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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Who am I defending? (And please, keep attacking me, its your usual M.O.)
  2. In my personal experience, I've heard the C word used against men. Its a nasty insult. Its absolutely more often used against women. But most people dont use it for sexism reasons, they just use it as an insult. Its like using c-sucker, mostly used against men, but used against both and is actually a homophobic slur though most people dont use it with that intent. Its just an insult. The B word is inherently gender-based but its used against men all the time. But the point of the side track debate was to avoid talking about US politics and the deplorable behavior of the White House when it comes to Roseanne's racist slur vs Bee's nasty insult.
  3. Why do you always resort to name calling when people disagree with you? Knock it off. And your post is 1) not binding on anyone else to agree 2) yeah so? No one claimed the C word wasn't vile. You still dont want to condemn the White House for their hypocrisy though which is actually the larger point here. The Bee remark is moot. Its over and apologies have been made. The greater issue is how the White House and Trump are cool with racism but not an insult. Where were they when it was an Obama aid being victimized as opposed to a Trump aid?
  4. There are many people in this thread... What you're doing is exactly what Trump and the White House are doing - making an insult about Ivanka equal to a racist remark about an Obama aid. They are not equal. The "I think both are bad" is a deflection technique and its actually pretty deplorable. To reiterate, no one, anywhere, has said Samantha Bee's comment was appropriate. But to equate an insult to a racist slur is nothing more than an effort to diminish racism. And it's wrong. Sure they can. Words have different meanings based on context. Most people see the context here. She wasn't using the C word because she's sexist. I dont know Samantha Bee but from what I read, her being sexist would be absurd and laughable. She used a vile insult. She could have called her a B-word or a jerk or a prick. She chose the most inflammatory version of that kind of insult. I mean...this is obvious. She used it. She was wrong (because she undermined her own valid point). She apologized (much more sincerely than Roseanne). Her network apologized. It wouldnt be much of a story if the White House had provided tacit approval to the racist remark by Roseanne but got pissy over Bee's remark.
  5. Oh here we go lol There is a debate because I say there is. Thats point one. Secondly, you dont have to keep repeating yourself or trying to make this a defense of your boy by trying to make it about me. Thirdly, the point is, one is an insult. The other is a racist slur. Thats a fact. Fourthly, how about Trump and the White House's condemnation of Roseanne? lol
  6. A racist slur is worse than an insult. The C word is not specifically sexist and Ive heard guys called the C word plenty of times. Regardless, the "left" are being pretty hard on Bee. The Right? Well, not so much on Roseanne... So even if both words cancel each other out (they dont), only one political side in this thinks both incidents were wrong.
  7. Well one is a vile insult. The other is a racist slur. Both wrong, but the outrage from the right today over Samantha Bee is pretty eye roll inducing. One is way worse.
  8. At least he’s getting expert advice on critical issues
  9. Reminder, White House has no problem with roseanne’s Racist remarks.
  10. Trump pardoning a guy convicted of the same thing Cohen might be....think thats a message?
  11. I cant remember if we have a Crime thread...but anyway, A&E had a special on Casey Anthony which included a new interview with her parents. Firstly, I cant believe they're still together. Not just because of the strain but the way they seem to loath each other at times. Plus, Cindy Anthony has deluded herself into believing Casey didnt kill Caylee while George Anthony knows his daughter did it. It was pretty interesting as George talked and was recounting his suspicions, how Cindy would get physically uncomfortable and annoyed and even tried to "move him along" to skip details that painted Casey poorly. I was obsessed with this case when it came out and cant believe the jury let her off.
  12. Yup. I danced with a girl at Grapes on Main when I worked there. She told me she was in town for a photo shoot and was a Playmate. Yeah right, I thought (she looked the part though). Saw her later on TV escorting Hunter to the ring. Hunter was a big Four Horseman fan though. I think he'd be more open to just about anything. Whereas Vince has his stubborn rules (no managers), if Hunter thought a guy could be a star with a mouthpiece, he'd probably do it.
  13. Some Walking Dead news...I wont spoiler it cause its all over the place. Andrew Lincoln (Rick) and Lauren Cohen (Maggie) are both set to leave the series next season. And Norman Reedus (Daryl) is set to get a huge raise to become the new lead. It will definitely shake up a series that needs shaking up. And Daryl has been under-utilized for a long time. But...man, losing Rick would be tough.
  14. We had a manager working with us that submitted tape to WWE years ago. He was good enough to be on WWE TV. But that was pre-Heyman and WWE definitely wasn't going to hire him. Hunter might be more open to it. There is a feeling he might end up running SD.
  15. Vince (and I believe Kevin Dunn) just dont believe in them. Even Heyman, it was a Brock demand. When Brock was first signed back with WWE, he was without Heyman. His first promo sucked and Brock was angry and demanded they bring in Heyman for him. Its why they rarely use Heyman for anyone else either (Punk got Heyman for a bit but Punk had a lot of stroke and of course, Joe Hennig had him for a bit too). Word is Ronda would like to have Heyman with her too (doubtful to happen as Steph doesnt like Heyman). Imagine the Revival with Jim Cornette as their manager?
  16. Some rasslin news from Mr Meltzer & Hollywood Reporter: - WWE's *current* TV rights package pays them $160 million per year for BOTH RAW & SD on USA. Their new deals will pay $265 million per year for RAW and $205 million per year on FOX. They are FLUSH with cash when these deals come into effect. Those are average over the five year deals (starts out a bit lower, then exceeds in year 4 & 5) - USA offered $360 per year for BOTH RAW & SD on a ten year deal. - USA was shocked when bidding on SD became so hot and bowed out when it hit $200 million (USA had the right to match any offers). - SD will be live (meaning a change in how WWE runs their schedule with their production team and talent having an early call time for TV) - FOX chose WWE over UFC - Rupert Murdoch was actually at the negotiating table for FOX. Vince McMahon was notably absent (biggest deal in WWE history). WWE had their two co-Presidents plus Steph & Hunter at the table (which speaks volumes). - FOX had screens with Ronda on them on the negotiating room (Ronda being under contract increased WWE's value to FOX in a big way). - Rupert Murdoch told WWE that "USA was embarrassed" by wrestling and didnt do enough to promote it and claimed FOX would promote WWE across all of it's live sports programming - Lachlan Murdoch called Vince and pushed that this was a "marriage of the Murdoch & McMahon families". - Anonymous FOX source said UFC was a hard sell but WWE presents opportunities to make more cash - WWE is worth about $4.5 Billion right now - Brock isnt scheduled to be back until Summerslam (and great timing for him with both WWE & UFC getting new TV deals that give them more cash to play with) - WWE looks to have signed Deonna Purrazzo and Io Shirai (possibly debuting in the Mae Young Classic). Shirai had a crazy story in 2012 where she and her then-bf were busted in Japan for smuggling pot into the country in two paintings (huge no-no in Japan). A Japanese wrestler in Mexico then claimed he planted the drugs on them and was paid to do so by someone with a grudge against the bf. She was released. - Stacy Kiebler is pregnant with her second child - John Hennigan (Johnny Nitro/John Morrison/Johnny Mundo) is in the upcoming season of survivor - The slander lawsuit by WWE's doctor Dr. Christopher Amann (Backed by WWE) against C.M. Punk and Colt Cabana kicked off on 5/29 in Chicago. Basically, Punk, after quitting WWE, went on Cabana's podcast and said Dr Amann sucked and didnt treat what turned out to be a potentially life-threatening staph infection. Amann's position is, Punk is lying about him sucking and never brought the infection to him for treatment. - Terrible timing for Punk who is required to be in court when he should be training for his UFC fight. Amann admitted he has not suffered financially but claims emotional distress because people said mean things on twitter. Yikes.
  17. She definitely did it on purpose but not with the intent of getting fired or being branded a racist. The money she’s losing is enormous. And as she even said, she cost a lot of people their jobs. She clearly cares about being branded a racist too. She needs a PR firm and she needs to listen to them. She made a couple of seemingly sincere apologies and then completely undid them with her insane tweets.
  18. With so many enemies that are actually Republicans maybe trump should have run as a Democrat.
  19. The President of the United States excusing racism. What a world.
  20. As I recall, the Jets had the same effect. I dont recall how much the cap went up, but Jets merch was #1 the year of their return if I remember correctly.
  21. I think they'd have to create a new show. It couldn't be a "Roseanne's Family" scenario. But spin off Darlene. I think that could work. And then most of the cast and crew get to keep their jobs
  22. Well Roseanne changed her mind about leaving Twitter. What a disaster her last few hours have been. She’s nuts.
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