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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You’re posts have all been decimated repeatedly. You ignore facts and keep coming back with this stuff to attack people here or bait or troll. Everything you post is always about defending trump and the alt right. It’s over pal. Accept it.
  2. You’re just trolling the board now. What does avanetti have to do with this? You always go with whataboutism. Serooisl if you don’t know the differences between this and Kav then you can’t even have a discussion. Its way over your head.
  3. What are you even talking about. What you just posted doesn’t confirm anything. Look I know you desperately want it to be true. I’m not sure why since your sudden interest in believing women is awful for your main man Hilarious. Won’t people think of Kevin spacey? Lol
  4. You can’t be this obtuse. Does your google only work through alt right partisan slant? It’s absurd at this point. Did you write the above yourself because it’s simply not what everyone else is reporting. Bad timing for you that you just heralded Kevin spacey as an example of accused men being destroyed, eh? And now this? You’re grossly transparent. Now do Trump. Lol
  5. Running on a platform that includes banning weapons and winning the election is actually the democratic process. Secondly when the buy back program comes into effect there will be legislative changes so you’ll get you’re precious debate. Thirdly current owners can keep their weapons anyway. They just can’t use them. If I was upset about the democratic process I’d focus more on a right wing party that is in free fall trying to play mini trump rather then be a legitimate option for government.
  6. Not really. Candidates run on specific platforms so when they win and push for those it’s no surprise. Secondly we don’t live on a dictatorship anyway. If majority of Canadians disagree liberals lose next election. That simple. For all those people upset the problem is there is no right of Center opposition currently.
  7. Usually I’d agree. But they ran on this and it’s one of those things I’d like to see the US do via executive order. So I have no issue. It’s too much of a no brainer. They can be brought down if need be and people can vote for Trump cover band aka Cons if they want to.
  8. Sometimes something comes along where it becomes easy to identify the truly moronic and hateful. The people posting JT as Hitler pics all over social media...that’s one.
  9. Keep on eye on Mikko Lehtonen. Undrafted D man from Finland. Was playing in the K and is now a free agent. Various sources link him to just about every team including the jets. Apparently he’s good
  10. Knock it off. You’ve been exposed. Just stop it. You keep dancing around it to level insults and Bs criticisms, driven by your alt right obsession. It’s real old.
  11. Are those paid Prep courses? Im thinking government will have to cover the cost. I dont know anything other then my buddy saying any kids taking courses they need for University just wont do well without it. I honestly think we can handle a lost semester for most students without being the end of the world although I'd be curious to know the success/failure of schooling from home. It would be a shame if some students had fewer options due to lack of prep by the schools or school boards.
  12. Well yeah, Im not sure anyone here had Biden as their pick. But he's the guy. We can only hope he wins and the US can clean things up in time for a much better leader that can usher in a new era. Dont hold your breath.
  13. Its an interesting discussion. I dont have kids but nieces/nephews. One is graduating this year. He's likely not going to University but a close friend is a High School Principal and was very concerned over those graduates being terribly unprepared. I think they definitely need to offer prep classes as soon as they can. Students going to University will want to take them. For other kids, one 16 year old I know does a lot of school work now. Her school prepared very well and they still interact with students. She still has papers and tests to write. She has to do work and her parents are fully aware. She told me that her report card was sent when this started and she cant get a lower grade but she can get a higher grade. The gf of nephew goes to a small town school and apparently they have little to no work to do. So it seems to be an issue from school to school or division to division. Would the answer be to open schools in August for a month? Kids arent losing a year. They were sent home about two weeks or so into the semester. So its, what 3 months? Im not sure there will be an appetite among parents to have kids spend July & August in classrooms.
  14. Spare me your faux outrage. You're getting ridiculous with this trolling lately. You're value sharing with the alt right has long been disgusting and why it's tolerated is beyond me. I assume you're baiting to try and get a round of hand slapping but its transparently obvious. If you even offered one iota of reasonable argument it might be slightly different. You're gross.
  15. Even a cursory examination of the allegation against Biden shows it to be a nothingburger. The difference between most of us and people like Pig is that if Biden DID do it, we want him thrown in jail. But if it's someone like Trump or the plethora of right wing politicians, its a big "boys being boys" and "if she cant produce DNA or Video then she's a liar".
  16. None of those are needs. And I disagree that someone should have to apply for a special permit to own a rocket or grenade launcher because they shouldnt have that option. Period. I generally am defensive of collectors but let's be real. It's not a need. Its something I'd be willing to support in the US because of their insane gun culture but even then, collectors can can weapons pre 1900-ish (I cant remember the exact date). Collecting AR-15's and whatnot...come on. No need. It might be a want. But there are plenty of "wants" that are banned by law. So, I dont have an issue with this at all and I dont think its a case of they should go further. I think the Liberals (who I did not vote for and everyone here knows how I feel about them) have been pretty forthright on it.
  17. HAHAHA man are you testy. Your guy has over 20 credible sexual assault/harrassment allegations and you dont care. Your true colours have been flying for a long time....shared values, indeed. Not remotely. There is a whole thread about this. How is the shoe on the other foot. Let's see, you're an unabashed alt right trump lover who suddenly is outraged over an allegation against Biden by a Putin worshiper who only came forward when it was clear Bernie would lose the nomination? Okay, maybe thats a coincidence. Women should be believed. Zero credibility to her allegations including the fact her own supposed witnesses had to be "reminded" or coached on what to say. Ill tell ya what, let's let the FBI investigate it along with all the allegations against Trump. Deal? hahahaha Better yet, the SECOND the right is willing to believe the allegations against Trump, Ill stand with their "outrage" over Biden. You sure were sore about Kevin Spacey. And werent you crying over how Kav was treated? And yet you are ready to toss Biden out. And yet...mum on Trump, eh? You're as transparent as it gets.
  18. In this case especially. It boils down to he said, she said, as many cases do. But in this case, there is zero supporting evidence and plenty to support Biden's position that it didnt happen. There is simply nothing to see here and it should be a dead issue.
  19. Why do you even bother? Im sure you're as concerned with Biden as you re for Kevin Spacey right? As long as you're a Trump guy, you have zero credibility to even think about this, let alone comment on it.
  20. Trump can blame China all he wants us to, but China didnt run the US reaction to the pandemic. At the same time he said it was nothing people in my office were talking about how bad it could be so should billy from accounting be running the US pandemic response? Cause Billy knew. How didnt Trump? He's a liar.
  21. No, what needs to change is not just control at borders, which ofcourse, illegal guns should be prevented from coming in. But there is zero need for any of the weapons mentioned in the post above. Thats the answer to your earlier question. Do you need an AR-15 or similar weapon? If you do, you dont anymore because they're now banned.
  22. Obviously thats not the case and its the same silly argument that erupts in the US. If they take my tank, my shoulder mounted missile launcher, my grenades, my M-16 and the 10 million rounds of ammo, they'll come for my hunting rifle next. Thats not an issue in Canada. But guns are not needed for anything outside of hunting (and Ill defer on the argument of personal protection). Fortunately, in Canada, we havent wrapped ourselves up in misunderstanding very old amendment into making guns a culture thing. But yeah, no guns (outside of hunting).
  23. Yeah. I’m sure more info will come. Probably semi automatic too. Hand guns etc. No guns allowed.
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