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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Bottom is probably when mueller releases his reports and it’s chalk full of what would be criminal endictments if he weren’t president and he refuses to resign. Or he loses 2020 and refuses to leave.
  2. I saw this explode on twitter. And assumed he’d be at least suspended. He tried to make an intelligent explanation for what is clear bigotry. He can think what he wants but he sure wasn’t going to stay on air with public views like that.
  3. A good reality check for all those right wingers who think anyone anti trump is a left wing liberal
  4. 73 isn’t that old. Is it really that hard to drive a dump truck vs any other truck?
  5. His base is the dirt worst though. It’s everyone else that needs to wake up.
  6. See rand Paul on cnn? Running interference for trump. Still whining about Hilary. Just crazy. Holy smokes he’s asked point blank if he believes the intelligence community or Putin and won’t answer. Even Newt Gingrich is attacking trump today. This is disgraceful.
  7. Putin is playing chess while Trump tries to figure out how checkers works.
  8. It boggles my mind that Trump manages to get the GOP on his side. I can imagine they feel that even if they speak out, that the "base" will ostracize them and the rest of America wont embrace their new found sense, but will simply toss them out with the bath water. they missed their opportunity. It has to be all or none. They have to all, the party included, announce that they can no longer support the President and bring impeachment hearings. If a few speak out, voters will not reward them. It will simply affirm in the minds of many voters that the GOP is corrupt and they must vote for progressive Dems. So they say nothing and hope they can win their seat. And if they do, will they then speak out? Likely not. If the GOP keep Congress, there is no reason to speak out against the status quo. If the Dems take control, the GOP will be focused on 2020. For 2020, they should be focused on replacing Trump. Only if they get hammered by Dems in November, will the calls for Trump's head grow. Dem voters know what they have to do. Moderate center voters know what they have to. Right wing patriots must hold their nose and vote for the Democrat. In fact, vote progressively and hope Congress takes seriously the message from voters and returns America to a time of promise before JFK was killed. I know Trump supporters read this thread and shrug it off as an echo chamber. It IS to a degree because its so clear, so obvious, so brain-dead simple that Trump is corrupt, is an agent of Russia and must go. And Right Wing'ers missed the opportunity to be righteous in that regard. Now they must all go.
  9. Masa Saito died of Parkinson's on Saturday at 74 years old. Freestyle wrestler for Japan in the 1964 Olympics. Turned pro and was a former AWA World's Heavyweight Champion and former WWE Tag Team Champion (with Mr Fuji). He was also one of Hulk Hogan's biggest rivals in the AWA.
  10. American voters need to fully comprehend what has happened. A foreign state enemy used hacking to influence a federal election in favour of "their" guy who they control through compromising material. Trump is either compromised and unwitting or he's compromised and maliciously an agent of Russia. A Russian agent, in the pocket of Putin, is the President of the United States. For all the right wing goofballs who tries to claim Obama was a Muslim and in the pockets of Islamic leaders, well, their crazy conspiracy has come true, just not the guy they expected. I wonder how much evidence it will take for Congress to Impeach or, more interestingly, for Pence and the GOP to accept Trump is a criminal and remove him themselves.
  11. His remarks were surely written before even meeting Putin. In fact, Putin's people probably wrote them. When you listen to Trump speak off-script, you really get the sense there is something wrong with him. It could just be he's not very intelligent and is used to everyone telling him how great he is, but he speaks nonsense.
  12. Any confirmation Putin was working trump like a hand puppet?
  13. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of crazy stuff trump said today. He is so clearly compromised so clearly an agent of Russia
  14. All this talk of WWE wanting to throw big money at guys to come in....anyone watching the PPV last night is reminded of why they've avoided going. Ugh Anyway, Hulk Hogan is back. Supposedly not on RAW and I suspect they want to see if the announcement gets any blowback before he appears. They're working on a Network special about it (taped his address to the crew last night). It amazes me that WWE should be the smartest guys in the world and yet, they seem to have such trouble with the creative aspect. The Tag titles are meaningless (I assume they'll end up with the Revival next, though I'd put them on Drew & Ziggler). They've killed Asuka dead. They've managed to make fans cheer the idea of stripping Brock and him never returning (despite the fact they pay him millions of dollars per year to be "special"), they have Owens do an idiotic bump and Braun laughs about losing (how many other sports do wins/losses not matter). They keep beating Roman trying to make him sympathetic which isnt working because they keep reminding you "its his yard" and he's the top guy. The book an Iron Man Match which almost always suck when WWE does it and the fans dont care one iota. Then they book it backwords with the heel being the underdog. Plus, if Owens/Braun is a cage match so Owens cant run away, why isnt there a roof? Why are the rules "escape the cage"? Why put Ellsworth in a Shark Cage above the ring so he cant interfere when, in fact, he does! Then when fans complain its like 'well dont watch then'. The problem is, look at their ratings, people are tuning out. They tease Brock tonight. The Hogan thing was about getting the word out so people tune in tonight. They need to pop a rating. And probably will to a degree. Vince needs to move aside ASAP.
  15. Indefensible for this to continue in the wake of the recent murders of journalists. Trump clearly likes it and he talks like a dictator
  16. And trump called the investigation a witch hunt after being briefed on the endictments. He sure acts guilty.
  17. They’ve said they won’t. The simple idea would be to have him promoted to the Reliant. But since they’ve recast all the characters anyway I don’t have an issue with re-casting. There are other legacy characters that could take his place such as Gary mitchell.
  18. It wouldn’t surprise me if they announce Trouba and josh at the same time.
  19. I really hope the American people do what is needed. Right or left, the only answer now is to send a wave of professsive Democrats to Congress. If you believe in law and justice, that’s what must happen
  20. I believe the Bucks's contracts expire at the end of December (I think they are strictly ROH contracts). Kenny's contract is with New Japan and expires at the end of January (I believe its the day after Rumble because I joked with him that he should insist it expire the day OF the Rumble just to make the internet explode). If Im New japan & ROH, they HAVE to be trying to lock those guys up ASAP. The longer they dont, the more indication it is that those guys are willing to listen. I'd be surprised if Kenny went though. The opportunity for ROH/New Japan in running MSG is perception. Right now, a bunch of outlets who wanted WWE TV lost out....generally speaking, Networks felt it was WWE or a bust (no alternative, certainly not Impact). The increasing popularity of New Japan in the US can open doors. NJ has a TV deal on AXS, owned by Mark Cuban who has said he wants to see NJ continue to expand. That's a major advocate. Plus, ROH is owned by the very very huge TV company, Sinclair. If a Network or streaming outlet targets wrestling, there really is no alternative to WWE but New Japan/ROH and its not just a minor league alternative anymore. There is huge potential growth. MSG raised their profile big time. A National US deal with Kenny Omega as the face of the TV on a weekly basis has a lot of potential. Bucks, Okada, Cody...and it creates a scenario where guys have options. The Elite said they wanted to change the wrestling world. They might...
  21. Yeah but arbitration can be nasty. Its always better to avoid it.
  22. You heard that? 😉 The relationship between MSG and WWE goes back to Vince's grandfather. The initial speculation was MSG was getting annoyed at WWE going to Barclays for TV and letting ROH (and AAA) book a hold was a way to get WWE's attention. It worked as WWE and MSG spoke and suddenly the dates weren't avail. No idea what happened in the interim but ROH did say their lawyers were involved. Its possible MSG thumbed their nose at WWE but if the deal was simply to run TV or PPV there, they'd probably be able to come to an agreement. WWE is very, very unhappy about this, you can bet on that. Not only because it's MSG, but because it's WM weekend (and likely against their own NXT event). Its par for the course. Cody tried to talk with Staples about All In and couldnt even get a meeting due to their relationship with WWE. Its possible WWE didnt like getting drawn into this and with lawyers involved, dropped their opposition. They've blinked when stared down by ROH before. You can bet that date will be war...and Kenny and the Bucks just saw their potential contract offers by WWE increase to make sure they arent available. Same with Bryan actually...He's in an amazing position right now with a contract that expires in a couple months.
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