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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. AAA (Mexico) also has a date held at MSG for this fall. I tend to doubt they do it though. WWE will see any attempt to run MSG as stepping on their toes. Both Vince and his father are in the MSG Hall of Fame and Vince's Grandfather promoted events there. I could see WWE reacting poorly to this and going after them even harder. But the one thing about ROH is, its owned by Sinclair which is a very wealthy, very powerful company. They even stared WWE down when they were talking to ROH contracted talent about jumping. With WWE's new TV deals, they are flush with cash to go after the key people that are behind the success of ROH, All In and New Japan, primarily Kenny, Cody, Bucks, Okada. But in the case of those guys, money isnt their main motivator and they dont see WWE as the end all/be all of making it. But they will surely force New Japan to up their offers to retain talent and neither New Japan nor ROH will want to get into bidding wars. Sinclair could afford to if they wanted to, but they dont provide ROH the budget to do so.
  2. She was so badly cast in that role. She was okay if it was 1984 Sarah. But the idea she'd be training with Arnold for so long and would be 1984 Sarah and not 1992 Sarah didnt make sense to me. And as soon as they had the T-1000 and they cast an actor that vaguely resembled Robert Patrick (even though he was Asian if I recall) rather then using CGI to make it actually Robert Patrick, I was like yeah, this is gonna suck.
  3. I especially love that they had a presser and signed a nonsense paper just to have the visual of them signing something together.
  4. In fact, as I recall, didnt Obama say, when first running for President, he'd be open to meeting with NK under the right circumstances and it was used against Obama to say he lacked experience. But when Trump does it, the crazy right thinks its the greatest thing.
  5. Trouba will argue that he's younger and has potential to be OEL. He will say, if you want me to sign for 8 years, you have to pay me based on that expectation. Jets will counter that they have 5 years of data to tell them Trouba wont suddenly be OEL in two years. It will come down to how much Trouba wants to sign long term and thus will take less and how much the Jets want him signed long term and will pay more. Meet in the middle.
  6. Imagine thinking Obama pandered to Cuba but Trump is a leader of men with this ill-advised glad-handing in NK. Trump is assuming he is so wonderful that Kim will go back to NK and begin treating his people well, acting responsibly and joining the international community. He must hope that...because he got nothing out of this. He leveraged the prestige of his office to give Kim legitimacy in exchange for absolutely nothing (other than the ego stroke that a wannabe dictator gets from having his ass-kissed by an actual dictator). Kim promised to do what he already promised to do in exchange for promises from Trump. Ridiculous.
  7. There were rumours All In or New Japan would run there. The issue is that, if you're taping for TV, which any group running surely would, its a big price tag. WWE doesnt even run there anymore for TV. But its a prestige thing. If it's ROH, I highly suspect it will be one of their shows with New Japan talent, perhaps co-branded. They will likely do very well with Omega on top.
  8. Well thats true lol. But I meant re-visiting elements of past films. Its supposed to be a sequel to T2 so it could just be the movie picks up right after but I think they'd have a hard time with Sarah Connor's age (unless they de-age her). But using de-age CGI and CGI-ing the actor to look like Furlong would probably eat up a lot of budget, not to mention a young Arnold. I had heard Arnold would play a human who the Terminator was based on so he'd have to exist around the time of the 90's...so maybe they are doing that. Who knows. I sort of expected it to be more like the last film where it hopped to the past and we saw some brief snippets from that time (which were the best part of that movie).
  9. OLM: GP: 576 Goals: 102 Points: 290 Trouba: GP: 326 Goals: 34 Points: 129 So OLM has 68 more goals and 161 more points in 250 more games. GPG: OLM: .18 Trouba: .10 PPG: OLM .50 Trouba: .40 So OLM certainly better but not massively so, as far as offense goes. But I think it shows OLM in that category of offensive D man and Trouba not so that should impact the contract. It likely works to Trouba's favour in that his agent is sure to use it as a comp. But if we accept Trouba is 80% the offense of OLM, and use that to determine a contract compared to OLM, it comes in at $6.4 Million per which is probably fairly reasonable for a long term deal.
  10. Im not sure what it does to a potential Trouba contract. OEL has better stats and a longer body of work. But his stats aren't *way* better than Trouba...but probably enough that OEL is an offensive D man while Trouba really isnt.
  11. Oliver Ekman -Larsson signs 8 year, $8m per deal.
  12. I thought the trailer looked good. JLC is sort of Sarah Connor'ing it but thats ok. Speaking of which, they announced a young actor playing John Connor in the New Terminator and the rumor is, hes a stand in for Eddie Furlong's character from T2. So seems like we'll get some time jumping.
  13. Only the most hardcore of alt right trumpologists, those that embrace the white nationalist nonsense could look at JT's remarks and Trumps (and his admin) and think Trump was in the right at JT was in the wrong. It exposes the trump supporters. Its like he said, he could shoot a guy in times square. And his supporters would blame the victim for ruining a good bullet.
  14. Ohhh I get it now, you're a parody account! Well done!
  15. Interesting story. This guy went AWOL 30 years ago from the US Air Force. They believed he had defected or been abducted by the Russians and that several rocket explosions, including Challenger Space Shuttle might have been the result of his sabotage. He was found living in California. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/11/us/missing-airman-william-howard-hughes-jr/index.html
  16. Netflix original docu-series The Staircase. Fantastic. Its about a guy who is charged with murdering his wife. Cameras were there throughout the preparation for Trial. His defense claims she fell down the stairs. DA claims she was bludgeoned to death. There are some twists along the way. I think on Episode 4 of 13. Its really good. Im fairly sure the case was on Dateline a few years ago as ive definitely seen it somewhere before. But I cant remember the outcome so its fresh viewing for me. So far, I dont believe the suspect one iota.
  17. I never mentioned Ford. My point was pretty clear that the racist, divisive rhetoric of Trump was not a true alternative. You might be right (and perhaps are an example) that for many it IS an alternative. But that's a very sad commentary on the state of affairs in America.
  18. I was responding to your general point about Trump. If you'd prefer to keep him to the US thread, feel free. Also, based on voting results, a lot more people voted for Hilary than Trump.
  19. Whoops, meant to post this here I dont think Thursday is a great night for June games. And I had to double check to see what day the game was this week. But Winnipeg is also a walk-up town and if the weather is good, a strong walk up will be expected.
  20. I dont think Thursday is a great night for June games. And I had to double check to see what day the game was this week. But Winnipeg is also a walk-up town and if the weather is good, a strong walk up will be expected.
  21. If they can get any sort of TV deal, streaming deal etc, it changes things. Thats the big difference from years ago where Sports were gate-driven. They are now rights-fees driven (or they want to be).
  22. The only Stop Harper movement should have been "Stop Harper from retiring".
  23. Its because the Trump's of the world arent intellectually capable of a nuanced discussion about those things. There is no middle ground between "let everyone in" and "racist". Same with "government support of trans bathrooms" and "homophobe". But in those particular cases, when the idea of gender-neutral bathrooms arose, the story was framed by the alt right who screamed about pedophiles and sickos. Comparing a trans person with a pedo or a sicko is not a nuanced argument. The common-sense argument about gender-neutral bathrooms is "who gives a ****". But both sides co-opt the common sense middle ground for their own good. The difference, however, is if you absolutely have to choose one side, most people will err on the side of "kind, understanding, protecting ones rights" rather then "watch out for the scary trans pedo trying to grab your kids' wiener at Walmart" Trump's language about immigrants has been racist, plain and simple. So to suggest it's the left who are jumping to "racist" isn't fair because it's been a reasonable description of the language. As a conservative, where Trump is most vile to the cause is moving the standard of discussion so far right of "common sense", you basically abandon that to the left. How many center-minded people or right of center will automatically gravitate towards the left when the Conservative movement abandons common sense to placate the worst of the White nationalist movement? If the left makes an argument that makes me roll my eyes, whats the alternative? Trump? Thats not an alternative.
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