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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This is a good example of police commands being unclear. I’m sure to the officers their commands were very clear, the suspect did not cooperate and they felt the need to taser him (lest he somehow fight all of them). To the suspect, he is not threatening, non aggressive and is complying when he is suddenly tased.
  2. Supposedly teams have been told he’s staying in Winnipeg. If that’s true it might explain why it’s been quiet...it’s possible they have a deal worked out but jets need time to get their ducks in a row grain of salt of course
  3. When you're absolutely, positively too lazy to rollerblade and walking takes too long. They look cool though. Im sure Winnipeg will outlaw them on AT paths, streets, parks etc. But you can zip around your backyard all you want...as long as the neighbors dont complain.
  4. The longer it takes, the more likely it seems. But people like Bob Mackenzie seem to think Stastny would want to wait until Tavares is done to see what the offers really are (with Paul being some teams' second choice). Although when Bob says things like the Jets are trying to move salary...well, do it.
  5. One has nothing to do with the other. And yes unborn children should have their rights protected.
  6. Wrote the classic Star Trek episode City on the Edge of Forever. Although his version was quite different than what aired.
  7. New streaming service. And first look at Robin from new show Titans. Apparently this is **** Grayson shortly after he leaves Batman. Jason todd appears in the show too
  8. Of which Lapo is an important part to ending that drought.
  9. How long can we realistically expect to keep Lapo?
  10. You know you’re screwed when the CBC covers this although they spend a lot of time explaining it away by JT’s own standards he should step down as a result of this allegation, no?
  11. A few years ago I thought to myself, 'Im going to buy some WWE stock". I thought...$10,000 sounds about right. But Im not a stock guy and figured that would be a long term investment. I kicked myself when it went from $7 a share to $40+. Well, it's over $70 now. A lot of craziness though as the company is trading at 169 times earnings (Disney trades at 14 times earnings). This stems from WWE announcing their new TV deals which kick in next year which will make them insanely profitable for the foreseeable future. The FOX deal for Smackdown is with Fox Sports (rather then Fox Entertainment) so Fox Sports will be in charge of the show (from the Network perspective). It will air on Fox Network but under the Fox Sports banner. WWE worth well over $5 billion right now. Considering what UFC got in a sale, what could WWE get? PS: I dont feel so bad about missing the stock gravy train. Vince sold over 3 million shares in December, making $95 million. Had he waited til today, he'd have made almost a quarter of a billion.
  12. I saw this and thought it was terrible. The problem is, do you want to be the one who “declines” to talk? It’s all well and good to know you’re rights but you can be messed with too.... i hope the passengers see a lawyer and get some compensation from Air Canada.
  13. Police were doing a routine bomb sweep of the arena and they entered a room Nak was in. Somehow, he ended up attacked by the dog. Bad enough that he went to hospital and was pulled from SD.
  14. The Nak vs Hardy scheduled for SD didn’t happen because Nak was bitten by a police dog on Monday.
  15. yeah he seemed to have prided himself on taking issues on an issue-by-issue basis. He did uphold the Boy Scouts right to ban gays. And he struck down an effort to ban handguns in DC saying it violated the second amendment. So if we accept he's someone who takes doing the right thing seriously and upholding the constitution, losing him now is a disaster because the Republicans will try and put someone in there that is far more right wing ideological. Even as a conservative, if given a choice, I'd prefer the Supreme Court have a one vote majority in a more liberal interpretation of the constitution because the really important things (gun control, gay rights etc) are more generally socially liberal things.
  16. They said they wanted to get better on D. Im not sure Jj does that at this point. But I don’t hate it. He’s Crosby’s buddy. He's also 31 years old so...5 year deal yikes. The Pens will be fun to watch when they go into re-build mode and trade Crosby, Malkin, Letang etc.
  17. Sounds like Preds had him in the 4th had he been there.
  18. You can pretty much count on Roe v Wade being over-turned, which is very important to the left. Im more of a pro-lifer myself.
  19. I guess it depends what happens in November or how quickly the Republican's move to fill it. The Dems will be very angry to see this happen right before mid-terms that could impact things. Although, Supreme Court nominees are confirmed in the Senate so the Dems would have to win the Senate to be able to sway this and thats not likely. But Obama duly nominated a replacement and the GOP Senate simply refused to call a confirmation hearing and after 200+ days, the nomination expired when the Senate's session ended. It was widely seen as dirty politics to not confirm the President's nominee. Obama even nominated someone that Republican's might like. Several GOP members said they'd rather confirm him than risk Clinton wining the Presidency as she'd surely nominate a more liberal justice. That didnt happen and Trump went with his own pick. Im generally torn on the SCOTUS because we hear a lot about politics - conservative justices vs liberal justices. But you hope and trust that anyone filling that exceptionally important and historic role would do the right thing in support of the constitution and the rights of Americans without politics. But I guess it comes down to interpretation There are examples of Justices bucking their President. For example, being more liberal in their decisions than their Right Wing President assumed when nominating them.
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