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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Bryan Fuller sucks. They should absolutely keep the cast and go on without Roseanne
  2. Because Roseanne is an alt right trump supporting crazy conspiracy theorist and started out her day going after Chelsea.
  3. This punishes Roseanne but also punishes everyone who gets residuals
  4. Poor choice of words. less serious injuries. I read an article about it but cant remember the details. But fighters get more recovery time as well. I think it fared better than boxing.
  5. Splitting hairs. Invariably, it will happen over time. But they could do more to all but eliminate them. I think we can agree on that. Might be harder in football. But in hockey, if there was never a hit to the head ever again, it would have zero negative impact on the game. I'd ban fighting too. I just dont think you can claim to take brain health seriously (which the NHL doesnt seem to claim anyway) and allow fighting. I say that knowing that MMA generally has less concussions than other sports too and I have no issue with MMA.
  6. The thing is, Bettman might think he's saving a lawsuit but he really isnt. Facts are facts and his statements wont make a difference. It's PR. and he looks awful on that end. His statement could be as simple as "Our main goal is always the health and wellness of our players, both past, current and future and we take all scientific and medical research to heart. We strive to make our sport safer every day." Boom. End of discussion. Instead, he gets pissy about "creating a fresh news cycle" and then just does that with a statement that makes him look like an idiot. The NHL will go along for the CTE ride, its their choice whether they are drivers or dragged behind the car. Regarding your last point, I dont think a single person has said otherwise. There are players that have retired young due to the risk associated with concussions or been forced to retire. Everyone knows you accept fair risk. The issue is 1) if the league has information that specific things are damaging and willfully chooses not to share it with their athletes 2) knowing there is risk and choosing not to be pro-active. If a player from the 70's wants to be paid, I'd argue against it all day long. The NHL had no knowledge nor was there common knowledge they ignored. But today? Big difference. And as far as older players go, they SHOULD have resources available to them by the NHL and PA, if not legally, then morally.
  7. You know what, I hope the other cast and crew get something new with ABC. They should get the leads (Gilbert, Goodman and Metcalf) together to develop a new series and keep everyone working. Im amazed at the speed of this. At least Roseanne now has a new role as alt right victim of leftist liberal conspiracy. EDIT: I wonder if a series spun off from Roseanne about Darlene would work. Have her get a place with Aunt Jackie and her sister. Dad can visit from time to time.
  8. Holy ****!! They actually cancelled it! Wow! Gold star for Disney/ABC.
  9. That show, Valerie, later Valerie's Family and then Hogan Family actually worked when Valerie Harper left (replaced by Sandy Duncan) but probably because they focused more on Jason Bateman, plus Sandy Duncan was arguably a better character. What will ABC do if, say, Goodman or Metcalf or Gilbert quit over Roseanne's stupidity? Roseanne doesnt care because she's worth upwards of $100 million and is 65 but does she really have no care for all the people that work for her show that will lose if she gets the show cancelled? In the special that aired detailing how the revival came to be, she said Sara Gilbert came to her and Roseanne initially declined saying she was too old to have to fight with anyone and Gilbert told her she (Gilbert) would do all the fighting and Roseanne just had to work. Well, she's showing you can take the person out of the trash heap but cant take the trash out of the person.
  10. According to CNN, ABC executives have privately said they "hold their noses" whenever Barr tweets. But this may have taken things too far. The network has not responded to Elle.com's request for comment
  11. It was a good season but not emmy deserving and certainly Roseanne is actually the weakest aspect of the show (the other actors are so superior to her its glaring). The worst episode was the Roseanne-centric one where she was a racist and drug addict...yeah, hilarious. John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf and Sarah Gilbert are the standouts. I'd watch a series where Roseanne was killed off. Most people probably wouldnt though, unfortunately.
  12. There is little doubt about the link between CTE and brain injury. Or that repeated brain injuries are bad. Essentially, the NHL is taking the position that CTE is like Aliens, no one really knows. They are doing that because of a lawsuit. So, I can understand their legal position to a degree but to completely abandon ones moral obligation is really striking, to me anyway. When other spots acknowledge this and the research becomes more clear and more NHL players are diagnosed with CTE and many more experience brain damage, Bettman and the NHL look like fools. They even deny knowing what CTE is. As if... I disagree with a lawsuit that tries to hold the NHL accountable for knowledge no one possessed. For example, how can you blame the NHL for your damage from a career in the 70's and 80's? The NFL lawsuit, which the NFL settled, if I recall was about the fact the NFL DID have knowledge and hid it from the players. However, if you're a current NHL player and you suffer brain damage later, I'd whole heartedly support that lawsuit because today the NHL appears to be willfully ignorant. If you get hit in the brain repeatedly, you can suffer brain damage. This is pretty obviously reasonable. Sports worry about parents pulling kids out of contact sport. I dont think that will happen in large numbers. So, what SHOULD happen? Sports should be actively involved in research into prevention and understanding of brain injuries. The NHL doesnt seem to take it seriously. They should be developing new technology for helmets. They should be banning all hits to the head and severely disciplining players that do that. Those things have zero impact on the quality of the game BUT protect the player's health. To not do that, they're basically saying they WANT hits to the head, they WANT brain injuries. What could possibly be lost by embracing brain health? (the answer, they're worried about losing a massive lawsuit). Ill draw a comparison with wrestling because I know a bit about it and also, wrestling is sort of a major player in this. Chris Nowinski was a pro wrestler who retired after suffering several concussions. He wrote a book that examined concussions in sports and co-founded the Concussion Legacy Foundation. WWE was an enemy of Nowinki at first. Hunter now sits on their board. WWE embracing concussion and brain health led to a change in that business (primarily in how wrestlers train and how WWE reacts to head injuries). Its still a contact enterprise. People still get hurt. But to pretend brain health is a myth would be idiotic. It sets you up for a future legal loss plus, its just morally stinky. The NHL should be out in front being a leader, not willfully ignoring this as a legal defense strategy.
  13. I was just about to post this. A lot of Celebrity + Very Little Intelligence = Roseanne. Wow. This *could* snowball and cost her. Her apology was trash as she admitted the "ape joke" was based on how Jarrett looked. Like...wow. Whitney Cummings also left the show after this season. So she's down a producer. How much will Sara Gilbert put up with before she pulls the plug too? The money must be insane but Disney will have to say something...
  14. Bettman and the NHL is SO out to lunch on this its disgusting. When Bettman retires, despite everything he has done, he risks his endearing legacy being that he had his head up his ass on this topic.
  15. Yeah but it doesnt matter. If revenue drops next year, the players get their salaries clawed back. Its the PA that chooses to trigger the cap escalator every year because they know players get really steamed over the escrow and it riles them up to want to fight the cap. If they took the actual revenue and escrow from last year into account, the cap would be static or shrink. That doesnt serve the interests of the PA though.
  16. That whole area used to be a gang hangout. I thought it was cleaned up. I avoided the area because I wasnt not very popular among certain groups (though I knew a few guys from around). But in the past few years, I'd been there a handful of times and didnt feel unsafe.
  17. https://globalnews.ca/news/4238548/two-adults-taken-to-hospital-after-bar-italia-shooting/
  18. Think of it more as Cap Space going up. Salaries are linked to revenue. 50-50 (if I recall correctly). So the players can only ever get 50% of the revenue. Thats why there is escrow and players get hot about it. But at the end of the year, they give back their portion over 50% of revenue. If the players actual salary goes up, it means revenue did too and that means the teams all made more money. Win Win. Its good for the Jets who are now a cap team and need the space. $7 million could sign two good players. Its a long term deal for Laine or Trouba+.
  19. Much needed by the Jets. But it also leads to all the whining over escrow.
  20. Ive seen some places say he re-shot 80%. You can kind of sell from watching that the tone sort of shifted. I didnt like the film that much and especially the beginning, I thought was awful. I found it boring. I think there is a spoiler thread so Ill jump over there EDIT: Nope, apparently not. So I wont spoiler anything. I thought the Solo actor was ok...I get why people say he cant act. He was good when he was being funny or charming but serious drama, ugh. Woody was the standout by far. Film bored me. The key scenes you want to see, I thought they all under-delivered. Glover as Lando was excellent too. Really nailed the role. I'd rather see a film with Lando than Solo now. I thought the character of Solo seemed more like a young version of the heroic Han than the precursor to the Han we met in A New Hope. "I know you're secret, you're a good guy". "No Im not". Ummm well, you're acting pretty good throughout the film so... And as for That was definitely the best part and a major WTF. They have to be careful to not get too fanboy-ish. I'd assume that scene will dovetail into
  21. And then she pulled the whole "no more nudity" thing. Like COME ON!
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