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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Screenshots are readily available. What a dipshit
  2. Hahaha apparently the Maryland state athletic commission fined AEW $10,000 for the hardcore match between Mox and Kenny last year. Hilarious!
  3. Is this more pandemic denier propaganda?
  4. Apparently the idea is to make a film in space.
  5. How many rational articles do people have to skip over to get to the biased, incorrect trump slanted ones? The effort they make....lol
  6. Some people are clueless and there’s nothing anyone can say or do to change their minds. I would like to hear their justification now since they used to say “it’s just the flu and no one cares about their deaths”. Well flu season results on 12,000-60,000 deaths a year in the US. We’re over 70,000 now for Covid in a much shorter period of time with massive lockdown and isolation.
  7. Well there are articles online debunking the Arby’s goo myth so I don’t think it’s ignorance on my part. Lol
  8. It wouldn’t surprise me if season 4 returns to its roots so to speak with multiple time lines. Perhaps Bernard can communicate with himself in the past. Re: The Right Stuff, seems tailor made for a series.
  9. I dont care how its made. It tastes awesome. Also, the "goo" is, apparently, an urban legend. I think Snopes debunked this. It comes to the store in a vacuum sealed bag that also contains some sort of "broth". But its allegedly real roast beef. And its awesome. And sliced to order. Your friends must be among those people that claim to work for Arby's when they dont because it's obviously the coolest place to work 😉
  10. At this rate we wont have to worry about AEW rising to RAW. RAW will drop to AEW.
  11. Great idea. When my gf told me of the potato surplus I immediately said they should do this. And/or create an online page where people can purchase surplus food and divert it to specific programs, food banks etc.
  12. Fantastic, I love this stuff! And it sounds like it will go beyond the original film/books premise:
  13. This season, the show has me like "Im not sure I still like...whoa, I love it!", like every episode. Its a weird one. I think its brilliant. Im not too sure it can be one of those shows you watch over and over again though. I have to go back and watch Season 1 again but Im not sure I'd watch 2, 3 again. I found 3 not as good as 1...maybe better than 2 though. It was such a departure. But the acting, casting, set design, visual effects are all tremendous. The ideas are interesting. They didnt seem to build as much of a mystery box in season 3. I do like that they dont seem obsessed with tricking fans...they write their show and they have their mysteries or revelations and they make sense, whereas a show like Lost just created swerves for the purpose of tricking viewers. Im really intrigued for Season 4 based on the post credit seasons of the season 3 finale. If Bernard was sitting there for 1000 years, it implies something really bad happened really quickly cause how could he have gone undisturbed? Was that an abandoned hotel? The manager never checked on him? lol And what of Stubbs?? I also like, amidst the shiny advanced SFX, they make time for emotional scenes. Bernard visiting Arnold's wife, for example. Delores' reveal of her real motives concerning humanity. Charlotte's reaction to her family etc. Great stuff. One thing I had forgotten that i saw pointed out on youtube was the man in black host may have been seen before. i guess it was Season 2 where we saw him back at the park being kept by his daughter and trying to decide if he was real or not. It appeared to be a flash to the future so that could be the host. Which leads to questions of, if you share all the memories and experiences but are in a manufactured body, are you real or not? Well since its over now, not a spoiler right? If you read the article they actually say they hope Wood isn't gone. Remember, there are still two Delores pearls (two right?). Lawrence and Charlotte. Oh and the Yakuza dude...the hooker took his head.
  14. I live in the south end and we only briefly had an Arby's (On Pembina near McGillivray). I'd drive to the one on Portage or Regent and then finally, do the KP location once a month or so for their sweet beef n' cheddars and curly fries. Seems crazy Winnipeg has ZERO Arby's now.
  15. The religious nut stuff always reminds me of this:
  16. Admitting that he was told (it was in his daily briefing even earlier) but he didnt understand it, is a bold move.
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