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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Good article. I liked T3 but it hinted at things it never delivered on, like Arnold's Terminator being the same one from T2 (he seemed to have learned things John taught him in T2). Nothing of value from Genesis though other then the cool way they re-visited scenes from the first film. But without Robert Patrick, it was a fail (and to a less extent Bill Paxton)
  2. Did you stop reading and miss the part where he's under-paid the following two years? The merit is in getting the player as much cash as possible before a potential lock out.
  3. Bush was George Washington compared to Trump. lol (Caveat, I liked W but lets not get into a pro/con debate about him lol).
  4. They could but the cap is an average so it would be $5.3 per year which is probably doable. Does one of those other teams offer an extra year?
  5. What does this mean? Did you mistype because that odd remark doesnt seem to have anything to do with what I posted about Stastny. PS: Im not a politics expert at all, never said I was. Wrestling...well, as close as we have here probably Feel free to discuss in the appropriate threads.
  6. Drew Willy needs a really good O line and he might be ok.
  7. The talk when we got him was he was 100% going back to St Louis because of his family. then he said his family enjoyed Winnipeg. So...who knows. Family reasons can change when millions of dollars are at stake. But if money doesnt matter, and for him he's a multi-millionaire, does winning/being happy mean more? Probably...but finding that balance is key. Winning and happiness might replace *some* money but not all of it. If someone offers him stupid money, he might have to take it.
  8. I agree. I suspect the Jets have made their offer to the player and the player is interested (lots of chatter from respected sources on that) but is doing due diligence in listening to other offers. he will then weigh those offers based on what is important to him and his family. Thats why I think its unlikely the Jets get him, just the law of averages in terms of being one of six offers. But we have the advantage of being the devil he knows (and he said his family liked the city). I dont know if he's a money guy. Maybe he'd take the best offer to play on the worst team. Maybe winning means more and he'd leave a year or a million on the table to play with a winner. We'll find out pretty quickly on Sunday I imagine.
  9. Couldnt remember if we had a BellMTS Place construction/renovation thread. http://www.bellmtsplace.ca/box-office-information/ Is this the extent of the Jets' renos this year (cant recall if they finished most of the renos last season as part of their multi-year upgrade plan).
  10. Yes, we've discussed that. But you can't insist everyone stop discussing the Jets because you think its pointless. let people discuss. As I said earlier, the Jets are unlikely to keep him. Of the teams seriously interested in the vastly over-rated Stastny, he will be offered more money and more term than the Jets can offer. But the Jets have something the majority of teams dont...a better chance to compete for a cup. Unless Paul just wants to cash in (and if he does, so be it, who can blame him), why would he want to go to Montreal?
  11. You're making the Little vs Stastny argument too. I clearly said I'd prefer to have both and would not trade Little just to sign Paul.
  12. We're not the GM. No one has advocated giving Paul $7 million. But you're right the playoffs were a small sample size. So why wasnt Little playing in Statsny's spot? Cause he's so much better
  13. Stastny had more points last season than Little and way more in the playoffs. They are very comparable points-wise over the last few years but Little. In the small sample size we have, Statsny seemed to perform better with Laine and Ehlers. But who knows what happens over a full season. But if they are very comparable, I dont see how someone can get upset about fans saying one is better than the other. To imply Paul sucks to try and push a false narrative of Little being so much better, just doesnt make sense. Same with implying Paul is basically 33 when they are two years apart. You cant round up one and round down the other to make a point. Thats not a fair comparison. the fair comparison is, they are very comparable points wise. Little has trended down...is that a one year blip? Who knows. I dont want to trade Little and I'd be reluctant to do so to keep Statsny. But if we can keep Statsny, all the better.
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