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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The fact it’s so believable is the problem lol
  2. That’s why I said either she’s innocent or he’s at least aware and didn’t stop it. Hard to believe everyone on the team knows, their WAGS know but Hoffman doesn’t know?
  3. Watching the head of ICE on CNN, I’ve never wanted to reach through the tv and punch a guy so much. If these clowns are so righteous why do they have to lie and obfuscate? Edit: God this is horrible. What soulless disgusting people. Wolfe is being so fair and nice to this jerk but he’s sucked him in to looking like an idiot and catching him in lies. Edit: wow!! Wolfe asks him if this policy is humane and he can’t even answer it. He completely supports this but can’t say it’s hunane. They embrace the inhuman. This is child abuse. It’s terrorizing children. Send these guys to jail.
  4. Big Cass released from WWE. Didnt even get a "best wishes". They were hot at him for not following directions a few weeks ago but this seems like something must have happened. At least he can reunite with Enzo....except Enzo buried him online a few days ago. Oh well, there is always TNA! I like Cass actually...
  5. yeah, standing by your gf/wife is one thing. But based on all the statements by other WAGS, its obvious this was not a secret. Either she's innocent (which seems unlikely) or Hoffman at BEST decided his gf viciously attacking a team mate and team mate's wife was okay, at WORST he was an active participant. Either way, it looks really bad on him. This is HIS job and for him to stand by while his gf did this...its pretty shocking. He should be happy any team even wants him.
  6. The old "immigrants are animals and rapists" position? Thankfully Trump is saving all these kids by keeping them safe in cages.
  7. Lots of info to unpack here. Variety reports the following ideas being considered by CBS: Plus, other sources content a Patrick Stewart-centric project is under consideration where he'd reprise his role as Picard. I sort of wonder if that is the "limited series" mentioned above. Another source says one of the first projects would be an 8 episode limited series "spin off". That could be a poor choice words, meaning spin off of Star Trek in general, but you could read it as a spin off of Discovery. With that in mind, it either means the Picard series is somehow related to Discovery (recall that the original idea for Discovery was a time-jumping anthology series) or it could be an Enterprise 1701/Captain Pike series using the upcoming season 2 of Discovery as Back Door Pilot.
  8. He knows they can just lie. They preaching to the choir. I saw a clip of Kellyanne on Cuomo and she was ridiculous. She started off claiming this was a law and Cuomo shut her down and she then went with the idea they want immigration reform as a package. Cuomo asked why it has to be all or nothing and she said "oh you want it your way?" This is what they think, that people who dont want to terrorize children, separate children and hold them in cages are the bad guy. I wish Cuomo's reply had been "No Kellyanne, its not what I want, its what any human with a ******* soul wants". And the media then asked the DHS Sec. why they never show images of girls, its always boys and she said she didnt know. Where are all the girls!!
  9. And there it is. Confirmation of the most vile political agenda in modern US presidential history. Please, trump supporters, tell me how you support this man and his racist regime. “economy” its sad
  10. I thought everyone wanted to go to Edmonton
  11. WWE got MSG to de-book ROH and block them from future dates at MSG. ROH has threatened legal action.
  12. Republicans are really cowardly. They are afraid of Trump turning on them. But if the GOP is hammered in the mid-terms, you'll likely see many of them jumping off the titanic. But who knows. The White House is pretty good at messaging and the Dems arent.
  13. The Hockey Writers have Jets taking Sampo Ranta at #60 (obviously for fun as a lot can change). So, for fun, he's 6'2, 192lbs, from Finland, playing in the NCAA. He's a goal scorer who plays hard for the puck and is a good skater.
  14. I believe you've now been added to several FBI watch lists. The secret service will be calling shortly. lol But yes, where are the defenders now? Its funny, people are quick to defend the racial stuff (probably because they share the view) but watch video of terrified, sobbing children being held in cages, and a lot of the defenders dry up. Too bad there are still people justifying it. There is no justification. Its a needlessly cruel act towards kids that this admin considers sub-human. They are holding children hostage to force political concessions by the Dems. This will be remembered very very badly for a long, long time.
  15. I have a friend who is a conservative and he's this close to being ignored on social media. He's the new breed of alt right racist, ones who are smart enough to make a nuanced argument diminishing their racism. Anyway, this morning he re-tweets a random post from a cop who said he pulled over an "illegal immigrant" for DUI but the courts let him go. Replace "illegal immigrant" with "white guy" and suddenly its not worth the re-tweet is it? Then he re-tweets some random Hilary interview from 2014 where she says just because a child is brought to the US by their parents doesnt mean they get to stay. And what exactly does that have to do with Trump's policy? Not only is it classic whataboutism but its not even logical. If you criticise Hilary's general statement, wouldnt you be incensed over Trump's actual practice? Its bizarre.
  16. Good for her for being willing to walk away (I imagine she will get a pay out). Perhaps they've even told her to lay low, maybe get some help, and perhaps she can have a triumphant return way down the road if the show is a hit.
  17. This disgraceful behavior of ripping kids from their parents and locking them in cages will be the stain on this President that will never go away. 50 years from now, when people are taught about him or watch a documentary, this will be the lasting legacy of a morally bankrupt man and the vile racists who surround him.
  18. I think part of it is the identity of what they want these films to be. A young Solo film always struck me as a bad idea because you have to replicate what Harrison Ford brought to the character. The casting was poor. I didnt hate Aiden and Im sure some of it was how he was directed but nothing about him seemed familiar as Solo. Whereas Anthony Ingruber would have been really fun to see in the role because he seems so much more like a young Ford. I think the anthology films that take place during the saga should be in support of the saga. Like Rogue One. Solo was so far removed from the saga, it just...I dont know, it didnt seem to tell us anything. And I think they chickened out on showing us a truly rogue-ish unprincipled Han which was hinted at in A New Hope. Han in Solo seemed as much of a good guy as he did in Return of the jedi. Then you've got the issue of fans buying Solo having a love of his life that isnt Leia. That love story just isnt going to work. I think the story would have worked better if Han was more of a bad guy, maybe gets pulled into something where he helps the good guys but purely for monetary gain. He can even be implored to join the rebels and he blows it off saying there is nothing that would ever get him into that fight. Have him be a womanizer who sleeps around, breaking hearts and saying simply he'd never stay in one place and would never fall in love. Show us a character that is so different that the incredible circumstances he finds himself in in A New Hope is what changes him.
  19. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/13/entertainment/sylvester-stallone-investigation/index.html
  20. WWE announced today a new NXT UK brand to tape tv in the UK. The UK Championship will be the feature title with UK Women's and UK tag Team Championship added. I believe its for the Network now but they wanted a UK TV deal.
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