $7. Its a one year deal. If they dont make a deal by the deadline, it would confirm that Trouba doesn't want to be here. Not too many reasons for a #1 D man, getting the ice time he wants, playing a position he wants on a team predicted to be a legit contender for a decade, on arguably the third best team in the league, to want to go to a lesser team other then he doesnt want to be here. But until negotiations fail, that's simple speculation.
  16. Its only trolling if you lack the insight to comprehend the topic. So if that's the case, there is no point in reading any further Too many people are reacting emotionally and without an understanding of the issue. As are the majority of naysayers. Its the NIMBY effect. And the referendum is an awful precedent. If we allow the uneducated masses to dictate civic policy to this specific of a degree, then we must have a large list of things to vote on. No MTSC. No IGF. No BRT. Add a vote about whether Jim Bob's front street should be re-surfaced every year and I bet he votes in favour of it. If you peruse areas of the internet that people who are well informed go, you see a vast majority support re-opening P&M. Because they get it. You'd have to agree the majority of people against re-opening are not well educated in the matter. Its a reflex. This is Winnipeg and when you suggest it might add 50 seconds to your commute, they would rather burn the city to the ground than support that. Thats not a progressive attitude and the Mayor should not be pandering to the ill-informed narrow minded. You have stake holders at P&M spending millions of dollars in support of this plan. Its not just saying "Ok, on Monday you can cross". Its a complete re-development of the area to encourage street-level commerce and create a connection between the down-town and the soon to be massively developed Forks (where's the referendum on that, which is of far greater interest to Winnipeggers than P&M). Allowing this vote is like asking people from my area to vote about a street development in Transcona. I dont care. It doesnt impact me. And Im not a real stake holder. Opening P&M does not create death and carnage. It does not add any egregious time to commute (50 seconds). There is a hotel development happening on east portage directly tied to the fact P&M was slated to open. There is literally no good argument to keep it closed once you accept there is no safety issue and no unreasonable increase in commute time. Every time they add a pedestrian crossing on Pembina or Waverly or Kenaston (streets I travel daily), it adds to my travel time. Of course it does. To use a few seconds as an argument against progressive development is such a NIMBY-style view. Those polls are a great example of why you dont pander to the uneducated masses. Thats what elections are for (and they're bad enough as we've seen). Bowman ran on this issue and won. And he's sucked for the most part but when his opponent has a presser at P&M to leverage a critical mass of people that are not informed and not impacted either way, its a grandstand attempt to make the civic election about ONE issue she thinks she can win. And thats why Mayor Bowman, a chicken **** mayor pulled a chicken **** move and supported it because he'd rather win than keep his election promise. Both candidates suck.
  17. Nah. Not reasonable. many cities hve major intersections with pedestrian crossings. This isn’t a world first. It doesn’t kill traffic flow. It will be fine.
  18. This is getting ridiculous now. Sarah Sanders is complicit. Repeoter asks if Trump believes Russia is currently meddling and he answers no. Reporter clarifies and trump again replies no. Meanwhile staff are screaming at reporters to get out and stop asking questions. They are babysitting the president. Sanders comes out and with a straight face completely lies about what was said. Lies. Not spins. Lies.
  19. In the case of Trump, they'll try to have him agree to come in. If he won't, they'd go to the courts and ask for an order be made. Trump would then have to go to court to set aside the order. He might win given the make-up of the Supreme Court, however, Clinton was ordered to be deposed I believe so not sure why they'd let Trump off. If he starts playing games, especially if Dems make some in-roads in November, I believe Congress can order him to appear as well.
  20. Yes. He knows he's not getting $7. Jets know they're paying for more than $4. Seems within reach. If Trouba wants to be here, it can be done. if he wants out in two years, then it wont.
  21. He’s abdicated his responsibility. We know why. Time for him to go.
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