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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yup. I cant say for sure. I helped with some organizing in the past but I've been a spectator the last couple of years (and sat out this year). My buddy was in management with the presenting sponsor (he's not anymore) which was my knowledge path. In my debate with him, he said he initially agreed with me (that it was silly to exclude the cops). I made the same point you did, that no one had a problem with the police until BLM co-opted Pride in TO and that the two causes are really unrelated. He said that after talking to some people in the gay community he changed his mind because there have been negative situations with police. I said well, telling them to get lost isnt going to improve that at all. He said no we havent told them they cant march, just that they cant wear uniforms. I always come down on the side of the gay peeps. But I was pretty angry with this. You can't have an event to celebrate inclusiveness while excluding a group that wants to take part and show support. And that dove tailed to an anger at the cops for not being willing to donate the time to the larger parade route. What did they expect? Plus, I asked him how gay cops must now feel today being told to basically hide if they came. Pride is great and its fun. Keep the politics out of it. EDIT: Since I wasnt there I asked a friend who was and he said he did not see any police taking part in the parade (but didnt see the entire thing) and that one woman tried to lead the parade down Portage and everyone ignored her so it didnt happen. lol
  2. I would agree. But my friend who has been involved in organizing, was already making the comparison before any numbers were even known so I know it was a talking point among people involved with Pride. I sat it out this year. And I dont get the point of excluding police. Also, if the price tag for the larger route was $10,000 (I seem to recall that number but someone can correct me if Im wrong), its not a big number. Pride has tons of sponsors. Also, the Whiteout parties generate revenue for businesses (by sheer mass of people) whereas the Pride parade would have a much smaller impact. Anyway, Im sure many more people than Pride will be angry with the numbers released today. The cops werent happy about the "short notice" either (I guess the playoffs snuck up on everyone this year). They'll need a better plan for future years.
  3. Pride wanted to march down Portage (similar to the route last year or the year before, whenever the anniversary was). They wanted the city to pick up the tab for the increased cost to manage that (police etc). The city declined. They wanted Pride to foot the bill (I think it was ten grand or something). And Pride thought this was a terrible thing. From what I understand, much of the parade ignored the actual route and marched down Portage anyway...I wonder if they will be sent a bill. So not that the City wasnt involved, just on the issue of the parade and police, Pride wanted the services donated. As I pointed out to my friend, perhaps had they not thumbed their noses at the cops taking part in Pride, the cops might have been more willing to donate their time. From what I understand, the cops usually donate time but this year, because Pride wanted a larger parade, the City wanted them to pay for it. Im not sure why thats unreasonable. But to some of the Pride organizers it was. When I asked my friend about the negative feelings towards the police impacting this his reply was "we expect them to do their job". I said well, they expect to be paid.
  4. You are correct ofcourse. There is plenty of video of Trump using nasty words (including the C-word). The manufactured out-rage is really fake news. And like Stewart says, its a trap for the left which they fall into. The right did not condemn Roseanne. In fact, the White House attacked ABC. But the left tries to live up to a manufactured moral code that the right creates the standard for and judge it, in an effort to be better. But its a losing game. Bee's mistake wasn't in apologizing. Good for her for apologizing. And it wasnt even for using the word because the context was to be critical of Ivanka and she was correct to do so...but her mistake was falling into the trap set by the right letting them diminish Roseanne's words and undermine Bee's point which was a really serious one. And by the way, the left does the same thing but currently the balance of power is decidedly in the hands of the right.
  5. I think its why Trump is desperately avoiding speaking with Mueller. Clinton was sunk for lying. If there was not enough evidence to indict or impeach Trump but he lies to Mueller, he'd be sunk. Its almost a guaranteed impeachment (whether he'd be kicked out of the White House is another story). I think he's clearly laying the ground work for 1) a defense in firing Mueller (a) there is nothing to investigate and b) he can't obstruct because he doesnt need a reason to fire anyone or end investigations 2) to pardon himself and his family. In the first case, even super pro Trump people I've seen discuss this, they might take that position but when asked if the President is above the law, they say no of course not. Im not sure you can have it both ways. Either the President IS above the law or he isn't. If he isnt, then of course he can obstruct and be consequenced for that obstruction. In the second, if he did it (and if Mueller returns a recommendation for indictment or impeachment, Trump WILL pardon himself eventually), it will end up in the Supreme Court. And I think there is a good chance he'd get away with it too. The DOJ interprets the law that you cannot judge yourself, thus you cannot pardon yourself. No one will ever suggest the pardon powers were envisioned with the idea that the President could create for himself a dictatorship whereby he could commit any crime and simply pardon himself for it. But...if it doesnt specifically say he can't, then the Supreme Court might come down among party lines. It will be up to the next President and Congress to change the pardon laws. The constitution isnt clear, I dont think, on this. The oath of office requires the President to "faithfully" execute his duties. The word is there for a reason. I think the strategy is to aggravate people to the point they are sick of the whole thing. Trump wont pardon himself or his family before the mid-terms. In fact, unless he's about to be impeached or his family is about to be tossed in jail, he might as well wait until hes leaving office. Then there is no political fall out.
  6. You really dont understand why some people reacted negatively?
  7. This will aggravate some people. Did the vendors not pay a fee to be there? Who got that? Was Budweiser not a sponsor? They had that giant red light...why would they not be paying for that advertising (plus having their beer products sold exclusively)? Did TN run the concessions and keep the money? I had a debate with a friend last week who said people were very upset in regards to the City not cooperating with Pride but doing these parties. One thing though, if there was no formal party, but thousands of people took to the streets...the police would still be obligated to meet whatever requirements there was for their presence. There has to be a way to generate more revenue to off-set the costs (ie. charge a vendor fee to be there, sell sponsorship etc).
  8. If vegas wins, yes. If Caps win, no. To give the losing team the MVP, it takes an insane performance and MAF had that til this round. 3 goals per game in the final wont cut it. I'd be very surprised unless something changes. Which it can. Its just so rare (was Jean-Sebastian Gigeur the last?) it has to be out of this world.
  9. They said people who reacted negatively to the ink were “sensitive ass mofo’s”. Hmmmm
  10. id like to see his legal arguments on the above two points.
  11. Skycity officially cancelled http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/skycity-centre-condo-buyers-money-back-1.4685879
  12. As a kid, I always remember the summers as very very hot (the 80's). Of course in school we were taught to enjoy it because there was a coming ice age (ha). But even recently, we had a warm February a couple of years ago. It was cold last year, though wasnt it? This was a hot May.
  13. Terrible news. Hopefully the governments involved continue to look. Its there somewhere. It only takes effort and money to find it. The big difference is technology. And they probably could have found Earhardt, maybe alive, had they made a better effort and had better tech back then. As it is, they *probably* found the island she landed on recently but its almost impossible to prove. There was a skeleton found but they lost it. Regarding MH, its not just a matter of interest, its 1) a lot of dead people 2) I think there is an obligation to learn what happened to avoid it happening again I agree that people thought the Prosecution over-charged. But the jury actually had the option of going with a lower-charge. They had First Degree, Second Degree and even Manslaughter. Many juroers said they felt Casey was involved but that the prosecution had not proven their case. And they bought the defense theory that George was somehow involved. I think the George theory is ludicrous and Im not what else the Jury needed to convince Casey. If it was me, I'd have probably gone with 2nd degree murder. For a long time I felt she killed Caylee by accident while drugging her. But I now think she killed her deliberately by knocking her out with Chloroform and then putting duct tape over he nose & mouth. She put her in the trunk and didnt think about her for a few days. She stole gas cans from her dad and Im not sure if that was a coincidence (she ran out of gas fairly often it seems) or if its connected (was she going to try to burn the body or did she place gas cans in the trunk to mask the smell?) George was home one day when Casey returned and Casey was surprised to see him. He demanded the gas cans back and went to the car. Casey bolted past him and took the cans out herself. She might have considered burying Caylee in the backyard of her parents home. She returned another day and borrowed a shovel from a neighbor but returned it unused. And I wonder if that was the formation of a plan to frame her dad or if she just realised it would be too hard to pull off the burial. The fact she dumped the body so close to her house, but in an area she'd know (along a path that was only used by people going to the school) lends credence to her sort of panicking about how to bury the body. Digging a big hole isnt easy. Caylee was in two garbage bags of the same kind her parents used and then inside a laundry bag. It was the same type that Casey's mom had at the house which was sold in a pair (one rectangular, one cylindrical). At the house, they still had the rectangular one but the cylindrical one was missing. Caylee was buried in the cylindrical one. Caylee was wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket. At the house, her room was decorated wit Winnie the Pooh including the same pattern as seen on the blanket. Casey's mother confirmed a blanket was missing. The duct tape over her mouth & nose came from the same role of duct tape from the home. There were computer searches for chloroform which Cindy (Casey's mom) later claimed were hers but I read her statement to the police and its absurd. There was also a search for "Fool Proof Suffocation" which the prosecution did not find initially as their IT person didnt check Firefox. That search was conducted the day Caylee was last seen. It presented a bit of a problem because George claimed Caylee and Casey left before hand (at like 1PM) and George left for work at 2:30 and the search for Fool Proof Suffocation was made later in the afternoon. But Cell Phone pinks showed Casey remained in the area when she left. So its reasonable she left (she had been lying about having a job) and returned when she knew the house would be empty. The search also came between activity on her MySpace and MSN chats with friends so the think the search was anyone else is absurd. It was deleted the day she was arrested. Casey had changed her MySpace password around this time and told her brother her new password was about Caylee. The new password was Timer55. From the day Caylee went missing to her 3rd birthday was 55 days. She knew that her mother was naive and intimidated enough to be kept at bay for awhile, but there was no way she'd get around keeping Caylee away for her 3rd birthday. When Casey killed her, it began a timer of 55 days (or so she thought) before she'd have to have a plan. I dont know what her end game was. Her fatal mistake was letting her car be impounded. She had parked it in a strip mall parking lot, next to a BFI bin (coincidence or to mask the smell?) She had dumped the body by this point but the body had begun to decompose in the trunk and there was no getting rid of the smell. It was the impound yard sending George a letter that set in motion Casey getting caught. Both parents immediately felt the odor was of "death" and before the trunk was open both claimed they worried that Casey or Caylee was in the trunk. George Anthony had been a homicide detective. He knew. Cindy later changed her story and covered for Casey, claiming she didnt think it smelled that bad. In the trunk, they found Caylee's hair with a death band (indicative of hair dropped after death) plus chemical traces of decomposition and large amounts of chloroform odor. I think Casey either left the car where she did thinking it would just sit there (and not be towed). She might have reported it stolen when it was time to trigger her plan. Or the smell was so overwhelming, she didnt know what to do. I think she planned to leave town (even though she had no money). She had suddenly created a lie that a former bf had come back into her life and every time she talked to her mom, she advanced their relationship. One theory is, she'd create an elopement and sudden move to avoid ever coming clean. Or she'd eventually use the kidnap story but so long after Caylee's death to make it difficult to prove anything. The weird thing about the kidnap story is Casey claimed her long-time nanny Zanny had kidnapped Caylee. But the nanny had never existed. However, the name DID exist. And oddly, the real person was from New York (Casey had claimed the fake Zanny had NY plates). It seems clear Casey had somehow learned of this person but they never figured out how. The FBI found what they believed to be remnants of a heart shaped sticker over the duct tape over the mouth. By the time the tape bounced around for testing, they couldn't prove it. But Casey had a sheet of heart stickers in her room that were the right size and shape to what the FBI tech said she saw. Seemed pretty clear to me that Casey did it. At the time, I'd have gone 2nd Degree. Now, I think she planned it. First degree. Im opposed to the death penalty and would not have supported it but the Prosecution did present it as an option to the jury.
  14. Talk of the Con Smythe has definitely cooled off in regards to MAF.
  15. I would hope it would piss everyone off. Liberals don’t have a monopoly on good sense.
  16. Yeah but will he be good for the economy?
  17. Just as I suggested! Lol and reportedly John Goodman is very interested
  18. I think Boss is available on Amazon Prime. Proven Innocent looks good.
  19. Really interesting article here. Not sure where to post it, as it touches on Trump and US politics, racism, twitter trolls and even the WWE. But its totally worth the read. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/anti-muslim-twitter-troll-amy-mek-mekelburg_us_5b0d9e40e4b0802d69cf0264 I came across it because the racist twitter troll that is the subject of the article, her husband was a senior VP with WWE. Allegedly, WWE knew about his wife's racist posts and told him to remain disconnected from it. But it came out, WWE denied they knew and fired him. Anyway, good read!
  20. Talk of a possible recession in the US. If the economy turns, does Trump take the heat?
  21. Anyway here is some US politics news: https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/31/politics/martha-stewart-rod-blagojevich-trump-pardons/index.html If I recall, Rod B was on Celebrity Apprentice. He was very likeable.
  22. Yup. Hilarious lol But now everyone knows my character because I dont think the C word rises to the level of a racial slur. Ive been exposed!
  23. I thought we had a True Crime thread but this will have to do as its sort of a mystery still Enough debating semantics in US Politics...the Casey Anthony case is back in the spotlight as we approach the ten year anniversary and her parents have a new interview to A&E this week. Im curious what people think. The theories: - Casey killed Caylee in cold blood to be rid of her - Casey killed Caylee by accident (probably while drugging her to put her to sleep) - Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool and Casey covered it up - Caylee accidentally drowned in the pool and George covered it up with Casey's knowledge - Something else (Zanny the non-existent nanny) Follow up discussion point: The Jury acquitted Casey and said the reason they did was the State had not proven its case. They all felt Casey was responsible in some way but felt there was no evidence. Some said the George theory seemed reasonable. Do you agree with the jury or do you think the jury got it wrong? Ie. Do you think Casey was guilty or innocent and if guilty did the Jury do the correct thing in letting her off?
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