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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I really liked Papa John's too. Plus its on Skip. I didnt have them for awhile over their NFL advertising stuff. They seem like a bit of an icky corporation. But its hard to argue with you about their apps. Yummy Stopped there once on the way back from a wedding. Hung over. Buddy spent ten minutes in the can throwing up and then feasted on the pizza buffet. Loved it. And we all felt a lot better after we ate! Made the Pizza Hut lunch buffet look like scraps. Americans love their food. There were people there that, if they could, they'd have pulled their chairs right up to the buffet. I have never tried Golden Corral though but I hear its a huge buffet for those wanting to be shameless pigs. I dont think there is one near us anymore (used to be in Fargo I think).
  2. Ummm...yes, yes they are wrong. Like...really? The treatment of women, religion (especially Jews), gays, etc. Just google it. Of course they are wrong. In regards to WWE, if you only get your news from Twitter or only judge what is newsworthy from Twitter, you might have missed the BBC article about this issue. Personally, I think the WWE is faring surprisingly well but they often fly under the radar when it comes to Media. The issue isnt that WWE should be judged more harshly than other entertainment or sports companies or the government. If the NHL or NFL or Disney did business there, we'd all rightly be critical of the finer details. But now imagine any of those entities had a female EVP who was the face of the company who went around patting themselves on the back for their advancement of women's rights and then did business in Saudi where that EVP is suddenly conspicuously absent and all the female employees are absent. We're not going to change the world on this forum and WWE isnt going to change Saudi Arabia by not going. We dont know if WWE fought for the women and it was simply a non-starter with the Saudi's or if they were happy to sell them out. Do I personally think WWE should have declined? Probably not. But if I was an exec with WWE I'd feel really gross about it. Now imagine WWE announced a show where their black wrestlers werent allowed to work and black spectators could only attend in certain sections. Of if the gay wrestlers had to stay home because they might be in physical danger. I mean really... Point being, the "no one cares about this at all" is a nice narrative change because it was a topic I posted, but its not true and its a very relevant discussion. You're not obligated to take part but Ill commend you for having the courage to admit you side with the Saudi's on their treatment of women!
  3. People do care and there have been some news stories. Criticism is fair regardless of whether you or I would make the deal for business reasons They won’t suffer but the backlash is warranted. They claim it’s better to make these relationships and try to create change over time. But it really is money. As a public company they are obligated to maximize returns to their shareholders so I get that. The really icky part is their mainstream claims of pushing women’s rights (especially with Stephanie). Well find out later in the year how much money they’re making. For their sake I hope it’s a lot. But either way you slice it the “culture” sucks.
  4. Nah. Keep it publicly owned but write it off so the bombers aren’t saddled with it. Any plan to sell it would mean selling the team and even then no one is taking the standout debt or paying much for it.
  5. What a defensive battle in game seven in Boston
  6. If the Dems take the house in November there is a good chance trump gets impeached. But it’s highly unlikely the senate would convict (and remove him) unless something (perhaps Mueller’s report) swings the GOP against Trump. The GOP might see a better chance of future victory with Pence but Trump would tear the GOP apart. They don’t want that. The question though, if trump is impeached, would he go through a senate trial even if he thinks he’ll win or would he prefer to resign rather then face that scrutiny? Plus he could make the same deal Nixon did and resign to elevate Pence who would then pardon him (and his family). Losing the presidency is one thing. You and your kids going to jail is something else.
  7. How the **** was Maurice not a finalist??? We didn’t make the playoffs last year and then finished one game away from the Presidents trophy. Wow. These awards obviously aren’t just merit. It’s politics.
  8. Maybe YTV? We got You Cant Do That on Television” as well.
  9. Tempted to go. Should be a lot of fun and for a good cause.
  10. Isn’t that the show with kids who run an obstacle course at the end through all manner of sauce, and slime etc? if so it aired here. Late afternoon (like after school) and was very popular for a time.
  11. WWE getting some backlash this week over the trip to saudi. Women are not allowed to appear on the show. The backlash is partially about doing business with people that won’t allow women but moreso because wwe champions itself as a forward thinking company on women’s rights and equality. Some tslk that Jews are not allowed as well but last word wasn’t a Heyman will be there. The Saudi government bought the show and are using it for propaganda. They restricted single men to areas far from the ring. Of course single women aren’t allowed at all. But most of the seats are reserved for couples and families so they can show women (just not alone). Its very lucrative for wwe but it’s gross money. I saw a journalist suggest wwe (or the top guys benefitting from this show) pay the women what they’d earn if they were allowed to appear. Do something at least.
  12. My favourite was his “Cream of the Crop” promo where he seemed to have an endless supply of creamers. Macho was incredible.
  13. And the GOP are gutless. Let trump fracture the party. Stand on principle even if it takes time to rebuild. theyre selling their souls to trump right now.
  14. Agreed. Harper is really good. Rowan is nkt.
  15. True face of heroism. Has trumped acknowledged this unarmed black man who stopped a white shooter with an assault rifle yet?
  16. I thought Nashville had an issue where their arena was booked Friday night. Maybe I misheard. Everyone assumed Thursday and Sat. So Im wondering is it still Saturday even if they play Friday? Cant have game 2 be afternoon and less than 24 hours after game 1, can they? Either way, I guess its the same for both teams but still.
  17. I dont see how you do it with Spiderman. Even if he makes a cameo, why not make Venom a Spiderman character and then spin him off. Especially with the Avengers going into space, you could easily have the alien symbiont. Seems like Sony wanting to take advantage of Marvel stepping in and saving one of their characters. Let Marvel produce ALL Sony's marvel character films and be happy they're good.
  18. There may be no such as thing as karma but there is such thing as being an ******* while also being up to your eyeballs in shadiness
  19. I was thinking it looked awful but Tom hardy might save it.
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