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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It will surely be a movie or a few movies. But it really screams to be made into a premium series on HBO or Netflix. Sort of a House of Cards meets The West Wing. But good question, how long after the international nightmare ends will people be ready to relive it, in even more shocking detail?
  2. First a deadly pandemic. And now this??? How much can an Arby's franchise cost? Lets open one.
  3. Get Out was really unexpected and well done. Though you likely saw it as it was a big film (or rather, it became big with word of mouth). I also really enjoyed Cabin in the Woods, a bit of a Wes Craven-esque twist on traditional horror films (ie. self aware, but with a twist). And Bradley Whitford is in it and he's always awesome. EDITL Whitford is actually in BOTH those films I mentioned...lol Also Alison Williams is in Get Out and she's....at the risk of diminishing her acting talents, she's nice to watch.
  4. Is Disney even clear on what's what in the Star Wars film universe right now? On that note, Skywalker dopped on Disney+ today. So there's that.
  5. His next big revelation will be that the pandemic was so unfair and no president has ever had to deal with anything like it so he deserves an extra year before the election. lol
  6. Washing post had a good one too. I was going to detail all the reasons to be skeptics but it’s too obvious and too well know. That’s why I thought it was so transparent when someone googled it and skipped all the rational stories to search for things to support their confirmation bias. Plus this is right up their alley. And people have to be wise to these things. That’s why I’m more angry about how it sets back the issue of harassment and assault. Ofcourse in this case the accuser is a devout Bernie supporter and has a weird fetish for Putin. Two red flags.
  7. I’m not sure what the argument is for in favour of putting the health of economy before health of people with numbers like that. I think what we’re seeing is trump (or someone close to him since he’s obviously a brain addled idiot), has figured out that a depression will play worse than the deaths.
  8. Won’t someone think of Arby’s??? We desperately need Arby’s. Preferably in the south. But I used to drive to transcona for it from time to time.
  9. Oh I know. But I’m more posting for the 98% here who get it. Because it’s probably the tip of the iceberg of what trumps people will try to do.
  10. Yup. I’m okay with it because I agree with it. People have to be careful not to draw false equivalency between them doing their for their specific scenario and it being okay for everything else. It isn’t. And they won’t. It’s an issue where most people understand why assault weapons are bad. So yeah If you hve an issue with me being okay with it, that’s your prerogative. I really doubt anyone has an issue solely because they want the process to be respected. And I bet they’d be fine if the president of the US executive ordered a ban on the same weapons too. Some things need to happen fast for obvious reasons. This is one of them. There is still enough wiggle room (probably too much) for the gun nuts to keep their weapons anyway. And there will be plenty of debate. And if the liberals are wrong then they’ll lose a confidence vote and the election. Bet that won’t happen. I just happen to believe there is no debate required on the necessity of weapons like this.
  11. A good example of how you absolutely have to treat things a bit differently right now. and not be one of those people that shrugged off 20+ allegations against trump and things it’s the end of the world with one hollow allegation against Biden. This is a response to a “new” allegation that was posted and apparently everyone is deleting it. But I’m sure someone here will cling to it. And the worst thing is, it sets back the me too movement and legitimate harassment and assault. It’s really despicable on all fronts. it’s also why the Dems shouldn’t have nominated a dude with any issues at all if such a person exists. But here we are.
  12. Nah. They did win. I didn’t like it either. But they won. That’s our system.
  13. Generally I agree with you. This is a regulation. Controversial sure. But they can also be defeated in the house if there isn’t support for the coming legislation anyway. I’m not a liberal supporter but I don’t equate this with it being okay for anything they want. In this specific case I’m ok with it.
  14. She did. I believe they closed it.
  15. If it would get deleted there why wouldn’t it get deleted here?
  16. Honestly my only bias is forwards logic. If the allegation had legs I’d be calling for Biden to be turfed. He was never my choice and I voted conservative for years. The hypocrisy isn’t Dems here. It’s certain people who didn’t care about trumps issues suddenly wanting a federal case to be made. That’s the double standard. If you google Tara trade allegation, the first several responses are pieces doing a fair job at looking at it but this poster skipped all of them to look for things to support his position. That’s bias.
  17. Left leaning news isn’t really being hypocritical. They’ve done what they do in every case. Take a critical look. Anyone who subscribes to the notion of believing women would take a look. Unless new compelling evidence emerges all we have right now is an allegation supported by zero evidence and one that has a whole lot of issues with credibility. We also have one of the most vetted people in the US who has zero allegations like this. Even Graham defended him. A critical look at the allegation and the accuser raises all sorts of issues. Does that mean it didn’t happen? Of course not. But it leaves us with nothing at this point. It’s fodder for pro trump people. That’s about it.
  18. I think wwe makes too much money to ever go back to the attitude era. Which is good because it really doesn’t hold up. Adult content isn’t their issue. Boring formulaic booking is. How low can it go before Vince makes a change? Before the pandemic I’d say it would never happen as long as Vince was in charge. You never know now. They usually cling to excuses though so I think they do nothing as long as covid can be blamed.
  19. You’re not actually. It’s been detailed here and you ignore it. You want to just keep pushing your pro trump agenda. Huge difference between Kav and Biden which you still don’t want to acknowledge. You’re not discussing anything. Did you read the story I posted? How outraged were you?
  20. Now you’re on to trolling in an effort to get the thread shut down. An oldie but a goodie for you. Here is one reading to keep you busy now that you’re so concerned with women being assaulted. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/women-accused-trump-sexual-misconduct-list-2017-12%3famp
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