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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think there will be some court challenges. Michael Avanatti is representing some of these people.
  2. Cass was with WWE for 7 years and worked in NXT under Hunter, Regal etc. I think if anything will prepare you for WWE's expectations, its going through NXT. Definitely, the "indies" and ROH/New Japan talent that go to WWE are far better than anyone recruited directly through the performance centre though. There isnt much of a replacement for just working all over and learning as many styles as possible. This doesn't make much sense. If you use a word (even if you use it wrong) as an insult towards someone, you can't then pretend it wasnt an insult. If you call someone an ******* you cant say only an ******* would be offended at being called an *******. lol That is illogical. "Mark" has a generic meaning but when it's thrown around, its usually meant as an insult. In the way you used it, you either dont know what it means (or how to use it) or you simply tried to diminish the opinion of the preeminent journalist in the industry. Either way, dont get offended. 😉 It was their personalities specifically, yeah. Enzo especially which is why he was given no favours when the rape allegations surfaced. Cass was actually a favourite of Vinces (of course) but the series of incidents soured him. The bus door thing, ignoring a directive from Vince himself on how to work a segment with the little person, blowing off a promo rehearsal and then doing a bad promo. They werent happy with his work with Bryan and if you cant work with Bryan, there isnt much hope for you Absolutely possible. Usually guys in one of two ways. They either feel like WWE was the only place to be and now they're gone so its time to move on to something else in life or they get excited about re-inventing themselves and finding the love they used to have for wrestling. Cass is still young and has decent name value so he can work indies if he wants. I'd suspect ROH and Impact would be interested. Im not sure if he has any friends that would get him into the "All In", New Japan circuit but its possible. Keep in mind, Cass was a Hunter guy and was fired by Vince. In fact, both were. I like Cass and the split with Enzo wasn't a positive for him. If it was me, I'd have kept them together for awhile as a top team. But they wanted to use Enzo to help get 205live over, which he was doing until he got fired. Cass would have benefited from being kept with Carmella but Hunter felt she'd be a bigger star on her own than being a valet for the team. Obviously he was right. Who have thought when Cass, Enzo & Carmella were called up that Carmella would be the biggest star and most successful of the three? lol
  3. If he admits he lied and was wrong. But he wont. And he tested how far he could push his racist policies. It will be easier next time. I assume he caved to backlash from his party which I suppose is something. The fact he relented to pressure and not to the fact the policy was horrific is bad.
  4. Trump confirms days of lies by him and his regime, reverses course on separating children. Gee, I thought it was the Dems who could only stop this? https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/immigration-border-children-separation/h_736e0a322bf643474f887e8077d1454b
  5. Latino Review: I think they're wrong on the last count. Rogue One made over a billion dollars so its weird to nix these films after one disappointing outting. The problem was Solo was poorly cast, poorly produced and was a story no one cared about. Spin off films should support the Saga, like Rogue One did.
  6. Full 18/19 season I think I started it two years ago on July 1st. Last year...I think we had an off-season thread. I dont know...I think we can use this one til Canada Day and then an 18/19. But I guess whomever starts it first wins lol
  7. Actually nothing in that article indicates the Dems paved the way for this at all. It is, was and always will be a noose around the necks of Trump and his evil racist regime that made the conscious choice to enact this policy for political reasons. Its a pretty transparent effort to hang something...anything...on the Dems. This isnt a debate about which side deported more people or let more people in. Its just about holding terrified children hostage as political currency. No "but..." should ever follow condemnation of that.
  8. Oddly, it looks like it turned out to be accurate even though he had heart surgery that sounded successful. He developed pneumonia, made a comeback at first, and then his heart gave out. My dad was very sick with Parkinson's and ended up in the hospital with double pneumonia earlier this year and I really thought that might be it...he coasted through it and came back (passed away on May 5th due to the parkinson's though). Friggen pneumonia is tough especially if you're already weakened.
  9. And now he cancels the congressional picnic because "it doesnt feel right". Kids screaming in terror and being housed in cages...no problem. MASSIVE backlash? "Doesnt feel right".
  10. When do we start a new thread? Canada Day? Open against St Louis on the road (hey what if we sign Stastny) and LA at home.
  11. Maybe. If anything, the Jets wont have much wiggle room in an offer to Paul so Im not sure there is much leverage there. Its interesting that this flies in the face of the idea he was absolutely going back to St Louis though. Some idle speculation is Colorado wanting Karlsson or gearing up for an offer at Tavares. So their cap space, while significant, could be ear marked for other moves. Of course, when I last checked, they only had $2 million more space but didnt have to sign all the guys we have to sign.
  12. And now Trump says he will soon sign an EO to deal with this issue. So let me get this straight, this guy made a policy change in April to terrorize children for political gain, cant stomach the push back and will use an EO to grandstand about how the Dems made a law to cage children and he, out of the goodness of his heart, is fixing it. Firstly, he didnt need an EO to do this and doesnt need an EO to fix it. Secondly, there was no law and the Dems (and Bush) didnt do this. Thirdly all those Trump acolytes that have been making the rounds defending the separation of children will now pretend they never said it and herald Trump as a hero. You cant have it both ways. They successfully moved the line further in the direction of eroding human rights and morality. It will be easier next time...
  13. Big Van Vader. Dead at 63. Apparently happened this past Monday.
  14. Big Van Vader. Dead at 63. One of the best big men ever.
  15. What. The. ****. Again, Trump supporters, you can glow about the economy all you want to, at what price. This is the new norm There was a poll where a majority of Republican voters would support Trump cancelling the next election if it was in the best interests of the country. I wonder, historians help me out, at what point did German people and others realize their nation had been siezed and corrupted? At what point did they realize they were heading down the slippery slope towards a vile, evil dictatorship. We say it cant happen in America in modern times. Why not?
  16. Good they are speaking out but those that work for Fox entertainment are about to be bought by Disney so its not as risky to speak out about the boss that is leaving. Someone should ask Vince McMahon how he feels about FOX News as he signs a $2 billion deal to take his "family friendly" entertainment to the main FOX network.
  17. And lets not forget the key thing here, its not a law. Its a Trump policy. Created for no other reason to treat the "animals" the way Trump and his evil regime feel they deserve to be treated and if the bleeding hearts dont like it, they will be held hostage and forced to give in on tough immigration to change. Its pure evil. The language used to describe immigrants as "infesting" the US. The director of ICE tripped all over himself trying to justify this as "law" then admitted they have discretion, then said they dont because it's "law" but wouldnt answer about the policy change in April. Its disgusting. Its not about the politics of immigration or the legalities of asylum seekers. Its about taking children from parents and putting them in cages and letting them be absolutely horrified and terrified and the "womp womp" sad trombone response of Trump-ites tells you all you need to know.
  18. First of all, if we're defending the practice of taking children away and locking them in cages, what else will we defend. This is what Trump and his cronies want people to accept, that its all or none. It's either Open Borders or take kids away. Its simply not true. If you admit its a political maneuver, you're admitting they are abusing and terrorizing children for political gain. There should not be a "but..." after that. It should be over. The most hard-nosed Trump supporter should be disgusted. By the way, there is a massive wait at Ports of Entry with no effort to provide needed resources. So they in essence, make it almost impossible to present yourself at a Port of Entry so that they can then claim you're illegal and do whatever they want. Yup and you know what else is a misdemeanor? Trespassing. Vandalism. Public intoxication. So imagine you're at the Jets White Out party and you're pretty hammered. Cops come along and arrest you...and take your kids away and lock them in a cage somewhere. Or, you get pulled over for a traffic violation and they hand you a ticket and yank your kids out of the back seat. This idea that "hey they committed a crime so too bad" is so gross. This isnt supposed to happen in our society. They have created a legal scenario to justify their treatment of children. White people feeling they are losing everything when the Mexicans move in down the street. We used to call that racism.
  19. That’s your justification for terrorizing and abusing children as a matter of policy for the stated goal of holding them as political hostages? What a sad commentary.
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