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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Little is hurt and might miss the game. Hendricks is the "game time decision" potential replacement. It might just be my expert stupid ******* opinion, but I'd rather go with Roslo.
  2. A generally awful PPV last night. Seth vs Miz was the opener and was great. All downhill from there. They booked Roman vs Joe to get Joe boo'ed so another successful attempt to take guys who are more over than Roman and drag them down to Roman's level to make him look better. Terrible. "Beat The Traffic" chants were funny but the people streaming out of the building before the show was over should tell the WWE everything they need to know.
  3. A reddit user claims to have seen a very early story board for Episode 9. Apparently he also saw an early story board for The Last Jedi an got it right so...take it as you choose. Personally, this sounds dreadful
  4. Vegas advances. Wow they are really good.
  5. Exactly. I never begrudge the president (or PM) their security detail etc. But he was critical of Obama’s golfing and trump hasn’t spent so many days at golf courses it’s ridiculous. Ans they’re HIS! So he’s making money. Being president is just another scam for him.
  6. I’ve always wondered how this is legal
  7. Oh I know. I was remarking that a cupped slap is a legitimate move. The idea is never to throw strikes unless you have no choice due to the inherent risk involved. I wasn’t a fan of the slap either. If I’m able to slap a guys head, the more effective move is to actually take hold of the person and restrain them.
  8. There is a slap technique that can disorient a suspect. We were taught to use a cupped slap at the base of the skull. I didn’t like doing it though. And I’ve seen guys knocked loopy with a slap to the side of the head.
  9. I believe Mueller’s mandate allowed him to persue any crimes he uncovers during his investigation. So it wouldn’t really matter if it was directly related to Russian collusion. The trump people like to talk about collusion but mueller was appointed because of the firing of Comey which by trumps own admission was an attempt to end the collusion investigation. This particular judge has a history of being tougher on the side he goes for. Of course the importance of the work of the special prosecutor should not be muddied by side tracks. So if the judge feels this isn’t in Mueller’s perview so be it, move on interestingly one aspect of the judhe’s questioning seemed to be that mueller pitched the Cohen stuff to NY but handled manafort himself. probably a specific strategy there And didn’t manafort’s partner already plead guilty anyway? Lol
  10. It’s almost never effective in making an arrest to throw punches. In my expert opinion anyway lol
  11. We don’t celebrate good cops enough. But what happens if this isn’t caught on film?
  12. For police training should never go out the window. That’s why they train. Winnipeg has had a blue wall for years. Most cops are good here but it does happen here too. I agree about the training. If you watch LivePD you see different PD’s doing things very differently. I perked up while watching last night because an officer cuffed someone the way I was trained to. You also see community minded policing vs military style. Very different from PD to PD. I don’t how often (or if at all) cops attend refreshers on self defense, restraint etc. But three cops vs one big guy should not require a beating unless those cops don’t have tasers or billy clubs (but kudos to them for not just shooting the guy)
  13. I agree. I’ve worked closely with many cops and the bulk of them are great. But the culture of police is not condusive to weeding out the bad ones. And I do think there are training gaps. We saw it wirh the use of tasers where they were being over used. Just saw another video today of a take down. A suspect resisted and it looked like a dozen cops piled on him, punching and kicking. It defies logic.
  14. Yup. No one said the jets would light them up with Roslo over Hendricks. Probably 99% of people here understand.
  15. Trump just spoke to reporters before an NRA rally and angrily denied he said he knew nothing about the Stormy hush money even though that’s exactly what he said. Lol
  16. What’s taking trump so long to get these prisoners released? Rambo would have been in an out by now.
  17. I agree. If nashville wins two straight this hangs on Maurice. Very very badly. They torpedoed their own fourth line. We talk about depth all season and they purposely scratch Roslo in favour of Hendricks who admits the game is too fast for him? Bonehead decision. Roslo needs to be back next game. And if Perrault has at least one functioning arm, he should be considered too. If Hendricks is great in the room, great. Keep him there. How does being great in the room translate to being terrible on the ice.
  18. Very disappointed on coaching and leadership tonight. That’s not how you play at home when you can take a stranglehold. Get it together.
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