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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You make a good point especially as it pertains to the support trump has from evangelicals. However I don’t think most Americans cared who clinton slept with and I don’t think they care who trump slept with. The lies and the cover up and the campaign finance crimes (which could be felonies) are a different story. Trump should have just admitted it (although it still meant a campaign finance issue).
  2. The NK prisoner news has been covered extensively on the news today,second only to the Rudy revelations. So any criticism that people aren’t talking about it is simply not true.
  3. Yup. Hard to feel sorry for his news coverage when he shoots himself in the foot.
  4. You seem be taking the coverage of trumps potential crimes very personally. Can you explain why? soeaking of love for the NK dictator, would you describe him as “honourable”? one reason why their successes turn to failures is because trump can’t even be honest about it. To answer your question, in my expert opinion I don’t think anyone cares about trump sleeping with a porn star. Well except trump who keeps lying about it.
  5. The years long defense and celebration of Polanski by Hollywood has been disgusting . Glad to see it’s finally changing.
  6. I don’t think anyone is focused on “results” at all to be honest. It’s a narrative for people who are either part of the Trump admin or fans of Trump, to minimize all the legal issues and character issues facing him. Any other President, the false medical document alone would be a major scandal. Jokes about his hair and weight are SNL fodder. But the relevant things going on are legitimate and any successes the admin has don’t diminish those. In my mind anyway. Lol
  7. WWE quarterly finances: courtesy Mr Meltzer WWE's first quarter business report released today listed $187.7 million in total revenue and $14.8 million in profits, as compared to $188.4 million in revenue and $900,000 in profits for the same quarter last year. The revenue was slightly below Wall Street's expectations of $191 million, but profits were ahead of expectations of $10 million to $11 million. Some of the profit interest is due to a lower tax rate from movement from the Trump Administration, although that is a small part of it. Wall Street was happy with profits beating projections as the stock has climbed to $40.92 per share at the time of this report. Essentially, the company is being carried by media rights deals. As they continue to escalate, revenues and profits escalate with them. The Mixed Match Challenge deal with Facebook also helped in that category. Live ticket sales were slightly down, due to slightly lower attendance factoring out last year's San Antonio Royal Rumble from a comparison point. There was also a decline in merchandise sales even with running four more events. Venue merchandise, even with running more events, was down 18 percent, but some of that is also because the Royal Rumble sold so many fewer tickets this year being in a smaller arena. Consumer product revenue was cut in half but that is partially a nature of timing of when the revenue is recognized and that should even out by the end of the year. There was also talk about tiered Network pricing but they didn't go into detail, and pushed that they had a 10-year relationship with Saudi Arabia and are hoping to be part of social changes in the years to come.
  8. How long will Rudy be around.
  9. Whew! That Bernard twist was unbelievable! As soon as he said what door I wasn’t immediately sure but I was like “wait. What? Is he...no...” and then when he looked at the sketches of himself and said “it doesn’t look like anything to me”. Boom. Amazing. So much happening. Is Maeve following her script or does she have free will? Was she meant to stay on the train and leave or was coming back for her daughter part of the script? I felt the same way about where can they go in season 2. And it’s very different. After the first episode I wasn’t sure if it had the same magic. But after the second I was into it again. It’s very different but doesn’t cheat the viewer. It picks up after the season 1 finale. William’s arc is interesting. He was both the white hat good guy (in his youth) and the black hat...maybe not bad but definitely not good, in “present”. What crated that change? We begin to find out in season 2. One thing I really like, by episode 2 of the first season some people had guessed the twists. But the show runners didn’t change anything because of that. They admitted that people had guessed correctly. But they had their arc and they stuck to it. Unlike, for example, Lost (also produced by JJ Abrams) which never knew where it was going.
  10. I said I suspect I have more knwowdge and insight than you. It’s not about opinion. If you have experience and/or knowledge in the area by all means let us know. I’d value that if true. I do have experience and knowledge. If your opinion about the above video is valid why do you keep trying to make mine not valid? That’s what I don’t understand. My position was meant in regards to the incidents obviously not all police. I agreed with you on that point. I actually think we’re much closer to agreeing than disagreeing. When this is split to the general forum we can keep discussing I value the discussion
  11. A lot of debate as to whether he hit the head. I thought he did but I didn’t watch it again
  12. i wasn’t aware you knew me or my history as a bouncer. Please detail these incidents where I’ve been a cowboy. As for being a cop, no I am not one but I strongly suspect I have far more experience and insight than you do. However that does not mean you can’t have an opinion. Although it sounds like you’re suggesting I can’t have one unless I’m a cop? by the way, you can compare bouncers and cops in many ways but not the way you did. Bouncers being cowboys does not diminish the responsibility of cops at all. I agree that more often than not, cops are good. But I disagree that they are isolated incidents. They are the minority but not isolated. And the fact they are the minority should make it easy to nip and yet it keeps happening.
  13. I’ve had it happen to me first hand. Angry cop wrote a false statement (false per video he didn’t know we had). His partner wrote a statement supporting the angry cop. When I went to LERA they questioned both cops privately. Angry cop stuck to his story even when shown the video (he actually claimed video showing someone else was me hahaha) his partner sheepishly admitted he “couldn’t be sure”. Many cops privately hate the blue wall but it comes with the job. Fun foot note to my story. LERA was on my side and was going to take it to a hearing where I’d get to question the officers directly. Police had eventually sent 20 cops to my workplace to execute a search warrant to get the video (thankfully we made a copy). I was tipped off that the WPS video team found nothing that supported their officers statements but the cops ignored repeated requests by the crown to turn over the video to her. She finally rattled enough cages and got it. Viewed it with my lawyer. Admitted it supported my position and said we’ll drop charges if he drops his LERA complaint how’s that for justice. Sorry off topic. I’m a law and order guy but police have to change.
  14. I’m not sure it’s rest advice but you can see the change in legal position. They will be super aggressive. The Ivanka talk is preemptive narrative that if ivanka gets questioned it’s an attack on a poor old man’s sweet innocent daughter. Beautiful rich white girls don’t get investigated! Rudy comes across nuts. It’s sort of a Nixon thing. “So what if I did it? I’m the president” seems to be the new message. they will try to turn the public against the investigation like how the gop suffered in the wake of Starr’s investigation into Clinton (Rudy actually mentioned this today).
  15. Not empire but I’m curious about handmaids tale. Anyone watch it? Should I?
  16. Ten cops piled on a guy and yelling to put his hands behind his back and stop resisting. Police forces need to weed out the cowboys and learn effective restraint techniques that don’t involve piling on more and more cops. In regards to the other incident in this thread I thought the guy was resisting somewhat and likely the police were fine up to and including the take down (although they also could have de-escalated verbally but what fun is that?) The hand on the throat though? Not a police technique.
  17. Another new strategy. Sure he probably did it but you can’t get him cause he’s president! Too bad they are very likely wrong (but the Supreme Court battle over it should be interesting) Rudy also admitted trump obstructed. He said he fired Comey because he was a subject in an investigation. Sorry pal, that’s obstruction. These guys have balls. But....
  18. What did the president know and when did he know it Less than a month ago Sandeds says “I talked to trump and there is no knowledge of a payment” today she says “can’t comment on legal issues. Talk to Rudy”. Zero legitimacy. They’re not even pretending they aren’t lying. They are openly lying. I wish we could fast forward to the inevitable film/series! also if trumps position is that there is an NDA wouldn’t his statements that Stormy is lying about an affair shatter that NDA and let stormy off the hook? At the very least it must help serve the defamation lawsuit since he’s publicly calling her a liar.
  19. They do a lot of jets coverage too. But yes more basketball. They are the jets regional broadcaster so they should be pushing us jay & Dan are clearly enjoying the jets success.
  20. Whataboutism is the laziest way to deflect from your guys’ failings. I’m a Con who thought Obama’s peace prize was laughable. It’s also entirely irrelevant to Trump.
  21. It’s an abject failure I’d you really think that. It was me replying to an absurd attempt by you to insult me with a tongue in cheek response rather then simply ridicule your silly and irrelevant post. The strategy of meeting facts with attacks is becoming all too common among the trumpologists, sadly. Do you still think Sessions, Rod & Mueller are Dems that hate trump? Lol
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