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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Trump is forgetting a few things. Namely the special counsel was a republican appointed by trumps DOJ. Namely Rosenstein who was a trump appointee who had to approve everything Mueller did including the charges to Flynn and his guilty plea.
  2. It’s a bit scary. What more will they do we get closer to the election and a probable Biden landslide?
  3. This one is weird because Flynn apparently flipped. Mueller wrote a letter asking for leniency due to Flynn's cooperation which was allegedly significant. In fact, he was charged with lesser crimes for that reason so when say oh its a BS charge anyway, it was the result of a plea bargain and he would have faced more severe charges. He plead guilty and there is no doubt he is guilty. He admitted it and its right there in black and white. Trump even tweeted that Flynn was fired for lying. But to Trump and his ilk, Flynn is a patriot because you can lie, cheat & steal as long as its for the right side. This isnt even a pardon, which Trump would have to wear. Its Barr dropping the whole case. Quite something.
  4. If true, this is example number one of why, under these conditions, you have to be wise to the set up. There was another example too...those alt right clowns trying to push allegations against Mueller
  5. Soaking of fawning over trump. Neat trick. Plead guilty and Barr’s DOJ still said no no that’s okay.
  6. Agreed. That's Chris Cruise, used to announce for WCW. Im guessing he didnt get a job he wanted lol If you look at the Maryland Commission rules, every wrestling event breaks the rules. It is well known you should not do blood in Maryland and AEW did blood but the fact is, its archaic to hold pro wrestling to athletic commissions in that way. Good Dynamite against a pretty loaded NXT. Ratings: AEW 732 NXT 663
  7. Not at all. That's a great idea though and I feel you should subscribe to it. You just want to keep pushing something because you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the alt right and an equally unhealthy obsession with criticizing the left. And you rarely make any sort of discussion point. You call names or make insults or post clearly biased stories. You're not interested in people being fair because fair to you is waving the banner of the alt right. That's pretty obvious my friend.
  8. Who am I bashing? Also, what motivates you?
  9. LOL Oh I dont know. I cant put my finger on it. I wonder what it could be.
  10. That's a terrible example actually, since multiple news outlets have done investigations into it. Do you even hear yourself? You pump the tires of a guy with over 20 credible sexual assault/harassment allegations and continue to this moment to elevate ONE allegation about Biden as an example of 1) Biden is awful 2) the left are hypocrites 3) people here are hypocrites. You dont get to do that based on your posting history. You cant argue about the me too movement ruining men's lives and also be mad if everyone doesnt suddenly embrace your narrow faux outrage over a dubious at best allegation.
  11. Then you dont often pay very good attention. Very very bad tunnel vision.
  12. I love that trump is really upset because it’s him. He doesn’t care about others but no one better bring the virus near him.
  13. I can’t believe that either. But people who love cruising will likely be less conservative about it. Like people who love football or hockey will gladly go back.
  14. More: I already see people whining about cancel culture.
  15. Well we’ve said September. I think if numbers trend down with the phased in re-opening they will allow fans before a vaccine. Id assume it would require copious sanitizing stations and staff wearing gloves and masks. i doubt Disney is going to wait for a vaccine. Cruise lines are booking dates. Vegas wants to re open. So we will see how bad it gets with the public gatherings soon enough.
  16. Start planning your trips to Vegas. Very cheap right now.
  17. Sure. I saw someone defending it on twitter saying its how all guys talk in chats with their friends (which isnt true). But its not like he dropped racial or homophobic speech, he was just a ****. As you said, the coke part is a problem as it contributes to the widely held belief that NHL players love their coke and the NHL doesnt seem to mind. But in terms of his words, if I was an NHL team, I wouldnt sign him. Shows his character...which is to say, very little.
  18. Great news if true. The fact he didn’t appear in the new trilogy was absurd.
  19. Sweden. Which has a very high death per 1 million population count? So you want everyone to be exposed, everyone to get it. The weak will die. And that’s okay cause ef those people right. To you the most important thing is money. Actually no, it’s parroting whatever trump tells you. this has to be a gimmick account.
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