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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sounds like WWE is using Paul Heyman has a writer now. Every so often their run sheets get leaked and if legit, this past week, he was listed as a contributor to the opening segment and a later Lashley segment. Which explains why the opening was much better than usual. Apparently he was listed as a "Road Writer" but also as a "Home Writer". Home writers are guys that work from home and will be assigned specific tasks like scripting promos or writing segments and emailing it to their supervisor. Im guess it would be that he submits creative from home usually but was backstage at Boston so perhaps he will attend TV regularly to write. Its not so odd since he clearly had a hand in everything involving Brock for awhile. Also, that UFC segment with Brock and DC smacked off Heyman too. He previously was Smackdown head writer years ago during the brand split when SD routinely beat RAW in viewership. He was fired because Steph didnt like him. He got in trouble for calling into RAW creative team conference calls and listening in and basically treating it like a real competition. During the awful ECW December to Dismember PPV which WWE altered, he openly complained and mocked the segments to Vince and that was the final straw. Vince always protected him though. Always liked him (secretly funded ECW for awhile).
  2. Its Uber's choice not to accept unreasonable conditions. The fact they exist in so many markets but MPI thinks we are special is ludicrous. Its purely political. That map shows the over-whelming desire of Winnipeggers to have Uber. The fact is, the taxi companies have known about Uber potentially coming here for years and their effort was in lobbying government to stop it and making Uber out to be a boogeyman to the people. Not making their service better, safer and more reliable. A friend was in Cali last weekend and used Uber for the first time and reacted like I did the first time (in vegas last year)...its a revelation.
  3. Trump is so obviously a tool of Putin. Either unwittingly (because he admires dictators and cowers in their presence) or maliciously (because they own him due to blackmail). Attacking Nato, ending war games near NK, creating racial divide in the US, minimizing and attacking US Intelligence. Do the Trump supporters here really see this President as politics as usual or do they acknowledge that he's a Putin puppet?
  4. We look so bush league. Another wake up call to taxi companies that they will ignore. I also saw a tweet about a vehicle break in (very common here) and a neighbour saw the culprits get into a Unicity Taxi. When the victim reported this to WPS they were told that its common. Thieves use off duty cabs as get away vehicles Wonderful.
  5. Yup. I was discussing this on another forum. If their plan is Kenny, Bucks, Okada etc, hopefully they have a Plan B or are willing to change their contract offers. Kenny would be the best chance of a mega star WWE has had since Cena.
  6. There are reports out that WWE plans to have two Wrestlemania's per year starting in 2020. Its being compared to "Royal Rumble" and "Greatest Royal Rumble" where the second Wrestlemania would air from Europe, Australia or the Middle East and take place in fall. It sounds like they think SD on FOX is going to be a thing. What they really need are stars. They have a lot of talent but they do a very good job of making everyone feel the same.
  7. Impact announced they signed Tessa Blanchard to a "long term deal" (that can mean something different for them). She's a great one for them. She's really really good and everything WWE want(minus a supposed attitude). Third generation wrestler with the right name and a link to the Horsemen (and besides being a third generation Blanchard, her step-father is Magnum T.A.) In unrelated news, I was just contacted about a new project that is pretty exciting. If it works out (my part of it I mean), it will be pretty cool personally. More to come eventually (I hope!)
  8. Speaking of which, where are the people trying to compare Obama/Cuba to Trump/NK. Trump accomplished nothing other than to raise Kim's credibility.
  9. he actually lobbied trump to be Attorney General. Can you imagine?? hahahaha
  10. Ummmm.... you can google Pruitt and see the plethora of reasons why he had to go.
  11. Yup. Bad idea. Broken neck for Takahashi (who finished the match) He’s a talent hopefully he recovers fully
  12. I believe they were on a tour or something. They were exploring caves when fast rising water cut off the entrance. Apparently things can flood fast there. The coach took them further into the cave to look for an alternate exit and high ground to keep safe. One plan was to keep them there til October until rainy season passes. But they had bad weather moving in and I think I saw them saying the air wasn’t great hence the dive out plan. It will likely be a movie.
  13. Hey you never know. Brock is one of a kind.
  14. I think she outted herself in her statement.
  15. Well they have a very large debt and need to draw. And brock is a draw. I don’t follow UFC that closely so I don’t know DC but brock hates being struck. So if DC is a striker brock has to take him down but if DC is also a great wrestler then he’s orobably screwed. For what it’s worth Brock still isn’t in USADA testing apparently and has to test clean for six months so he isn’t fighting this year. That might explain why the Summerslam match suddenly went “up in the air” though I’d expect they’d want him to drop the belt unless brock is sticking around til WM again. The fight he wanted was Jon jones. Even if brock loses he can probably lose two or three times before he stops drawing. It’s huge money for him.
  16. Nicely done Justin! And yes she’s a Baldwin. Daughter of Stephen. So Justin will be part of the Baldwin Family.
  17. Who says brock can’t cut a promo? Remove the wwe scriptwriters and the guy is gold. Of course he and DC are buddies so it’s all a work but it’s very smart. Heyman’s Fingerprints all over it but someone tell Rogan to wipe the grin off his face when guys are trying to work angles to draw money
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