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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Well said. CITI said they spoke to him multiple times over multiple disciplinary issues. He made it a very easy decision for his management. He seems very close-minded as well. He has an opinion, which he's entitled to, but common sense tells us its offensive and hurtful and wont fly today and certainly wont fly in any respectful workplace. The fact he can't seem to comprehend the other side of the issue is sad for him. Hopefully he takes this as a wake up call and maybe seeks some educational opportunities and/or counseling.
  2. Russia can invade without concern from the US now.
  3. Hmmm, is it Mueller trying to serve him? Couldn't he just ask the AG (or his assistant) to walk over the Jared and serve him at work? lol This November (and 2020) will be a great measure of what America is. We hope his base is an ever-shrinking collection of racists and morons. We'll find out...
  4. He does have a podcast. I heard (but did not see), that Wheeler's twitter bio read something like "CITI will probably fire me so make sure you follow my podcast". But true, he can say whatever he wants and whatever audience he can draw that likes bigoted trash wrapped up like jokes can listen til their heart's content. lol For his sake, hopefully they are willing to pay for the privilege!
  5. If Friedman is correct that its normal, then so be it. I think Rich's remark is on point. We see the Trouba ask and we say, thats crazy. But the Jets' offer is under-value as well. Neither side expects to get their number. If I am correct, in the NHL, the arbitrator picks one of the two sides, right? So surely, they'd pick the Jets over Trouba's. If the Jets opt for a two year contract, is Trouba going to leave that much money on the table, just to go through it all again? Reportedly he was not happy with the "hold out" strategy last time and went back because he was sick of not playing and not being paid. I think they get a deal done.
  6. Ive yet to hear a reasonable argument for why P&M shouldn't be open. It was closed as part of a deal to funnel people under-ground when Winnipeg Square was built. The fact the owners of that mall are completely on-board with the re-opening (as if all stake-holders on site) is as good a reason as any to re-open. But Bowman ran, partially on that issue and won. It was already voted on by the public. And if Bowman's opponent makes it an election issue this time, then its being run on. In theory a referendum on every issue is wonderful. In practice, not so much. Although it likely wont mean a substantial increase in voters. But you end up with the potential for too many people who dont get it and arent affected, influencing something they dont understand. But I guess that's democracy. However, now its a precedent. What else should we referendum on?
  7. As the story goes, Trump expected to lose and was running to raise his profile and leverage it to create a new right wing media group. I believe it was Kushner who was well into the planning stages when they unexpectedly won. Even with Russia's help, they didnt think they'd win. That's why Trump put off the idea of releasing his tax returns - he never expected he'd have to and he wasnt about to reveal that for "no reason". He was too arrogant to realize he was putting a big fat spotlight on himself and his rich pals. And also, I think he felt the Presidency was akin to Emperor. He's likely quite dismayed to learn there are checks and balances and he cant just do whatever he wants (though he tries). As for his attacks on law enforcement, yes very stupid. Although as we have learned, even those agents who hated Trump did their jobs. It was the pro-Trump agents who tried to juice the system in his favour.
  8. I thought so too but I guess according to a follow up tweet, its par for the course. trouba has t know $7 million is ridiculous. Its just not reasonable. Probably come in at $5.5.
  9. I’m surprised the mayor gave in. Bad decision.
  10. There are two sides to this argument. The people that understand why CITI took this action and people who should think before they post on social media. Im surprised by how many I am acquainted with who simply dont get it (either from a business perspective or a humanity one). Its a good reminder that freedom of expression is not freedom from consequence.
  11. Well, we're two days away from Trouba's arbitration hearing. They like to cut things close! I've seen speculation if it gets to arbitration, Jets would opt for a one year deal to make it easier to trade him (with one year of RFA remaining giving the acquiring team a little bit of leverage). On the other hand, would they choose a two year deal to maximize the time to either keep negotiating or find the right trade partner? I'd think if they accept they have to trade him, any team acquiring him surely would insist on talking to him about an extension first.
  12. Yup. I suppose there was a point when it was just politics. Its not now. He's clearly compromised. He has to go. *Some* of the pushback from his staff and Republicans makes me think the support for him is more tenuous than it appears. If Mueller's report has any real evidence of his criminality or collusion/conspiracy, he's toast. Impeachment will be the least of his concerns. He'll pull a Nixon and resign (after trying to Pardon himself and likely firing everyone at the DOJ). He'll get a wink/nudge committment from Pence to pardom him and his kids....and Pence will bow to pressure and wont do it. Trump will quit and end up trying to put together a new right wing party/media company. But he'll end up on trial. He's not that young...he could be dead before it comes to fruition. He'll realize running for President was the worst mistake of his life (if he hasnt realized that already)
  13. You beat me to it. Love this. Can’t wait!
  14. Yes. The walk back truly is ridiculous. Its no surprise the trump supporters have been disappearing. How can you defend this. You can’t.
  15. Hmmmm time to accept they have a fox in the henhouse, work with Mueller to produce evidence, work with Congress and Cabinet to endorse a 25th removal.
  16. Hmmmm time to accept they have a fox in the henhouse, work with Mueller to produce evidence, work with Congress and Cabinet to endorse a 25th removal.
  17. This guy thinks America is as stupid as he is He is so **** scared of what Russia has on him. He’s petrified.
  18. hes basically saying he trusts US intel while also siding with Russia. He’s doing this so that FOX, the White House and his base can claim he’s a good patriotic American. Doesn’t matter that he speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
  19. It would have been the ridiculous idea of a bad novel but I do wonder...if Trump lost 2020 and then declared a ridiculous state of emergency (much like he, with a straight face, declares Canada a National Security threat), and refuses to leave, what would happen? We assume Congress would not stand for it...but what if the GOP does? Would the secret service physically remove him? What if the Joint Chiefs are loyal to Trump (I doubt they would be).... Maybe a bombing of the Capital...akin to the burning down of the German counter-part so many years ago...as a pretense to grab a dictatorial power? Its a great film plot and people would actually believe it today. Sadly.
  20. And anyone who hoped for a 25th solution with a more desirable (or at least less dangerous) Republican, Mike Pence...that idiot followed Trump/Putin summit by approving of the President and declaring he had sent a strong message. Uh huh. Its a game to these clowns.
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