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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Very interesting. Even across political lines, that is very very wide consensus. JT could use this to his advantage. He's such a weak empty suit that if he can successfully repair his image as a leader standing up for Canada against the big bad bully down south, he will gain more support. If it back-fires though and a trade war hurts Canada, it's the opening the Cons need to win the next election.
  2. Wellll as much as I enjoy beating up on my old friends at WFX, they DID draw for some shows. They marketed their product a bit inconsistently. They featured former WWE guys as their main attractions and marketed to that audience. Their shows were very long (taping multiple TV episodes) and the matches were mostly TV style. They didn't really feature the ROH-type guys as main attractions and let them work their style. While they were doing that, PCW was catering more to that ROH/X Division audience so there was sort of a split in the grass-roots marketing. Plus, when PCW & CWE brough in that style of talent, if they drew 200...300...500, that was anywhere from make a few bucks to make a good profit. WFX lost money on every single show because of their expenses. It would have been hard to draw 1000 people with ROH-like talent then. It would be hard now actually. Omega might be the only one who could do it here. Cody is showing that in the right market, you can do an indy show with the right talent and draw a crowd better than many WWE events.
  3. Thank God hockey season is about to start. The layoff is a killer.
  4. Generally, people that know better know you never put your own money into wrestling. All In started off as almost a dare and Cody and the Bucks are definitely investing their own money. Fortunately for them it will be profitable. I cant see Jericho ever wanting to do it. If he wanted to wrestle in Winnipeg, he can just wrestle at the next WWE house show that comes here. When I was asked to guess what Jericho asked for I said "$30,000...$40,000" and nope...much much more. And they wont do an All In event in Winnipeg either. I've wondered why ROH hasnt done a show here. There is a strong following of smart fans and history has shown both PCW & CWE (the two main local promotions) have drawn well with ROH style imports. I could sell 1000 tickets to one of my shows with Omega let alone an ROH show.
  5. So, Hoffman's agent has weighed in: That is an interesting choice of words to describe a situation that "150% didnt happen"...
  6. Jericho won the IWGP Intercontinental Championship, which surprised many since he is not booked for any of their US shows. Jericho explained why on a podcast: I can confirm his ask. Late last year, there was work being done trying to put together a Jericho vs Omega match in Winnipeg. There was significant sponsorship but Jericho asked for a price that made it completely impossible.
  7. As Goalie said, cyber bullying but really nasty. When the Karlsson's son was stillborn, the Hoffman gf was allegedly sending vile messages on social media about Mrs Karlsson popping pain pills during pregnancy and basically being an all around nasty person. From the Ottawa Citizen: Hoffman's response (oddly worded):
  8. Remember all the talk of how much they were sacrificing by joining public service and not even taking a salary?
  9. Thats actually really interesting because he's feuding with Kenny so it makes sense to be critical of Kenny (though Kenny might be too lol). But his mentioning Tyson Kidd and fans yelling inside jokes is totally true. At a WWE show several years ago, a few local wrestlers got front row seats and heckled the WWE guys, including Kidd. Since Kidd had worked here and knew the local guys, he called them out on social media for acting like marks (the negative version of the term). Winnipeg is also where a fan dumped a beer on Eddie Guerrero of all people.
  10. Is that the latest, from this past Sunday? Ive been binging The Staircase so its still on the PVR, I havent watched it yet,.
  11. Sums up the morally selective hypocritical far right
  12. When things like this happen, I always wonder why its allowed to get that bad. It must be awful in the locker room. Unless Hoffman is just this awesome guy with the worst gf ever. But even then, you'd think he'd dump her. And either way, there must have been a lot of tension.
  13. 1) you still havent answered 2) Why so defensive? 3) I JUST wrote, in the comment you quoted how there is a lot of middle ground. I didn't claim I disliked one and loved the other. That would be the example I used to describe you. There is also a difference between talking tough and being an idiot. I generally like tough talk on vile dictators. Most Trump supporters are VERY defensive which is why they are unwilling to ever give an inch, even on racism. Sadly, it only emboldens the base. As for caring about NK, it doesnt impact my life. But as a human inhabitant of the Earth, I'd usually come down on the side of the people being starved, murdered and subjugated rather then the fat dicatator. Granted, I dont think about it very often. But when I do, that's usually a pretty easy choice. LOL
  14. There is an on-going criminal investigation. Burden of proof for a peace bond isnt that great. One would suspect they have reason to believe its her and they will likely present that (and have surely done so to the police). It might have been the cops who advised them to get a peace bond. Average person isnt as computer savvy as they think so the cops could have evidence. We'll have to wait and see.
  15. And as soon as Kim doesnt comply, Trump will say 1) he knew it from the moment he met him and was just playing him and 2) we wouldnt be in this mess if OBAMA and 3) What about Hilary.
  16. There is a lot of middle ground between ignorant saber-rattling rhetoric and fellatio. Im sorry you insist on only those two choices. Also, you didnt answer the question. Are you being a morally selective hypocrite or are you wildly outraged over Trump on NK?
  17. Ummm plenty of people were outraged. What the heck does it have to do with anything? Its racist white nationalist supporters that are being selective by demanding outrage over Obama and praising Trump? Hypocrite much?
  18. So are you saying that you will set a great example for everyone by expressing your outrage over Trump's dealings with NK? Or are you exhibiting selective moral outrage?
  19. One has nothing to do with the other. You're under the mistaken impression I support JT. I do not. But no matter how right wing I might be, racist divisive rhetoric and imbecilic buffoonery is a red line for my support. I cannot share White Nationalist values. Im sorry it's not the same for you. And if I DID support Trump, I would not be so blinded by my own obsession to think his remarks and those of his admin were reasonable. I'd think back to my Kindergarten education where we learned insults and bully tactics were rude and inappropriate. Trump might have missed kindergarten. And regardless of how much I dislike JT, I'd show some respect to the office he holds and accept the fact that his remarks were perfectly appropriate and every Canadian should be outraged that the US would invoke a national security lie that was only previously used against Libya and Iran. Whoops, there goes my common sense again.
  20. WTF. Wow. Not a good situation in Ottawa. Man...cant blame Karlsson for not going back to that.
  21. I agree. It makes no sense for Trouba to have been honest about wanting a trade and then suddenly say he wants to stay long term and be lying. If nothing had changed, he'd say something like "thats for my agent and the Jets to work out but I like it here but business is business". I think its highly unlikely Trouba is being dishonest in saying he wants to sign long term with the Jets. Now, he might have a contract demand that makes it impossible...
  22. Yes and I also think if you look at OEL, I believe it was his 5th year when he really showed the consistent offense. Trouba bet on himself to do the same and didnt. He cant really argue that he still has time to get better. Well, he CAN argue that, but he's been in the league long enough, in a top role long enough that the Jets would reasonable expect that this is what Trouba is and even if he improves, its unlikely to be massively. They could construct a long term deal that pays little now and a lot at the end. But I think $6 million is the high end of what we'd pay.
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