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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Can’t wait for this. The flashback scenes in the Sopranos were always awesome and begged to have a Series made. If it’s true this movie will feature Tonys dad, livia and Junior I hope HBO tries to make it into a series.
  2. I think you’re right but that’s a red herring. I think they are pretty comfortable that repeated concussions cause brain issues. What they have to figure out is why some people suffer and others don’t. I said long ago that when they have a test to find cte in live people it could be a bombshell for sport. Either because it will embolden the irresponsible like the NHL or cause mass panic wirh cirrent athletes testing positive.
  3. How often have you apologized for a specific act for which you had no idea what the accuser was talking about? Oh and on that subject how did this go from JT not remembering to now remembering? Lol if this was a right wing politician he’d be toast.
  4. Congrats!! Ive been to two destinations weddings (not Portland though) and it’s always a lot of fun to enjoy several days with a group of people experiencing a wonderful occasion. Enjoy it!!
  5. I argued this very thing in other threads. If they test the general public they might be shocked what they find. The issue is why some people experience terrible symptoms and others don’t. We all experience brain jars throughout our lives.
  6. You’re making incorrect assumptions actually. The victim did feel wronged which is why she reported it to superiors at the time and wrote about it and sought an apology. JT felt what he did was wrong since he apologized and actually admitted his actions were deliberate not an accidental brush. It’s right there in his apology. In my years of working in crowded bars, accidental brushes happen all the time and never have I witnessed an apology for that include “I would not have been so forward....”. Apply some common sense. People don’t talk that way. You might not feel groping a woman is a big deal. Sadly. But it’s not up to you or me to decide how a woman should feel when touched unwanted. As I said I’ve seen it many times (seen men touched unwanted as well, including myself many times). The victim has now come forward in the wake of JT’s changing stories and attempts to brush it off and reiterated that it happened and that he apologized. In my mind, as a citizen it’s a dead issue because it’s her right to accept the apology in this case (non violent etc). However as a public figure he has to wear it and Canadians have the right to question his honesty, transparency and character. As well as question the partisan coverage by media outlets one of whom admits to sitting on the story and receiving millions in subsidies from this government.
  7. Well the victim has come forward and issued a statement. She does not want to discuss it further but has confirmed the incident took place as reported and that JT apologized. I assume she came forward because JT claimed he couldn’t remember and tried to paint her as “interpreting things differently”. Balls in his court. He should have been honest from the get go. Now he looks like a guy calling a victim a liar.
  8. Trying to recognize anything from Winnipeg in that trailer
  9. Notice the lack of moral outrage? Most egregious is JT's latest excuse, that men & women interpret inappropriate touching differently. If a Conservative said that, they'd be roasted.
  10. denails. Confirmations. Who knows. Sounds like they need a third team to get into the mix to make it work.
  11. The only thing worse than Pruitt is the fact he wasnt fired and Trump had the gall to call him "Outstanding". Yeeesh
  12. Sure, but they wont trade Buff after just signing him to that extension.
  13. Well, there are many reasons any player might not sign here. I would think he'd want to as well, but if he doesnt like his ice time, doesnt like playing off-side, wants to maximize his money (which he wont do here).
  14. It will come down to whether he will re-sign here. In all likelihood Jets wont trade him at the deadline because they'd rather have a "rental" for the playoffs. If you know he wont be here after next season, its worth listening to offers. Jake is a UFA at the same time, so that aspect is a wash.
  15. Yes, Im not even sure what "made up conversation" meant other then an extremely partisan attempt to play silly word games. "You groped me" "Im sorry for that" Ohhh he didnt apologize for groping, it was for something else. lol Come on. Its true we dont know what he did specifically but whatever it was, was enough to cause the victim to be upset enough about to report it to her superiors and complain, write a letter and receive an apology. The apology is especially damning. Imagine it was Trump...people who are Liberal supporters cant give their guy a pass when they wouldnt do the same for a right wing politician. And the apology is damning because it implies being "forward" is the norm for JT and that he's only regretful because it was a national media person. If it was some random girl at beerfest, have at 'er. JT claims he remembers the day very well but does not recall any "negative" incidents. The media didnt bother to follow up with "then what did you apologize for?" Realistically, my personal opinion is, it was a long time ago and shouldn't cost him his job. But he made it worse by lying about it and its fair to judge him the way he judges others. Had he admitted to it, apologized, said he's learned and grown from it, then he'd still be judged as a hypocrite, but thats that. Either way, he's going to be judged, now it's a liar with something to hide rather then a guy like many others who made a mistake and moved on. Look what Wab did and he's been fine.
  16. Apparently it was “secretly” purchased on January and will be redeveloped into retail. Staff were let go with no notice this week.
  17. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-mr-trudeaus-negative-interaction/ It was Mr. Trudeau, you may recall, who suspended two Liberal MPs from caucus in 2014 on the basis of unproven misconduct allegations. He also banished Kent Hehr from cabinet for inappropriate comments of some kind. “The fact that we have no tolerance for this – that we will not brush things under the rug, but we will take action on it immediately – is part of the modelling that we hope to see ... throughout work forces and workplaces in Canada,” he told The Canadian Press. As for himself, he told the CBC: “I’ve been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of people’s space and people’s headspace as well.”
  18. I don’t think she is trying to distance herself. It happened in 2000. She works for a federally regulated industry (so potentially she fears backlash) but she could just have moved on. If she comes forward she knows it will be a media circus. Who would want that?
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