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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Graves is pretty untouchable. Cole is their lead guy so well respected though there has been audio of him talking to Vince when off-air and he was kissing his ass a lot lol I like Graves but I find he relishes in showing his quick wit at others' expense. The goal should always be to help everyone get over, not cut guys' off to get yourself over.
  2. Police decline to recommend charges in the Enzo case. I can't see WWE hiring him back, but you never know. He'd be a big star on the indy scene but his reputation has taken a hit. A couple other guys with unproven accusations have had trouble getting bookings. So who knows. He'd be right up my ally as a guy to bring in, but I dont think I would (at this stage anyway) and Im a big Enzo fan.
  3. Apparently several US intelligence agencies believe China is spying on Americans through ZTE but China wanted it and Trump was quick to capitulate.
  4. You referenced Lost. Interestingly, JJ Abrams produced both. But Lost was badly damaged by the writers' lack of planning. They admitted to creating mysteries that they didnt know the resolution to. With Westworld, I believe the writers know exactly where they're going with everything. Its a lot more focused than Lost was.
  5. Ill answer in Spoiler so as not to spoil it for people who arent up to date on Season 2
  6. The crazy people in any religion or issue do a disservice to the chill folks. Like come on, remember where you are... I remember many people not liking Burton's rendition of the national anthems back when he'd do them for the Jets 1.0. I always liked them though.
  7. I said Roseanne sucked last week. It was a lot better this week. Really funny and had a serious topic (painkiller addiction). Finished the Docuseries Evil Genius on Netflix. Really good. Its about the famous Pizza Bomb case where a guy robbed a bank with a bomb attached to his neck, He was stopped by the cops who handcuffed him and as they waited for the Bomb squad, he claimed he had been attacked and forced to wear the Bomb...it went off and killed him. And thus began a wild investigation. It was great. 4 episodes, easy to watch.
  8. I’d be real curious about Wheeler’s salary demands. He’s the captain and seems like he really wants to be here and win. I think he gives a pretty significant hometown discount to stay.
  9. Freddie had a very interesting life and add in being gay and the AIDS factor, at that time the stigma etc. Should be a great film. And of course the music is amazing.
  10. So NK plays games. Unsurprising. Let’s not engrave that Nobel Prize yet. This is all about leverage and timing on NK’s part.
  11. Long time coming https://www.chrisd.ca/2018/05/15/manitoba-may-long-camping-liquor-ban-lifted/#.WvsaFvDNtuo
  12. No chance he gets $8. Plus Wheeler next year. Losing Toby this year and Mason next. Little's deal might not look so hot now. Assuming the cap goes up every year, Jets might find a way to work some magic.
  13. Could be a stormy day in trumpland
  14. What a turn around in attitude. Its always possible Trouba instructs his agent to make a "fair" deal and is willing to not squeeze every cent he can, if he sees the value in a contract that lets the Jets sign others too. Its happened before. Maybe not so likely this time. But it would be nice.
  15. According to Wikipedia: Winnipeg: IGF Hamilton: Tim Horton's Calgary: Spruce Meadows Halifax: Wanderer's Grounds Port City (BC): TBA York: York Lions Stadium
  16. I believe its more of a biopic of Freddie. Queen is a big part of it though.
  17. WWE produced a segment that was a perfect microcosm for everything they do wrong nowadays. Nia/Ronda/Charlotte at the Up Fronts. Dreadful.
  18. He's saying she was stalking him. His use of "im not saying I was raped...", he seems like he's blowing something up to screw with her. She says they were in a relationship. Seems like a personal matter to me.
  19. I've been once and it was a great time.
  20. Its interesting that if one person is killed by a Muslim its big news for this White House but 58 protesters are killed and its a day of celebration. Politics aside, shouldnt the US be out front in condemning the use of lethal force on unarmed protestors? You can still be pro-Israel (which I am) and have an issue with that. To be fair, Bush & Clinton also pledged to move the Embassy and changed their minds when they realized what would happen if they did. Disputed territory should be negotiated in a fair Middle East peace agreement. We're certainly not closer to that today.
  21. Saw it. Kinda underwhelmed. I’m not a comic reader anymore so maybe im just not geeked enough (in a good way). Playing emotion for characters that won’t stay dead doesn’t feel very emotional to me. The worst part was when they almost had the gauntlet off and Star lord flips out. I hate when characters act stupid to move the plot along it was a good film. Entertaining. I just didn’t feel “whoa!!!” Like I expected to. I do dig the subtle humour. Thor and Drax being particular standouts. They do a good job with so many characters.
  22. Jets reading their press clippings. Just handed the series to Vegas. Big uphill battle now.
  23. Maybe....Im not so sure. You could be right and perhaps the gender reversal is clouding my judgement. If the roles were released, we'd be more inclined to believe the woman because thats what the recent movements have informed us. If he felt a power imbalance because he was a soldier and her an MP and he felt she was his boss, I'd understand his feelings but I doubt it would rise to the level of criminal imbalance in the way that a employer/employee would. Sounds like two consenting adults here. In fact, her side of the story actually includes a remark that could be construed as improper (him kissing her). We apply common sense to an adult relationship and we've all kissed and been kissed without reporting it as a crime. Kirkland perspective seems to rely on his feelings and interpretations. The MP's seem more fact based. Staff were around, other soldiers were around, vacation photos, email communications etc. Unless she's batshit crazy (which, to be fair, he sort of implies), she'd be nuts to come forward with this defense if it was completely false. I find things like this very interesting because of how two people can view the same scenario. But you're certainly right, if the roles were reversed, it would be much harder for the male MP to defend himself. Though I do think if he had the same evidence she claims (not proven yet), it sort of reduces this to a "yeah we dated but I kinda wish we hadnt" thing.
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