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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Did atomic join the trump admin recently? Really weird behaviour. I like the new trump strategy though. Basically sure he fired Comey to obstruct justice but he’s allowed to fire him for any reason.
  2. This is hilarious. He literally works like three hours a day and not every day. Spends more time as golf clubs than the shire house. And he’s now claiming he’s too busy to answer questions in a serious criminal investigation. What happened to his burning desire to be interviewed by Mueller? he really believes this. That since he’s president he’s above the law.
  3. So you’d be fine with him committing crimes as long as he’s your pick for president? That’s what you’re saying.
  4. Could be huge. Heard armia and Kulikov Also practiced without non contact jerseys if perreault is back the obvious scratch is Hendricks. But what is armia is back too?
  5. Preds are just trying to get some calls next game. But Subban should be warmed about his comments. He said something like “what if I did that to Scheiffle”.
  6. Honestly, being critical of someone praising KJU is fair but to then suggest that person is biased in favour of someone (not mentioned) is rich if you’re praising trump I see nothinf trump has done to impact North Korea actions. Unless you think trumps vocalizing his willingness to wipe NK off the map scared NK back to the table. And I don’t think that’s the case. It could be. But I don’t think so. It’s timing and efforts of SK. NK got to the point in their nuke program where they have something to negotiate with. And only trump thinks you can actually annihilate NK. No one else does. With Trumps threats insults and bluster and SK’s willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue I think it’s only fair to assume the matter had the greater impact. Its also possible KJU feels a kinship to Trump and the idea of a face to face meeting strokes his ego bigly. Rehardless no one is more congratulatory to trump than trump. But even if he brought peace to every corner of the world it’s not an excuse for his bad acts, currently under investigation.
  7. If you ask Trump, Im sure he'd agree he deserves the peace prize. Whereas normal people defer to others. But hey, if you're a Trump fan, that's your right. Im sure his efforts in North Korea have been strong, what with his intense schedule of working three hours a day, twice a week.
  8. Yes, the President of South Korea has done a great job.
  9. Let's be honest, both sides play politics. And the things Trump has done and is accused of should not be ignored regardless of any positives. If he has committed impeachable offenses, he should be impeached. As for the Dems, the AG is a Republican. Rosenstein is a Republican. Mueller is a Republican. But sure, its the Dems.
  10. If Stastny's plan was to go back to the Blues, they're a good team too, almost made the playoffs without him. But, if he likes Winnipeg, you can't get much better and for a player of his skill but also his age, feeding Laine all season might be really attractive.
  11. DOJ disagrees. Investigation into Hilary is over. Investigation into Trump isn’t
  12. Yes. The DOJ appointed a special prosecutor named Mueller to investigate trumps efforts to obstruct the FBi’s Investigation into Russian meddling. In fact some questions he has for Trump just leaked. Were you not aware of any of this? Stop watching Fox.
  13. An absolute disgrace: The Saudi General Sports Authority has apologized for an advertisement that aired during the Greatest Royal Rumble, saying that it showed women's wrestlers in an "indecent" way. The apology was issued through the Saudi General Sport's Authority's Twitter account, and Reddit user "comproimse" posted a rough translation of it: "The General Sport Authority would like to apologize to the viewers and attendees of last night’s WWE event that took place in Jeddah, over the indecent scene involving women that appeared as an ad before a segment. It would like to confirm it's total disapproval of this, in the shadow of its commitment to eliminate anything that goes against the communities values. "The authority has made sure to ban showing of any segment that involves women wrestling or any scenes related to it, and stipulated that to the company (WWE). The authority also disapproved any promotional stuff with pictures or videos showing women in an indecent way, and emphasized on commitment of this rule. And it’s a commitment that the authority would still commit to forever in all of it’s events and programs" It appears that the advertisement in question was WWE's commercial about the company's switch to all dual-brand pay-per-views. It features men and women from Raw and SmackDown lip-syncing about the PPV change while in their wrestling gear. The Associated Press has also picked up on the apology being issued.
  14. I can’t believe they’d do that. Wow. I was under the impression raw airs in Saudi so they see the women anyway. I hope wwe does the right thing and pulls out of the deal.
  15. I would agree wirh that if it was either just a show or a show with some progress. But it was a paid commercial for how great Saudi Arabia is. They get the tv shows. So if women had been on the show even in full gear, that’s progress. If Balor has a rainbow on his tights and isn’t beheaded, that’s progress. If Steph is there in her corporate role, that’s progress. A show subject to all the negatives of Saudi but pretending and hard shilling how great it is, that just isn’t progress. Now if next year they have women because of this year, that’s progress. But if it takes ten years I don’t buy it. It was a political advertisement. Period. Saudi knows they are behind the majority of the world. So this isn’t like they couldn’t just let women appear. Or even have women backstage. Or even allowing Zayn to be there. Or not hassling Heyman. Etc there was no progress yesterday. At all. And worse, they paid a big American company to tell the world that there was progress.
  16. Yeah man. But let’s pull it back onto the rails! Lol. What did you think of the show? What the hell is up with Roman losing again?
  17. There were women in the crowd because their male guardians allowed them to go. They had no free will in deciding. They were not permitted to attend of their own volition. Heres the big thing, doing a show there is one thing. WWE sold themselves to the Saudi’s a propaganda tool. They didn’t just do a show. They were ambassadors for the Saudi government. There was talk Saudi resisted giving Heyman a visa. And zayn wasn’t there because of his ethnicity. The more comes out the worse it sounds but...to specify the issue here, @Goalie I don’t think you really meant what you said but you said it. But it’s worth moving on from What we can’t debate is wwe sold themselves to Saudi as a propaganda tool. Each of us can choose whether we think that is appropriate or not Anyway...is the Roman/Vince love affair over?
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