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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Victim reported the behavior, JT apologized for it. Why on earth would anyone try to say it didnt happen?
  2. Apparently hurt fairly significantly which is why he’s off raw and off shows. Was released from hospital though.
  3. "You groped me" "Sorry for being so forward" Talk about blind partisanship.
  4. Trump might be itching for a winnable little skirmish to make himself seem presidential and to distract attention
  5. If it’s a dead issue it’s because the media won’t cover it. It should be very scary to Canadians that some media is afraid to cover a story about JT because they rely on funding from JT. That stinks worse than any Fox News/ trump relationship does. The PM on record apologizing for groping a woman. This should be the biggest news in the country. It’s been lead news in other countries, even.
  6. I always ask myself how I'd feel if it was "my" guy. You should do the same. He apologized for groping someone. Where is the question here? "Well, he might have admitted it but that doesnt mean he did it"? lol The issue isnt that he committed some horrendous crime, its that by HIS standards, he is not fit for cabinet.
  7. Yes, the Pembina location closed on...I believe Friday.
  8. Apologizing for groping someone has a whole lot of meaning. Especially as it was specific to this person (ie. if I had known you were media, I'd have not groped you). He didnt even try to cloud the issue with his apology. He essentially admitted he did it. If this was a Conservative, it would be lead story on CBC until the person was gone.
  9. Apparently both Barley Bros locations have closed: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/barley-brothers-sued-for-alleged-back-rent-477997323.html
  10. Most people here would agree that we dont want MOS replaced, right? Well he hitched himself to Hall with his off-season endorsement. Hall can't help sucking. Everyone sees it. This is MOS' problem now. And it's a glaring one.
  11. How can it be a witch hunt or "gotcha" if it happened? If you believe the Prime Minister groped a woman, the choice by the victim not to press charges or to speak publicly today does not erase the act. The reason it's news today is because JT set the standard in his government for what would happen when an accusation is made. You could make the argument that its not a new allegation and the victim isnt talking, which makes it different from others. But it sure stinks if JT's position is everyone else should be held to a standard that he shouldn't be held to. Its not a gotcha when the PM was forced to apologized. Its a "already gotten" and the fact Mr Morals' response was to plead faulty memory with some well parsed words is pretty slimy.
  12. When it comes to issues like this, its generally not the same as any other accusation of criminal wrong-doing. When you take the position that women are to be believed, you will invariably have cases of false accusations. Most of the time, you can tell the difference with some common sense. This isn't that though. This was a decade ago (long before the MeToo movement). The victim was a national media member (which does add to her credibility). Oh and he friggen apologized! Which is as close to an admission you'll get. Now, you have his silence followed by very specific choice of words "negative interaction" which is used because he is guarding against more details coming out and he can say he didnt lie (I guess getting a handful of a reporter wasn't negative for JT). Keep in mind, the victim didnt come forward. Someone came across the newspaper article and sent it to media. The reason its relevant (besides the fact its the Prime Minister) is because the way you'd view this in the wake of MeToo is different and more serious and more damning of the men) and because JT's own position is, people accused of this conduct are not cabinet-worthy. Thus, by his own standards, he must resign. The idea that this never happened simply doesnt pass the sniff test. The victim wants to remain anonymous. I suspect JT's off statement is partially to avoid calling her a liar which could anger her enough to change her mind. We know from the Wab story how this plays out and you can bet JT's people have been in contact with the victim to ensure she remains anonymous. Look, guys get drunk at get handsy all the time (women do too, by the way). There are worst crimes. But this is the Prime Minister, he's a hypocrite and he set the standard by which he should be judged. And by that standard, he's finished.
  13. Yup you’re right. a sitting PM on record as apologizing for groping a woman. And CBC says nothing to see here.
  14. Lowered because his wife didn’t want to cooperate. The facts of the case were not very good. I agree, not TN’s style.
  15. Probably but it could be an election issue. It should be headline news at every newspaper and network. Hes obviously lying. And the fact he’s lying lends credence to him being guilty. Worse, his “apology” didn’t apologize for the groping, it apologized for groping a national media member. Implying that 1) he knew he was wrong. 2) he groped regularly. 3) he’s grope women as long as they aren’t national media members who could get him into trouble. By his own standards, he has to resign
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