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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think most people there would be happy to have more freedom. And to your point, they are happy to have events like this. The kids in the audience looked to be having the time of their lives. I agree with most of your position on this. It takes time. Not going at all isn’t the answer. Etc. But it’s also true that WWE took a big fat cheque to openly propagandize on behalf of the regime. But if we disagree enough we can choose not to watch (I watched it) Both perspectives are true.
  2. What’s crazy is, if Sasha Banks walked out right now this crowd would pop big. They get the tv shows.
  3. I think it’s not so much Stars they are reacting to. It’s people from tv. Even hornswoggle for a good reaction. Miz. Goldust. This rumble is....something lol And bunch of VIPs wandering around on hard cam or looking disinterested. Should have sold those tickets to fans
  4. I don’t think you really meant you agree with or support Saudi ideals. But you did say they aren’t wrong (or doesn’t mean they are wrong). Treating women like second class citizens is always wrong regardless of religion or culture. I think we can agree with that. The single men who are sitting far away are making a lot of noise and some of the family seating. Lots of hand sitting among the Saudi prince hook ups though. In fact a lot of silence in places. Theyre reacting to stars. Hunter. Cena got a big reaction. Taker. Bryan. Brock. Roman. Not so a smark crowd as a traditional Mark crowd. Not a “bizarro world” crowd as wwe likes to call their smark locations. It sure does. As much money as it is, it’s nothing to Vince. And as a house show they air, fine. But this ass of saudi is gross. WWE are shilling for them They aired a promo video talking about how great it is there, how great their prince is, how progressive they are. A female minister begins crying because of how happy she is...that women can drive and sit with men in a theatre. Cole says it’s a progressive city. Please. Cena saying how honoured he is. Good thing the KKK doesn’t buy a WWE show.
  5. Well....if the plan is to get Roman over by losing he should be over soon! Botched finish. Roman boo’ed in Saudi have to think they’ve changed their minds on Roman now. Braun will beat Brock. Brock clearly preparing to re-enter USADA. Rumble winner gets a Saudi Championship belt. Lol
  6. I’m 9 minutes into this show and feel like I need a shower. Puke from what I hear it’s good though. Super hot crowd and nice set.
  7. Armia looks to be out tonight. Everyone else you'd expect should play. Armia has been good. Speedy recovery!
  8. As far as real estate deals go, this was a great one. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2772480-wayne-gretzky-buys-135-million-mansion-he-once-sold-to-lenny-dykstra?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  9. ^^^^ SO looking forward to the Freddie Mercury film! Things are spinning fast with Star Trek. with reports that Paramount has tapped SJ Clarkson to direct the next film. She'd be the first female director of a Trek movie. She does mostly TV work so its an interesting choice. Also, the next film looks to be the one JJ announced during the Beyond premiere with Chris Hemsworth back as George Kirk. But Paramount is also in the script stage for another Trek film based on a Tarantino story. Its GOOD news if Paramount actually has two films in development because they waited too long between films when they re-launched Trek in 2009. Churn them out quickly. And it might make for a more cohesive story if Trek 4 ties into Trek 5 better than in the past. Interesting side note is, after STID, writer Bob Orci was tapped with writing and directing Trek 3. He wrote a story with JD Payne and Patrick McKay that would include Shatner & Nimoy and was something like, Kirk could fix things OR have everything he wanted...something like that, sacrifice etc. Paramount rejected the script and Orci submitted a second one. It was also rejected and he was fired (and then went on a tirade on a Star Trek fan forum. So this idea of Hemsworth returning sort of sounds like it could have similar themes. And its being written by...Payne & McKay. So basically, they kept those guys and ditched Orci. I wonder if they will avoid any similarities to Orci ideas or if he might end up with a credit. When Simon Pegg & Doug Yung were brought in to clean up after Orci's departure and wrote Beyond, they claimed Paramount would not let them see or know anything about Orci's rejected stories. But Orci claimed some ideas DID make it into Beyond (he seemed annoyed by this as he should). Star Trek politics. lol Keep in mind, Discovery was prevented from doing anything until six months after Beyond was released. No word on if there are any other contractual considerations between Paramount and CBS as far as their two properties. If the Viacom merger goes through, Star Trek will finally be back under one roof (Currently, Paramount owns the movie side and CBS owns the TV side, hence no cohesive strategy between the two).
  10. Please not Corbin. I would think they'd want to put a baby face over in the Rumble for the big crowd. I think they might have Roman win the belt and Braun win the Rumble and then Braun beats Brock in a singles match in Brock's swan song for awhile. Also, there be an intermission for prayer service (shouldn't be obvious on TV other than 15+ minutes of video packages and interviews.
  11. I went to bed before it was over and woke up to a nice outcome. I have Pens and Knights left in my pool. What a story Vegas is. Strangely I was also cold-called last night from a Vegas phone number offering me a $379 package for 4 days in Vegas with dinner, shows etc.
  12. So now you agree. Walking back your remarks. That’s fine. I’m glad we agree. I said the same damn thing from point one. That business is business but wwe got backlash for it. That was it. That was the news I posted. Now that we all agree, what’s going to happy tomorrow? Roman finally wins? who goes over in the rumble? Bryan...Braun or outside pick is Lashley
  13. Nice comeback by Pens. And Vegas....wow
  14. Come on. In 100 years maybe we’ll be living on Saturn and have only one gender Women as property is not a nuanced debate. It’s wrong. Period. And it’s wronf in Saudi Arabia where the women do not want to be property. Hence these propaganda moves by the government. They will give in eventually.
  15. Yes maybe. Hopefully they fought for their women and can chip away next year. This year though, Saudi bought and paid for WWE as a propaganda tool Hunters remarks were so so it’s not a relevant culture when it treats women like property. He has three daughters. He knows better. But that’s what Saudi money paid for. But I agree that hopefully change comes. It’s a ten year deal. Women have worked in the Middle East.
  16. I think it does actually. Saudi Arabia was the only nation where women were forbidden from driving (until last year). So you could say society on a global level decided that women arent cattle, owned by the males in their family. There are many things by which the terms right and wrong apply quite obviously. The thing with Saudi Arabia is, they are doing a full court press on propaganda to make the world believe they are changing. There is a lot of internal pressure to change. The women (and Im sure many men) in that country want change. Its not like everyone there agrees with the culture and we're looking down our nose. Its subjugation of their people against their will. Their Vision 2030 plan is to create reform but its due to intense pressure. So how much reform will happen, who knows. The fact women can now vote and drive is great. The fact it took til 2015 for that to begin is awful. Women are still treated as property of their male relatives, need permission to have their own bank account, need permission to have many jobs. I read something like the majority of University students are women but only 5% of the workforce is. They simply are expected to be home for their men. But clearly they want options. Reportedly WWE is getting $25 million per year for ten years. From their perspective, you cant turn down that money. Although they are in the position now, more than ever before, to make take it or leave it demands. They dont need the money. But they arent just running a show there, they are actively taking part in propaganda. Saudi Arabia bought that from WWE. Which...you cant blame people for being uncomfortable with it. If WWE truly believes they can use this deal to slowly move towards having their women on the show and having female fans in the crowd, then great. Let's hope they can. It shouldn't seem like virtue signalling to be critical. We can love WWE and enjoy the shows and enjoy the show on Friday too. But they took money to do a show that segragtes their own roster and they have to pretend its great. Change is inevitable and if it happens over the next ten years then WWE will look good. Disney met with Saudi Arabia just this year to discuss future business. The fact the Saudi's KNOW they have to change is proof the criticism is warranted. It could be worse, they could have sold part of WWE to the government like UFC did. In fact, for $250 million, Im surprised Saudi didnt get a piece of the company (and maybe they wanted to and WWE refused). Jerry lawler has said WWE will be paying their women anyway, which I hope is true and is the right thing to do (and they can clearly afford it).
  17. You've convinced me. Let's open a Pizza Ranch franchise here.
  18. Cause of death for Bruno was organ failure to due heart issues related to having rheumatic fever when he was 12. He was very sickly as a boy (was denied entry to the US as an immigrant until he was healthy). He didnt know he had heart issues until just a few years ago as he was so strong and fit, his heart compensated for the damage. But he needed a new valve a few years ago. Another wrestling death took place on April 14th. Motoko Baba, wife of Giant Baba died. She was the most powerful woman in wrestling of all time. The Baba's owned All Japan Pro Wrestling. She was 78.
  19. Skycity all but dead http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/skycity-fortress-developments-trustee-review-1.4633589?cmp=rss
  20. They have had issues. And really, imagine if they didnt fire Garth and hire Wade Miller. They'd probably be losing money every year BEFORE paying the mortgage. The Province should have just paid for the thing outright in the first place. They came up with this scheme because taxpayers dont like $200 million being spent on sports Stadiums, especially one being used ten times a year. And I can't argue with that other then to say, a Stadium is a community asset and for the life of the facility, the cost is rather minimal compared to many other things. I'd have rather seen a small fee on tickets (like $1-$2) as a sort of facility fee then taking on massive debt servicing. Bombers are doing well so the idea of private ownership isnt talked about anymore. I had always hoped True North could have been convinced to come in and take it all over but Miller is doing a fine job running things.
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