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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There is going to be a political war over this
  2. A close friend married a Minnesota girl (she's a friend now). Great people. We went down there for their wedding. I've been to the Dakotas several times, Vegas a few times, Cali, Florida, Boston...never had a bad experience. But I find Americans love Canadians. they think we're awesome. The experience might be different for non-whites.
  3. Thank you for clarifying. I actually didnt post it at first because it seemed too out there but saw it in numerous places. Snopes does good work.
  4. Its also possible the Jets load up for another run at the Cup before making tougher decisions next season.
  5. Looking forward to Sanders demanding this man show more civility
  6. Yup. Thats how they want it though. You're either with Trump or you're a communist. I watched a docuseries last night and it included a (left-biased) view of Kennedy and the changes he was trying to make to get out from under the war-footing the US had been on and the influence of the Military-Industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned about (even though he helped create it). The push towards peace, less interference in other governments, backing off the wild-eyed crusade to snuff out communism everywhere it might exist, pursuing peace with the Soviets etc I said before, left of Trump is not left of center. But the US needs a major reset. I hope super-progressive, ideological Dems sweep to control of both Houses and the White House by 2020. A couple of terms like that and we might see a more down-to-earth political landscape that sees common-sense across the spectrum (good for both Right & Left).
  7. Clearing cap space. If Pens get Tavares....
  8. Looong wait. And then, the shoots for this series have been long too. So likely wont be til Spring 2020. At least by then I wont remember anything that happened and will happily binge S1 & S2 to prepare.
  9. I would think so as well because this was a heavy Democratic area and he was a long-time incumbent so anger against the GOP is one thing, but to completely turn towards progressive social reform *could* indicate a major "change" initiative coming. That always means higher voter turn out and that would traditionally be bad for the GOP.
  10. Rumours circulating that a Trouba deal is done. (No quality sources though but...)
  11. Elliot Friedman's 31 thoughts: Would still need a back up. I imagine Mason would be open to going somewhere he'd have a shot at the starting job. And another:
  12. Its hard to say. In the micro sense, she won a hard Democratic area so it was of no real threat to turn Republican anyway. But in the macro, is it a hard left turn for the Dems? Is it the will of the people, the obvious response to the White Nationalism of Trump? And what does it mean for general Americans? The GOP are spinning it as bad news for the Dems and they already have their talking points ready - that this represents a shift towards far left socialism (how long before they just call them Communists?). But the same has been said of the GOP where hard right Trump supporters have won primaries and the feeling is, thats bad news for the GOP in the general election. But White Nationalists vs Socialists? I would think the racist rhetoric of the alt right has a ceiling and its been reached. How many people voted for Trump as the anti-establishment, drain the swamp candidate and are appalled at what they helped create? Will they vote for the Dems? Would they vote for farther left Dems? Will they stay home? And the other thing is, Hilary won the popular vote and did so without a lot of the support Obama got. There was a rejection of Hilary in many areas. Dems need a dynamic candidate in 2020. Probably a woman, I'd suspect. This could represent a progressive shift. One thing is likely certain, no one will trust polling or predictions. The next couple of years will be a roller coaster. If the Dems take the House, they likely impeach Trump. But unless they somehow win a Senate super majority (which is highly unlikely), he wont be convicted unless there is clear evidence of crimes so heinous that the GOP turns on him. If Republicans get thumped in November, there will be growing unrest in the party and a harsh Mueller report that essentially indicts the President might push them over the edge. Russia will have its work cut out for it.
  13. Yeah trump gloating. I’m not sure he sees what is happening.
  14. shocker. I don’t know if this is a far left protest vote or the mobilizing of people so opposed to the far right that they are embracing a new “change” mantra.
  15. You make a good point. With chiarot and morrow, this talk of Myers as a LHD doesn’t make a lot of sense. I suppose for depth purposes they could pay NHL wages to one of them to play on the AHL but seems a bit odd to me. Seems like the plan might be to move someone.
  16. I like him but I see him as the 7th D. With chiarot getting 3LD and Niku first fall up.
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