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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yeah Im sure it is. Probably some big business with ties to Trump or Friends of Trump will score some trillion dollar contracts to put lazers on sharks and blast them into space or something. Whereas I'd like to see more investment into peaceful space exploration. The only thing keeping us from walking on mars is will and money.
  2. I like the idea in theory. More focus on space exploration, though it would be better to provide proper funding for NASA missions than to militarize space. And please, call it Star Fleet.
  3. Yeah, Jax was working on Ronda's back the whole match and then slapped on a bear hug to which Coach said Ronda could now rest. Well, yes, that's the idea in reality but in kayfabe, the bear hug will punish her back AND make it hard to breath. I believe it was Graves who replied "how are you still employed?" lol One thing that is obvious in these types of matches (multi man) is WWE's style doesnt lend itself to guys suddenly needing perfect timing on group stuff. I did like that they let guys (and women) grab the briefcase more often. I hate the silly slow climb waiting for a cut off. Now it's the quick climb but fumbling with the carabiner lol
  4. Money in the Bank was something. I find WWE increasingly boring and paint by numbers. They have a very clear style. That being said, the two ladder matches were good. The women were pulled from house show touring for a week to practice and even then, I dont think they did anything on the floor but lay there waiting for the next spot. Ladder matches are always fun. The big match was Ronda and man, she was good again. So much speculation that it would be a Goldberg style quick defeat of Jax (I figured the sudden change in plans to move Ronda to this match was to have her as WWE champion for her UFC HOF induction). She won...but didnt win the title. It was a good match. It might have been jax' best match ever. Coach was awful on commentary (he then tweeted how no one in the business talks about Meltzer and is being shredded online). I still prefer the idea of Natalie turning on Ronda more than Bliss cashing in like this but they can still do it if they want. Styles/Nak was good at the end. Those two just arent meshing like they did in New Japan. Disappointing feud and its probably over. I figured Braun would win MITB because my theory is either Vince is nuts or he has a genius plan for Roman. The speculation is Roman vs Brock at Summerslam in MSG where Roman would be absolutely evicerated by the fans. Vince has to know that and its an awful way to corronate your new "era" champion. But...Roman beats Brock. Says he will be champion forever, fans are ready to riot, and Brauns music hits. He cashes in to a Hogan-level pop. Roman turns heel on RAW. That's my prediction.
  5. His show has been pulled while they look into it. Sly Stallone is also being investigated for an old sex crime.
  6. Hell of a documentary about the Hardy’s on WWE network right now.
  7. Or she could walk across the residence and tell her husband to stop doing it.
  8. Poor word of mouth explains why it fizzled but it under performed opening weekend as well. I think TLJ has an impact because it showed that the new LucasFilm could produce a stinker. And the troubled production hurt too. The movie itself was boring.
  9. Wasn’t you who said no one knew who he was? Tha was Big Jays point. WWE doesn’t have to tweet to communicate to Kenny. They have spoken many many times. Presumably New Japan will re-up the three of them before WWE even has a chance. Of course it still makes little sense to throw big money and creative control (which no one gets) at guys no one knows.
  10. And trump tweets that if Dems want this to stop they have to give in to republicans on immigration. This might be the most disgraceful vile thing any president has done
  11. Can’t see Laine getting ten. He’s an RFA and his play doesn’t warrant it. He will sign a team friendly deal and surprise people
  12. Interesting. Chevy is his usual cryptic self but certainly implies there is interest on their side and from Stastny in signing a new deal
  13. Sanders just lied outright. Its not law to separate children. Its Trump admin policy. And he's using it to 1) try to prevent people from coming 2) to hold the Dems hostage to give him what he wants on immigration. Its disgusting. Why dont they just shoot the people coming over. That would deter them.
  14. Trump supporters, please defend this!
  15. There is a minimum age requirement for being president but apparently not a minimum intelligence requirement
  16. Once again, Obama is a zero. What a loser. SAD!
  17. TNG actually had their show runner change for Season 3. Michael Pillar. I like Discovery but some of the writing is a bit...weak. This might be a blessing in disguise.
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