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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. My thought on that trade is Chase is arbitration eligible so is it a deal to give him a shot at making the Ducks since he won’t crack the deeper jets? In return they get a good AHL player they don’t have to worry about. Chase is front cali as well. Family still there.
  2. Some AHL info. good follow MANITOBAThe Moose had been quiet after a strong season but had a busy Saturday. Defenceman Kirill Gotovets will not return after signing with Minsk of the KHL. Along with acquiring Laval’s Bourque, forward Chase De Leo was sent to the Anaheim Ducks for San Diego Gulls forward Nic Kerdiles.Notable UFAs: F Patrice Cormier, G Michael Hutchinson, D Jan Kostalek, D Julian Melchiori, F Buddy Robinson, D Cameron Schilling, F Michael Sgarbossa, D Peter Stoykewych, F Brody SutterYe
  3. This bank is trump’s go-to lender. They’re under DOJ investigation for Russian money laundering. And one of the top guys at the bank happens to be the son of Justice Kennedy....
  4. I believe Vesa can play both but prefers left. But yes that is true. Maybe Perrault - Copp- little
  5. Price to pay to have Montreal eat masons contract was Armia. Jets get a prospect back that provides some D depth. Hate to lose draft picks but those later rounds are currency and they used it here. Jets likely not done. Need a back up (mason??). And might need some more cash too but I can’t see them taking the risk of trading their back up if it wasn’t for something really good like Stastny. Arnia going opens up potential for Dano, petan, maybe even Vesa to make the team.
  6. Montreal will buy Mason our, apparently. So he will be UFA. Maybe jets sign him cheap but I think he’d get more somewhere else.
  7. Armia was the price to take mason and not have the jets retain any money. Feel a bit bad for Steve. He is a good goalie. Hopefully he’s healthy and lands somewhere good for him.
  8. Losing Armia sucks but as others have said something has to give with the bottom six logjam. And jets have depth to replace him. Mason served his purpose here despite injuries, being a great teammate and pushing Helle to be better. Jets likely still looking to make moves as they need a back up.
  9. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/canadas-police-among-the-best-paid-in-the-world/article535381/ RCMP are $56,000 to $83,000 after three years or something like that. No begrudging cops a good wage but if I doubled (or more) my salary due to OT, my boss would can my ass (it would never be allowed). If cops work that much OT there is something wrong and it’s not lack of cops (WPG among the highest per capital).
  10. Most wont know him but a really talented wrestler. Was on Tough Enough (I think he’s the guy hardcore holly beat up). Super talented. Great person. Fought really really hard.
  11. Seems to be doing well. Presumably a two way deal and he’ll be with the moose all season.
  12. Amazing that this doesn’t get more coverage
  13. When cops are making $200,000+ there is an obvious problem with the service. They need to get their house in order.
  14. Mark Hamill comments on the difference between Lucas and Disney: Spot on as usual. I made the point before that I absolutely couldnt believe when LucasFilm said their directors had creative freedom to write the stories they wanted. How can you tell a cohesive story like that? I think LucasFilm thought they were being cool by announcing all these "hot" or "edgy" directors working on Star Wars but its been a plethora of problems. Had JJ been given the entire trilogy, we'd have a completely different story being told. Not only does TLJ not feel connected to TFA, the sequels dont feel connected to the Saga. While the prequels were very different from the originals, you can watch all six and feel a long story is being told. But now, it feels like a six episode story ended with Return of the Jedi and an entirely new one began with TFA. Very disjointed. Its why I felt LucasFilm should not have been afraid to make Snoke Darth Plagius. Im sure they wanted to avoid doing the "fanboy" thing, but it would have connected the sequels to the rest of the saga in a very loose way (you'd still have to flesh the character out and explain his actions during Palps reign). And when Kylo says to Vaders mask in TFA "show me AGAIN grandfather", the implication is he's been communing with Darth Vader (and apparently not a redeemed Anakin). The obvious thing would be that Vader appearing to Kylo is a Dark Side trick perpetrated by Snoke which would feed into the story of the Dark Side's promise of power being an illusion. And that the Skywalkers are not just important but dangerous...you essentially have two that were seduced by the dark side and two that werent. Anyway...I could complain about The Last Jedi forever...(and probably will).
  15. Check how many on this list are cops. Wow. And they come to the city hat in hand wanting more money.
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