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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. That's a nice message. But it has nothing to do with NFL players kneeling. Thats not why they kneel. You can talk about patriotism all day long, but its like saying the very fine nazis were marching in support of a higher quality of sweater vest. Its just not true. Fake news.
  2. Holy cow man...what STUNT? I know you think the ungrateful black players should bow their heads and shut up and get in line when the rich white guy demands it but they had NO obligation to attend. Not going has been a thing for years under other President's too. And you know what, when the President is a racist, why on earth would the predominantly black team WANT to go? For that matter, why would any of them? The only stunt was from trump trying to twist the issue into a false narrative about patriotism which is never was and still isnt. That's not opinion, its fact.
  3. In my response I clearly made the point that Obama was NOT placating the worst of his leftist base unless you acknowledge that the MAJORITY of Americans fall into a far left base. Did you know nearly half of Republican voters supported Obama's efforts with Cuba? Are they the "worst of the leftist base" too?
  4. You're pushing the narrative of the ungrateful blacks who should shut up and play ball. Peaceful assembly is right there in the Constitution. Kneeling is about the most peaceful protest there is. My goodness. They aren't the very fine people that hold militant nazi marches but I suppose kneeling is bothersome. The anthem is not just for white people or rich people or Trump. Its for all Americans. Why do you care so much if a player kneels, because Trump tells you it means they hate America? Its so not true. The post earlier in this thread shows how untrue that is. You ignore the position of many others, including war veterans who said whether they agree or not, they fought for the freedom to choose. I remind you Trump missed his military service with a sore foot, and he's lecturing American's on Anthem protocol?? He couldn't be bothered to review the words to God Bless America before trying to sing it...
  5. Impossible. No free agents want to come to Winnipeg.
  6. I assume you're equally as angry at Trump for twisting the reality of the situation and thus, over shadowing the great work? Not to mention robbing the Eagles fans who were going to the White House to meet the one player who planned on attending.
  7. Exactly. Cause Im not an alt right white nationalist "Conservative". Being left of Trump is not left of center. I thought about visiting Cuba and the thaw in US relations made me think the place would be over-run with American tourists so I thought that would suck. But since it bothered you so much I can only assume you're irate at Trump's meeting with North Korea... EDIT: Also Trump did keep some of the Obama initiative diplomatic relations etc. He made it tougher for tourists to visit Cuba which I guess sure shows them.
  8. This is absurd. There is a lot of middle ground between alt right white nationalism and Communist left. Obama didnt run on a communist platform. And again, this is a whataboutism deflection "if you think Trump is bad, at least it's not Cuba". What does that have to do with Trump's racist rhetoric and divisive agenda, his lies, insults etc? Nothing at all. You still never answered whether you condemned Roseanne's remarks and if you thought Trump should have. You never provided the list of others who made racist remarks and weren't fired... if you're entire defense of Trump is "yeah but what about...." its pretty shallow.
  9. The Presidents position is completely different than the position of the player's kneeling. This is very clear in his statement about the Eagles. He made it about support of the military and patriotism when it was never about that. Anyone getting that upset over players kneeling really miss the point. When you hear the US National Anthem are you moved to tears? Like...what is so important about that song that someone kneeling or remaining in the locker room is a travesty?
  10. I thought it was fine. Of course being Canadian, our relationship had always been better with Cuba than the US. And there was a change in leadership in Cuba before Obama considered it (encouraged by the Pope which should make the right wing evangelicals happy and other Nations, such as Canada). By the way, the vast majority of American's agreed so was Obama playing to his base or doing what was in the interests of Americans? This is what I meant before, if you think a politician ONLY plays to the most vocal part of his base and never does what he thinks is best for the people and nation, what's the point? And the reason you would say that is its a whataboutism defense to Trump's playing to the racist part of his base. And if you're a devout Trump supporter, you can't really cheer him on to the Nobel peace prize for playing footsie with North Korea and then be mad at Obama for Cuba. Its sort of a non-starter. Many examples of the US (and other nations) doing business with bad act countries in an effort to improve things there.
  11. at least Bumblebee and Starscream look a lot better in this one.
  12. Verdict is in. While we wait, here are the closing arguments
  13. Yes the last thing this thread needs is a consensus that racism is bad, lol
  14. I believe they deleted the tweet, did they apologize?
  15. Imagine Obama saying that there are very fine people in Al Quida. I cant think of any other comparisons because so much of Trump's nonsense is crazy. Well, I guess if you compare Clinton getting impeached over Monica to the, what 17, accusations of assault/harassment leveled at Trump? Or if Obama or Clinton said his daughter was a piece of ass. Hmmm And let's be fair, W. was a saint compared to Trump.
  16. The character also didnt make sense to me. Solo was supposed to be a smuggler, rogue, selfish etc and thus his story arc in the OT. In Solo, he seemed like the same good guy character we come to know later. They were afraid to have him be bad. He was just boring. And the love story didnt work. We didnt believe it because we know he ends up with Laia. In fact, I could buy him as a heart-breaker who sleeps around and uses women...and only when he meets leia does he finally fall in love. But this film showed us he had another love of his life before Laia. Weak sauce. I'd say the writing sucked but I hate to blame the Kasdan's.
  17. per wrestlingobserver When announcing the revival of the XFL, Vince McMahon promised that "experienced executives" would be hired to be at the forefront of the league. The league followed up on that today, with Oliver Luck being named as the commissioner and chief executive officer of the XFL. Luck, who is the father of Indianapolis Colts star Andrew Luck, played quarterback at West Virginia University and had a stint as a backup in the NFL in the 1980s. “Oliver and I share the same vision and passion for reimagining the game of football. His experience as both an athlete and executive will ensure the long-term success of the XFL," McMahon said in a statement. Luck is leaving a position as the executive vice president of regulatory affairs for the NCAA. Prior to that, Luck served as the athletic director at West Virginia University, was the president of NFL Europe and the Houston Dynamo soccer team. and was the CEO of the Houston Sports Authority. In an interview with Bleacher Report's Mike Freeman, Luck said that the XFL respects individual freedoms but will require players to stand for the national anthem. The relaunched XFL is planning on starting in 2020 but will face competition from Charlie Ebersol's Alliance of American Football, which will be debuting on CBS Sports in 2019.
  18. Firstly, when have I ever said I was impartial. I dislike Trump. He's a disgraceful human being. I hate the racist, divisive, nasty things he stands for. I said I was a conservative. Being left of Trump isnt left of centre. Trump tacitly endorsed Rosanne's remarks. The reason I say that is quite clear. He was happy to tout her success when the revival of her show aired to big ratings (even though the idea it had to do with Trump was vastly over-stated). And that she was a very outspoken supporter of Trump and routinely tweeted crazy conspiracy theories and baseless attacks on people. Donald Jr even re-tweeted her. Trump knew that people looked to him for comments in the wake of her remarks and he CHOSE to attack ABC. When everyone is waiting for your opinion on something and you decline to give it while attacking the people supportive of one side of that issue, it makes your position clear. Tacit. He knew exactly what he was doing. This is the guy that referred to marching white supremacist nazi's as "very fine people" because he couldn't bring himself to condemn their actions and anger his racist base. You can like Trump and support his politics. But let's not pretend he isn't very racially divisive and deliberately so (playing to his base) (regardless of whether he, himself is racist). PS: who are the some that arent fired for making racist remarks? Let's go through them.
  19. Many players have chosen not to attend in the past. There might be a reason why Trump and his supporters want to put these particular athletes in their place, but let's not go there....
  20. according to Torrey Smith (an Eagle at the time), "No one refused to go because of Trump's national anthem beliefs" And if every player said they disagreed with Trumps divisive remarks about the anthem (for example suggesting that people that dont stand should be thrown out of the country), so what? The athletes won the championship. Going to the White House is meant to be the President honoring them, not them honoring the President. And everyone should condemn Trump's statements. Who would actually believe that American athletes should be thrown out of the country because they dont want to stand for a friggen song being played.
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