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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Lots of money for Kovalchuk Sportsnet has a graphic for every kid but the one we chose
  2. Chevy said they've talked to Myers about playing the left side next season, which tells me they intend to keep him. It probably makes sense, as he'd slide into Toby's spot and Kulikov would slide down. Probably insurance for the Jets in case Kuli's issues flare up. Chiarot remains the 7th D and Niki is first call up. Poolman likely earns a regular gig at 3RD. Assume Morrow is odd man out, though if he takes a low, low deal for a year, I'd be happy. Now that I've said that, maybe they want to trade Kuli lol
  3. Man...if by some miracle the Dems won both houses AND the Presidency in 2020, there will be a whole bunch of fat cats in prison jumpsuits.
  4. Apparently he's one of Crosby's best friends.
  5. How about the practice of Immigration using their 100 mile zone to set up check stops on US highways, nowhere near a border, to stop traffic and demand proof of citizenship? Demanding papers. How long before certain ethnicities are given a tattoo...
  6. Yes many people are more anti-left than they are anti-racist. Sadly.
  7. Trump flat out admitted his backpeddling was because of how it looked. Every so often I remind people here that I'm a conservative and voted as such for many years. But...if I was American, the Dems would have my vote at every level this year (and Federally in 2020). We all have to pick and choose what policies matter to us, how much character matters etc. Its one thing to say "well, I like their plan for taxes but I dont like their plan for infrastructure spending" and pick a side. But there is nothing, nothing at all that the government could offer that would make me forget they are vile, evil, racist, criminals. There should never be a "yeah but..." after that.
  8. Phoney stories of sadness and grief. Wow. What a piece of garbage. He’s talking about terrified children being kept in cages. He’s a sick sick man
  9. Thats also a good point in that Palps would never allow a Jedi near him again (presumably). It took Luke, who Palps wanted to turn, to be able to get close to him. The originals had such a great message. You had Yoda & Obi-Wan who both wanted Luke to be trained to kill Vader and never intended to tell him that Vader was his father. In fact, they lied to him to make him angry and want revenge. Luke won by being the strongest in faith, not the strongest in pure power. It always seemed to me that the Jedi became victims of their own arrogance and self-righteousness. Luke represented a new type of Jedi, one that could be emotional, love people etc and had a different relationship with the Force. One could argue Luke was shades of grey in that he didnt agree with many of the Jedi teachings and that he believed there was good in even the darkest person. Thats the story I wanted to see in the sequels. I LOVED how TFA started. The opening line "Luke Skywalker is missing". It set the tone...it made Luke the focal point without even being in the movie. They needed a really good reason for him to be in exile and they didnt come up with one. Thats the problem. The idea Luke would strike down Ben is so idiotically stupid. That he would then flee. That he would turn against his Jedi values. And keep in mind, as much as he wanted to burn it all to the ground, the second Yoda did just that, Luke changed his mind,. So he didnt really believe it, he was just acting like a brat. When Yoda appeared, I actually thought we'd get Obi Wan and Anakin too. I thought, Yoda appeared first to talk sense into Luke but he blows him off. Then Ben, but he blows him off and then finally Anakin who gets through to him and Luke makes a triumphant return. Luke then goes to help (for real, not just force vision) and shows us how powerful he is...but the message he gives to Rey is that power alone wont beat the dark side...so you see Luke just ripping Walker's apart with the Force and whatever but his point is, sure, I can do that, but thats not how you beat the Dark Side.
  10. I know people who legitimately believe everything is "mafia" which usually translates to what they think would happen didnt happen and they can't possibly have been wrong.
  11. And why would anyone event want to make Luke a "non golden boy" anyway? Ridiculous. Sure, Yoda went into exile, which was sort of stupid but we could at least buy that the Jedi were defeated by the Sith and Yoda's plan for eventual victory relied on being around to train Luke and/or Leia. Even if we buy Luke was so distraught over Ben that he'd want to exile himself, he'd never, ever abandon his sister and the cause to The First Order. He just wouldn't. And unlike Yoda, there was no plan to lie in wait for the next "Chosen One". It just made no sense. Rian's lack of interest in Snoke...he clearly got a kick out of just killing the bad guy with no explanation and thats what really brought the story down like a house of cards. TFA set up some really interesting stories that hinted at connections to the Saga (Snoke, who is Rey, where is Luke etc). Rian crapped on all of them. The idea of Snoke as Darth Plagius might seem too much like fan servicing, but the idea worked because it connected the sequels, in a way, to the prequels. For me, the problem with the story is, Episodes 1-6 are one story and 7-9 dont seem to fit at all. If the happy ending of Jedi is being negated, you have to tell us why & how.
  12. Yeah that has merit too. The idea of the New Order leaves a sour taste in my mouth since it undoes the happy heroic ending of Jedi. I guess thats going to be the story line of the upcoming TV show.
  13. I think Rogue One tells us people will enjoy a "new" cast film if it tells us a story about the Saga. We want to see Empire and heroes and a chapter of the story of the fight between good and evil. I watched Solo again last night and its still boring. Even as I enjoyed the action scenes, I didnt care about them. Solo would be a hard story to tell within the Saga. But they added more vader to Rogue One...they know thats what fans want to see. Who was clamoring for a Solo film? We want Obi-Wan. We want Vader. Make that movie and its another billion dollar take.
  14. I dont know if I'd say that. Of course, he's an attorney and his job is to generate billable hours. He's very good at stating his case and while there is in-direct benefit from high profile cases, he's got to be doing a lot of work pro bono. Getting past the idea that all lawyers are in it for their own benefit, he's on the right side of the issues and working hard for his clients.
  15. Some notes from Dave Meltzer's Vader bio (I wont post the entire thing because its a pay site):
  16. Yeah that Kane trade was so unique because after the tracksuit fiasco we knew Kane was gone but Chevy made a heck of a deal with a team that was happy to get back a player who was not going to play the rest of the season. Supposedly the Oilers would love Karlsson but Edmonton is on his No Trade List. So theres the other Carlson. But if you want a player with a bit of time...Myers is a good fit for Edmonton. Dano is RFA so he's sort of a throw in but I could see Oilers liking Petan a lot. Ive changed on Perreault a bit. I LOVE Perreault. I always see him as the straw that stirs the drink. When he's out there, he's always engaged and making things happen. If we trade him I could see us missing him. On the other hand, we have young players that need the spot and he'd free up money and he has value. He's been hurt a lot and we havent *really* missed him.
  17. I like TSN's Free Agent Frenzy if only for the info/analysis, assuming the Jets (or one of my other teams) make some moves. I usually PVR it and then FF to the good parts later. The Big Show guys pushing the idea of Myers to Edmonton. I really like Myers but it makes sense. He's unlikely to re-sign here when his deal is up as he's the 3rd pairing (unless Trouba doesnt sign or Buff is pushed down in a year and I dont think that happens). He's got that low cash deal for the next year which teams like. And as far as trading a high end player, he probably hurts us the least of any other player of his talent level leaving. His cap space would allow the Jets some much-needed flexibility and *maybe* an offer for Stastny.
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