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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If they do the even up Winnipeg will spend the entire third on the PP. preds will come out hard. If they can’t get anything it will get nasty. Jets can draw some penalties. Hopefully.
  2. But perreault got cross checked two or threee times and doesn’t go down so no call. Hopefully ref sees what happened and we’ll benefit later
  3. I can’t believe they pulled Rinne that early. Dont get over confident
  4. It might seem like you’re the only trump supporter but there are actually a few of you. The NK prisoner release is good news Unfortunately it’s not the only news
  5. It’s a really good deal because it’s just for streaming rights. Their previous rights package was $168 million per year from FOX. This is $150 million just for streaming and they’re expected to get a TV deal of $200 million plus. So they’re doubling their rights fee. This deal is essentially $10 million per show which is a huge number. A loss leader for ESPN
  6. Huh? I didn’t realize CNN and BBC post here. Lol
  7. Also remember when trump said Obama would start a war with Iran to get re-elected? Yeah that tweet hasn’t aged well. Supposedly trump has said he deserves to be a war time president. Prepare for that eventuality as we near the mid term elections folks.
  8. I was wondering what the trump supporters reaction to the Cohen news would be. How would they spin it? By talking about NK prisoners. Lol anyway good for the US for getting them freed. Too bad it took so long. But a success at the end of the failure I suppose (by trumps standards). Good news either way. Now about the Russian payments to the slush fund used to pay off trumps enemies....
  9. It’s fair to want more information. However diminishing the words and actions of the woman by questioning what the victims might have done to provoke her isn’t right. What might they have done to make her actions appropriate? In this particular case, we can figure out more of the story. Her words and actions don’t refer to anything specific. There is no “how dare you say/do that”. She’s attacking them for no apparent reason. Does that mean they did nothing? No. But other witnesses and her own statements tell us they did nothing wrong. In this case you can trust the video because it’s supported by other evidence. And ultimately nothing they could have done makes her actions acceptable
  10. What might they have said that made her reaction appropriate? For the record the woman’s own account is that she heard them speaking in their language and turned to look at them and one guy was looking back and she asked him if he had a problem. By her own account they said absolutely nothing to her.
  11. @jazzsax - yup! It was great. Before my time, it was live bands. Burton Cummings was a regular. He was still a regular when I worked there and we'd often go to his house after the bar. Room was licensed for 300 if I recall but we'd cram a lot more in there. One of the later renovations replaced the island bar, moving it back and making it circular. Created a lot more room (plus without bands, they got rid of the green room too). I think it had a bad rep for safety back in the day but when I was there it was the safest bar I worked at. Great security and very much a University crowd (young peeps who just wanted to dance, drink and hook up with little drama). Fun times. On our last night we had over 1000 people come through the door! lol You couldn't move, but I made a ton of money!
  12. Im surprised they thought they could keep this a secret. And of course, we can assume Mueller knows (he apparently met the plane of the Russian Oligarch and questioned him). But hilarious that it's the lawyer for a woman Trump lies about sleeping with that is relentlessly pursuing all this. he should have just admitted it and released her from the NDA. Its now the least of his worries. What seems to be the case is, Cohen set up this fake business to accept money from people and companies, likely for the benefit of Trump. We dont know for sure if the money passed directly to Trump or if it was a slush fund for dirty tricks (like with Nixon) or if it was a slush fund for pay offs. We know Stormy was paid by this company. So money IN for access to the president and money OUT for shutting people up. Man, that stinks. These companies that are linked all have different excuses too. The smelliest is the attempt by the Russian and the American-based arm of the same company denying they have any link. I believe it was Cohen's own bank filings that lists the American cousin as the CEO of the company that is called the US based branch of the Russian Oligarch. Let's unpack this (its complicated): Cohen received $500,000 from Columbus Nova whose CEO is Andrew Intrater. He's American but his cousin is Russian Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg who has close ties to Putin. Intrater was also a member of Trump's Inauguration committee and donated generously to the Inauguration fund, Trump Victory Fund and Republican National Committee. Columbus Nova claims it has no connection to Russian-based Renova Group which is owned by Vekselberg. But on an FEC filing, Intrater is listed as head of "Renova US Management". These payments increased after Trump was elected. Novartis, another company that gave money to Cohen, tried to distance itself by saying it was a previous CEO that made the deal of $100,000 per MONTH paid to Cohen. This is shady pay for play slush fund ****. But remember, no connection whatsoever ever to Russia, right? Oh and guess who was wiped from Columbus Nova's website today? Their CEO Andrew Intrater. Nothing to see here.
  13. My bookmark was https://www.morningbigblue.com/forum/31-discussion-forums/
  14. Is there an issue with the mobile version? I've been getting a "site not found on this server" error since this morning, while using the same bookmark I've always used.
  15. Ive been waiting YEARS for the Red Dead follow up. I think Ill dust off my old Red Dead and replay it just to get ready.
  16. I heard there was a fan movement to have her recast with Meryl Street. I think the synopsis sounds dreadful. They've forgotten that its the SKYWALKER saga.
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