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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thats actually an interesting concept. Im not sure Trump's advisers (the ones who arent in it with the Joker mentality of watching the world burn just for fun) would allow it. But you can certainly sense that Trump admires dictators (he has said as much) for the control and power they have over their nations. And he seems more inclined to have relationships with Russia, China, NK etc. I liked Harper's comments on FOX when he said he was pushing to kick Russia out of the G8 before Crimea because Putin's presence made it difficult to really discuss important matters because no one trusted him.
  2. Foreign former policy advisor. Strong words. Hard to disagree with.
  3. It is quite bizarre how trump lies and bullies his allies while kissing up to Putin. Almost like they have something on him. Lol
  4. UFC traded some credibility for PPV buys. But the experiment has to be over now
  5. I heard the national security issue is really egregious as its only been used twice. Regan on Libya and Carter on Iran. And now Trump on Canada. Ridiculous.
  6. Interesting development in Mesa where two investigations are on going. In this one, officers violently strike the suspect with punches and knees. The police have responded by banning strikes unless in defense from a suspect actively fighting and striking them. Seems pretty common sense. Video at the link https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/06/08/us/mesa-arizona-police-punch-man-video/index.html
  7. It was probably pointless as far as Trump is concerned especially since he was late both days and left early. But I wouldn’t say there is nothing to be gained by having the leaders and their people in a room together. It’s something that will always happen. Now trump will go make a vile dictator a credible world leader for absolutely no reason other then to say he did it.
  8. It’s grown quite a bit already with the sold out long beach shows and increased membership to their streaming service here. But to truly become something they need better TV here and stars the North American fans will embrace. But they also can’t just have a roster of North Americans because then it’s it not New Japan anymore. And they have so much amazing talent. They have a new president who’s job is to grow it. Using Jericho helps. Having Kenny as the top guy helps (especially because he’s practically Japanese now so he can represent that aspect of the company in America). Definitely an uphill battle and the X factor is when Vince gets suitably annoyed he decides to screw with them.
  9. Let’s not split hairs. He’s undeniably the biggest star not wrestling in wwe right now. In japan he’s far bigger than anyone in wwe (as New Japan is more popular there). But let’s just agree with the incredible success. Interestingly with Jericho and the Bucks winning major titles as well it would indicate New Japan’s desire for American (and European) growth is very serious. At some point, Vince is going to get annoyed. I’d love to see the contract offers Kenny and the Bucks get in January!
  10. Bret Hart gave a recent interview where he said as athletic and great as so many WWE matches are they lack drama and story telling. The main event of Doninion was a masterclass in professional wrestling. Its how you combine the athletics and high spot centric wrestling of today with drama and story telling. Winnipeg’s own Kenny Omega is now the IWGP Worlds Heavyweight Champion and undeniably the best wrestler in the world. For anyone that saw Kenny wrestler in Winnipeg for $5 or $10, they must have thought this kid can be something. When Kenny quit wwe and was ready to quit wrestling and I was the only one that knew he was coming home and booked AJ Styles for him, the match Kenny credits with restoring his love of wrestling. He told me a year or so ago that he legitimately didn’t think they’d put that title on him...and now today when you realise generational talent can not be denied it’s place in history. There will be people that say but when is he going to WWE. Make no mistake, he’s the guy they want more than anyone else in the world. But he never has to go. And I’m not sure anything in wwe could ever compare to this success for him. I could tell so many Kenny stories. And so many are flooding my mind. But I’ll just say this is a true story of a local kid that earned every thing he ever achieved. A Winnipeg boy that is the biggest star in the world, the best wrestler on the planet and comes home to shovel his parents drive way. Congrats Kenny!
  11. Release said a cash payment. Other sources on twitter said it was 2 million.
  12. $2 million payment to True North to cancel the lease.
  13. I agree. I identify as conservative because that's how I have voted for years. I've voted Liberal as well. But Im socially liberal. Gay marriage, Im all in. Legalized pot? Absolutely. Legalize prostitution too, while you're at it. Be kind to the earth. But don't sell out our economy or national interests for left wing special interest groups that dont believe the "sky is falling" like they claim. Small government. But take care of people. Social safety nets is what makes us a great people. I want my income taxes low (I want them zero actually). But Ill pay user fees and GST taxes. Public, universal health care. But work with the private sector to deliver some of it and make it more efficient. I've never voted for a person or party that I agreed with 100%. If someone does, I call BS.... I vote based on the things I do agree with and how important those things are to me. Im all for religion too. But in a common sense way. There is nothing wrong with being a part of a generous, helpful, supportive community that provides a nice set of ideals to live by. But not at the expense of hurting other people or denying them their rights. So I dont know what that makes me. I guess Im a Common Sense-evist. One thing Im not is a white nationalist. And is someone shares a racist view, thats a red line. If we agree on 99 things but the 100th is you're a vile racist, you're out. No endorsement. I cant twist things to make that acceptable.
  14. Its the same as "Roseanne just said she looked like an ape cause ya know, she might have had work done and hey, she sort of looks like that one character from an ape movie so its not racist its just a description". We KNOW, because we are intelligent beings with common sense, that implied racism and "subtle" racism are racist. We see so many times Trump defending this garbage and "friends of trump" defending him. There is no defense. And really, if someone can't engage in a discussion about Trump admin policies without defending the racist and misogynist BS, they've lost before they begin. They try to change the standard to where, if you're a conservative then you MUST support the so-called conservative candidate and defend him. It doesnt work like that for many of us. Trash is trash is trash. Its like twisting ones self in knots to rip Obama for Cuba and pat Trump on the back for NK. It makes no sense. And the only reason people go to such lengths to defend Trump is because he's so indefensible. Because it's so gross to "forgive" his nasty vile stuff and try to just support his administration's political positions...so since they cant, they have to try and defend the vile stuff. Its ridiculous.
  15. Michael Myers finally speaks and it's a racial slur?
  16. Review the thread, Im not your babysitter. You look for every opportunity to whine about me (well ignoring the other posters' similar sentiment).. Send me a PM if you want to talk.
  17. Ill feed your garbage one more time. You have continually bent yourself into knots to defend the nazi's at Charlottesville, defend white nationalism, defend racist remarks. if I go in the hockey forum and keep defending Crosby, guess what, Im a fan of Crosby. Its called common sense. Stop using this pretend subtle alt right BS to defend your views. Its gross and unwelcome. And anyone else chiming in to defend it, well, if someone wants to stand up to support white nationalist racist views, its a full expose of their character too.
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