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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Might have something to do with new reports that Roseanne is furious about the proposed spin-off. But you're right, she clearly has no idea what she did was wrong. If anyone cares about her, they will take away her phone and get her into counseling asap. or let her fade away spending her $80 million. It doesnt really matter.
  2. isnt this a similar way Matt Dunigan was injured, back-peddling, no contact? It was a blown Achilles, wasnt it? Cant remember if he was stretchered off...
  3. If I had anything to hide and Mueller was coming for me, I’d immediately surrender. Guy sounds relentless.
  4. Hoping for the best. If its not, I think we go with what we have and at least see if we can do it. Especially if Matt isnt out long term. If he's done for the season, well you need to bring someone in regardless. If its a few weeks, see what we have. Maybe instead of beating team 40-20, we can beat them 20-10.
  5. US and Canadian news! I knew 1812 would come back to haunt us
  6. If given the choice, I'd go with the back up over Durrant. Who else is out there? Trade for Ray?
  7. David William Naylor ✔ @TSNDaveNaylor At @Wpg_BlueBombers practice, QB @MattNichols16 fell straight back and seemed to favour his knee. Had to be helped off the field by two trainers. Walking steadily with help. #CFL #bombers
  8. The way you recall it? Were you there? I've already posted how obviously racist the organizers were, but to help you understand why it went forward, the city tried to prevent it but the ACLU defended the protesters right to free expression and a judge allowed it. You're bending yourself into amusing shapes to try and defend racists. Do you share their views?
  9. Anyway, for a little something totally unrelated to the discussion, I just wanted to celebrate the racial harmony of Donald Trump. - Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government. - Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.” - In 1989, Trump took out ads in New York newspapers urging the death penalty for five black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a white woman in Central Park; he argued they were guilty as late as October 2016, more than 10 years after DNA evidence had exonerated them. - He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.” - In December 2015, Trump called for a “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” including refusing to readmit Muslim-American citizens who were outside of the country at the time. - He spent years suggesting that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya, a lie that Trump still has not acknowledged as such. - He is quick to highlight crimes committed by dark-skinned people, sometimes exaggerating or lying about them (such as a claim about growing crime from “radical Islamic terror” in Britain). He is very slow to decry hate crimes committed by whites against dark-skinned people (such as the killing of an Indian man in Kansas last year). - He frequently criticizes prominent African-Americans for being unpatriotic, ungrateful and disrespectful. - He called Puerto Ricans who criticized his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria “politically motivated ingrates.” - He has retweeted white nationalists without apology. - After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television. - Trump endorsed and campaigned for Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who spoke positively about slavery and who called for an African-American Muslim member of Congress not to be seated because of his religion. - Trump pardoned – and fulsomely praises – Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff sanctioned for racially profiling Latinos and for keeping immigrants in brutal prison conditions. - In a 1993 radio interview, he suggested that Native Americans in Connecticut were faking their ancestry. “I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations.” - In a November 2017 meeting with Navajo veterans of World War II, Trump mocked Senator Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.” - In a White House meeting with a Korean-American intelligence analyst briefing him on Pakistan, Trump wondered aloud why she was not working on North Korea policy. - Trump once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as “Miss Housekeeping.” - At a June 2016 campaign rally, Trump pointed to one attendee and said: “Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him.”
  10. Holy smokes. Let's unpack this. Are you suggesting that a person is only racist if they overtly identify themselves as such? Are you suggesting that Trump praising a racist or not condemning racism is okay if the people involved are not overtly self-identified as racists? Secondly, the Unite the Right rally in Charlotesville was organized by Nathan Damigo with the stated goal of united White Nationalist movement. Still believe the protest was just a friendly gathering of like-minded history buffs who have an affinity for Confederate leaders?
  11. So 70% of Americans, including 40% of Republican voters (not lawmakers) just happened to all fit into Obama's base? Thats a hell of a base. With a base like that, he could still be President! lol
  12. Trump defended his lack of immediate condemnation of the neonazis by saying he needed all the facts. For most people, knowing a group are neo-nazi's is enough fact. But so be it. When he had all the facts, he put the "left", the people protesting the nazi's on the same moral plane as the nazi's and white nationalists. He defended the actions of the white nationalists who were there to protest the removal of a statue of Robert Lee by condemning the actions of the people there to protest racists. Yup, sounds like a perfectly reasonable protest by a bunch of very fine people. Charlotsville was a racist rally. It was not something we see and say well, they have a point. We see it, we denounce it, we protest it, we try to make it stop. It was racist. They held the rally to protest the removal of a statue of a Confederate, which Trump opposed...Mr Patriotism opposed the removal of a Confederate statue lol
  13. First of all, pandering to your base on issues of politics is one thing. All politicians serve their special interest groups. If a President panders to unions, I can disagree with that politically. That is NOT the same as pandering to RACISTS. That's NOT the same as inflaming racial divisiveness to rally your base. That should be a red line for all people. Why isn't it for you. Secondly...PLEASE read this this time. The VAST majority of Americans supported better relations with Cuba. 40% of Republicans did. Obama was NOT pandering to his base with Cuba. By definition, it was not pandering to his base because so many people supported it. Im sure there are examples of Obama pandering to his base. Cuba was not one of the, And I bet whatever examples you can find will not involve RACISM. And finally, you have condemned Roseanne. Excellent. To you disagree with Trump's lack of condemnation and why do you think he is so reluctant to ever weigh in on issues of racism towards black people (against racism, not in support of it)?
  14. Why do you keep talking like kneeling players are anti-patriotic or ungrateful when there is not a single solitary thing to prove that? Its absolutely untrue. Why do you ignore the truth? If you want to disagree with protests, thats fine. But stop embracing the lie of why its happening. Trump has said these players have the "privilege" of playing. He's called them sons of *******. He's said they should be fired. He's suggested they should be kicked out of the country. He called marching racist nazis who killed someone "very fine people". You still want to debate the racial harmony of Donald Trump?
  15. Ummmm if my statement went over you're head, I can explain it. If you want to break down inter-nation politics to the simplicity of racism, its sort of a lost cause. But you still haven't condemned Roseanne's racist remark or Trump's lack of condemnation. Why is that? By the way, Obama was actually quite clear about his motivations for improving relations with Cuba which was all about trying to bring increased freedom to the repressed people. He said that. But again, Im not the one playing whataboutism, you are. So if you feel so strongly about Obama's Cuba relations, why dont you feel negatively about Trump's NK efforts? Can you explain that?
  16. Show me where Obama championed Communism.
  17. Ive seen discussion about his politics and its like, yeah okay whatever. But what this thread has shown the last day or so is an unbridled Trump supporter exposed. This idea of black players being ungrateful and anti-patriotic. Good God. Its not even an opinion. Its a lie.
  18. The only person talking patriotism is Trump and you. The players arent at all. Has nothing to do with patriotism. Unless you think black people arent American.
  19. EDIT to soften my reply. lol I AGREE!
  20. Seriously? Ill type this part slowly. The majority of American's supported Obama's efforts with Cuba. 40% of Republicans did. How is that any indication of "worst aspects of the left" motivating it? I realize you're throwing darts at the wall. But this one simply won't stick.
  21. Oh geeze...they were so ungrateful.
  22. Change what minds? Change them how? To bring awareness to the racial divisiveness that exists? To silently protest the amount of black people being killed? How is any of that anti-patriotic? It isn't. It wasnt. The only connection to anti-patriotism is Trump twisting reality to fit his narrative which is designed to play to the racists of his base. You keep ignoring facts to make a point about something you clearly arent sure about. The VAST majority of Americans supported Obama's efforts with Cuba. Nearly half of republicans did so as well. What does that have to do with the worst of a party? And what does any of that have to do with Donald Trump? And answer me this, if you're so comfortable in your position, if Obama's efforts to open diplomatic relations with Cuba (which Trump has kept to a degree, by the way), why are you not condemning Trump's efforts to build relations with North Korea? Do you condemn that? Do you feel he's pandering to the worst of his party? It really isn't. Trump saying something is so doesnt make it so when the reality is very different. Again, if you believe kneeling players are anti=patriotic, what change are they trying to make in people's minds? Do you really think they are hoping people will turn against the US? The NFL players are trying to take over America? lol Its absurd.
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