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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. In hindsight sure. But it sounds like you're reaching for another person to blame to excuse 1) Roseanne's racist remarks 2) Trump's tacit endorsement of those remarks. Do you condemn Roseanne's remarks? And do you think Trump should have condemned them as well? (just trying to skip to the end of the discussion lol)
  2. So you're argument is, if the players dont specifically come out and deny that they dont want to go due to the anthem issue, then that MUST be why they arent going? I just posted a quote from an Eagles player. I dont know them, you dont know them. We can only go by what we do know. And even if that was THE reason, so what? They arent obligated to go. Secondly, changing what minds? That there is still a major racial divide in the US? or that young unarmed black people being shot is a bad thing? Kneeling is not unpatriotic. Its not a statement about the military. And the playing of the anthem is not some 500 year long tradition before NFL games so the whole thing was blown up. Trump co-opted the movement to appeal to his racist base. Not the other way around.
  3. Roseanne has used "ape" to describe black people before so no, she knew exactly what she was doing. And to your second point, nope, she's Black (she was born in Iran to American parents because her dad was a doctor who ran a hospital there as part of a program where American doctors helped developing countries).
  4. I dont know...Marvel hasnt experienced much in the way of Superhero fatigue. I read one analysis which said the marketing for Solo was bad, half the lead time of The Last Jedi and didn't do enough to sell the public on that actor as Solo. I think the Last Jedi disappointing people did have an impact in the sense that the bloom was off the rose as far as Star Wars being automatically awesome. But had Solo been great, it would have stood on it's own. Recasting an iconic role is always tough. But I also think the fact Solo was a true stand alone film in that it only had superficial connection to the Saga made it far less interesting to people, especially "casual" fans. Rogue One was far more connected to the Saga and the re-shoots to add more Vader was done to juice a film that they thought needed it. Solo didnt have that...other then the "cameo" which was a cool shocker but didnt have anything to do with the rest of the film. If you watched the Saga in order (notwithstanding that doing so ruins certain aspects of it), Rogue One fits in between Sith & Hope quite nicely. Solo doesnt. Its too far removed. It's too missable in the big picture.
  5. Well that and he sucks lol
  6. Roseanne has actually attacked Jewish people and spread nasty lies about them. By the way, Valeri Jarrett is American so the Muslim Brotherhood attack didnt make much sense either other than Roseanne being an idiot and flying off the handle about things she clearly had no knowledge of and was too ignorant to fact check. Also, you don't know if the "ape" remark was racist? Like...you're really not sure?
  7. So you've made the assumption that the players who opted not to attend did so because they disagreed with Trump's position on the anthem. Firstly, attending is not a requirement and athletes have skipped it over the years. You can't assume they all skipped it in past years as a protest against Trump in 2018. Secondly, according to Torrey Smith (an Eagle at the time), "No one refused to go because of Trump's national anthem beliefs" Thirdly, Trump rescinded the invitation of the Golden State Warriors too. Was that over NFL players kneeling? While Trump certainly rescinded the invite because of optics, it was not some brilliant political move to turn the tables of some imaginary boogeyman, it was because he knew how silly he'd look when less than ten players bothered to show up. Either way, he looks foolish having to rescind the invitation. I suspect he just wont bother in the future.
  8. Children separated from parents is Trump. Period.
  9. If you dont think Roseanne's remarks were racial and highly inappropriate, there is no reason to continue the discussion. Racism should not be tolerated (here or anywhere else). The fact anyone could be so enamored with a politician that racism becomes acceptable is beyond me and beyond the common sense of most people.
  10. lol Except none of the Eagles players knelt for the Anthem and of the remarks I've seen from players, they did not point specifically to Trump's divisive statements about the protests of some players. Trump knew some players would not come. He cancelled when it became so few that it would look silly. He did it for his own optics, not to turn the tables or anything like that. Who's apologizing for players that choose to kneel or stay in the locker room?
  11. In other UFC news, CM Punk, who has a fight this Saturday, has been in court the past week dealing with his lawsuit with WWE Doctor (Punk is being sued). Probably not the place you want to be when you should be training for a fight. Closing arguments are today though. The case has been rather absurd. The gist is Punk went on Colt Cabana's podcast in 2014 and ripped WWE medical for several things, most specifically, not diagnosing a lump on his ass which Punk claimed was MRSA and could have killed him. There is a lot of testimony about the Lump.
  12. Some reports indicating Solo might lose 50-$80 million.
  13. I agree with @Goalie that we over-rate Trouba. I think his sitting out had something to do with it because we equate his self-marketing as an elite D man to reality. He's very good but he's not elite yet. I think his contract ends up being good in the Jets favour (maybe not by much). Regarding Josh vs Trouba, I think Josh is more consistent right now. Trouba has more upside but sometimes you hear about him having a bad game. You rarely hear that about Josh.
  14. You're under no obligation to reply. lol The fact many people did respond made it news. In another thread I posted the story of the alt right blogger who's husband worked for WWE. He doesnt anymore because they started getting questions from the media about it. If you end up on social media wearing a Nazi symbol on your shirt, hat or body, in a photo with someone who is considered an athlete or celebrity and thus, the photo gains wide viewing (and especially if it is widely criticized), you might get a call from your HR department, depending on where you work. This isnt a surprise. I posted it because it was related to UFC and generating news activity (MMA sites, deadspin, CBS). Thats all. Some people might think all racism and bigotry and hate should be called out and shamed. And so they do.
  15. The only reason they would have been in an area where they could not be tracked is because they were flown off-course. Their flight path would have kept them in constant contact. And ofcourse, they were tracked for quite some time, turning off their flight path. That's the root of the mystery. Why did they fly in the opposite direction? Anything can be found if enough time, effort, technology and money is dedicated to finding it. The plane is in the ocean. The ocean is vast. But they can find it. Look at Air France 447. The ACARS was working (unlike MH) so they had a good idea of its last position. They found floating debris within a day. And it still took over a year to find the plane on the bottom of the ocean. One aspect that points to deliberate action is, if you wanted to make it as hard as possible to ever find, you'd crash the plane where MH is believed to have crashed. Its basically the hardest place to find something. Hopefully they keep looking.
  16. I think it comes into it insofar as he knows his base is largely racist and he plays to them. The same can be said for Roseanne who, if you look at her history one would assume she isn't racist. Tom Arnold, who knows them both, claims they are absolutely racist. But he might have an agenda too. We cant judge their hearts, just their words and actions. And they're stinky.
  17. Separating children from their parents is not a law though. It didnt happen under Bush and it didnt happen under Obama. Its Trump policy. If your position is that Congress is collectively against Trump, what does that say about Trump? Im not patisan at all. Im a conservative. It doesnt mean I blindly support all right wing insanity (just some lol). Its not uninformed vs informed. Its fact vs fiction. These arent in dispute. You can scroll through the thread to read the discussion about the C word vs racist slur. If you believe a racist attack by Roseanne is comparable to petty insults or criticism, we're at a crosswords and no further discussion is warranted. If you dont believe racism is acceptable, then surely you condemn Roseanne's remarks full stop without any "whataboutism". The spotlight was on Trump in the wake of Roseanne's remarks because he had spoken about her and her show (not to mention the fact the President should be a unifying voice). He chose to ignore her tirade in favour of attacking the company that exercised its right to cancel her show. That is absolutely defending her remarks. EVREYONE came down on Samantha Bee for her remarks. The difference between Trump/White House and everyone else is that the latter also condemned Roseanne's remarks and the former did not. Attacking Sanders for her looks is low hanging fruit. But there will always be people that do that regardless of partisan stripe. Trump is hardly the only person to ever be fodder for comedians. Also, has nothing to do with racism. To believe this to be the only truth is to also believe that Trump's words/deeds are meant to only play to his base. To attack Eagles players with the lie of being unpatriotic and sitting for the anthem is to play into the racism of his base. Yes? The Mayor of Philly might have been playing to his base. But oddly, I dont believe he was negative about the Eagles attending the White House in the first place. What must his base have thought of that? To play to ones base AND speak the truth are not mutually exclusive. Sometimes they are the same thing. The Mayor is correct in this instance. Trump rescinded his invitation when he learned not many Eagles players planned on attending. He could not admit that though and instead spun the lie that he was doing it to stand up for patriotism and the anthem. That is a lie. The Mayor's description is accurate. Its not a grey area. Its truth vs lies.
  18. At best you’re splitting hairs. At best. And you’re viewing it through such a distorted partisan lens it’s almost impossible to discuss which is likely the point. Trumps remarks did not condemn Roseanne. It attacked abc. What double standard? The president of the United States attacked a business for punishing racist words. That’s a fact. No matter how you want to spin it.
  19. Quick someone remind him that the republicans control the White House and congress.
  20. Nope. But it is relevant. Who said it was profound? What does race have to do it wirh it by the way?
  21. True but the financial picture is probably different without Roseanne. If it’s funny it will hook viewers. Plenty of shows are brand new and do well. They have a built in hook. And it’s a good cast.
  22. Will probably have to pay Roseanne but seems like it’s a go.
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