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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Huge gold Star for Morrow. What a quiet pick up at the deadline. All these injuries. This team is so good.
  2. I didn’t get into hockey til about 90 so it was heartbreak after heartbreak after heartbreak. And the biggest heartbreak of all when the jets left town. I was one of the guys everyone said was delusional when I said the NHL will come back. It feels like waiting my whole life to see this. It’s emotional. Go Jets Go!
  3. Even the play by play said refs will let wild get away with a lot cause they are down. Huh?
  4. Was that venue IGAC? Or Marlborough? In between stints where AWE and WFX were hated rivals I helped out on one event at IGAC (which sucked) and one at the Marlborough (which was good) i think their last few events were at an old church studio off McGillivray but I never attended. We were pretty fierce competitors then.
  5. WWE will be airing a Bruno documentary on the Network following RAW.
  6. And Myers says he's good to go. So is Poolman playing LHD or one of the big three switching sides?
  7. If Myers plays does Poolman sit and Niku starts or does one of the RHD switch to the Left Side?
  8. I know its not a popular opinion, but I'd be fine if the Province just paid off the mortgage and gave the Bombers a pass. They'd be a very wealthy team if that was the case. I suppose it doesnt matter since they dont have to be profitable as long as they're breaking even, paying their bills and are a solid organization.
  9. That Guns N Roses concert was packed! lol And I might have to go to Regina to see the Eagles. So if they made a 3 million dollar payment to the mortgage, they have around $2 million left over. Hopefully they are building up a nice rainy day fund. What stands out to me is the increase in sponsorship which speaks volumes to the appeal of the Bombers and the efforts of their sales team and management. There was a fear the Jets would suck up all the corporate dollars and its great that that is not true.
  10. Sounds like: Morrow-Buff Niku-Trouba Chiarot-Poolman And you know what, I dont *hate* that D corp. I mean, yes, having 4 of our starters out sucks. But that seems like the most efficient use of what we have.
  11. As a fan I want to know specifics because it gives me a better idea of time table and how the player will perform when he returns and any possible long term effects or likelihood of aggravation. Its just a matter of more information being better. But if I ran a sports team, especially during the playoffs, I'd never give any details. Im not sure how much it matters (like did the Wild have to "plan" for the Jets to have Myers in the line up and then it hurt their strategy when he wasnt?) but secrecy is the name of the game this time of year.
  12. You're really failing at life when the judge agrees with your appeal that the original judge erred but not to your benefit and increases your fine. I remember in...must have been 2004, my former partner (and Dyck's then-partner) came to me and asked for an investment in their wrestling company because Dyck was having trouble coming up with his half. I politely declined. It was always smoke and mirrors. By the time Dyck had real money to invest in wrestling, it was other people's money. House of cards. When it began to come crashing down the...oh the 2nd or 3rd time (before he was busted), my former partner had a falling out with Dyck. I had a friend who worked for Dyck in one of his other businesses and encouraged Dyck to stay in wrestling which Dyck wanted to but he was tunnel visioned on the idea that my former partner was the only one who could produce wrestling events. This mutual friend convinced him I'd do a better job so Dyck said, well, send me a six month outline for a wrestling TV show. So I did and it was really good (featured guys being Omega, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Joey Mercury etc). And the best part was, I budgeted the six months to essentially be similar to one or two of the shows Dyck had previously financed (because they were badly over-paid). He took one look at the plan and had zero interest because it didnt feature "big enough stars". Oh well (dodged a bullet).
  13. This is really something. It’s noted in the story that they were in jail for several hours and released after midnight when the DA declined to prosecute. What the heck was the charge?? Not buying a Latte? Terrible. And huge thumbs up to these two guys for handling the situation in a very calm manner. More calm than I’d have been. They are going to be very good spokespeople for change.
  14. I'd think Niku would be given every chance to make the team out of camp if they want to keep the LHD a left handed player. But Poolman has been called up ahead of Niku. Also depends on Kulikov. If he's LTIR, Jets likely in the market for another top 4 D. If he's back, then it's Morrissey, Kulikov, Chiarot next season I think. Chairot has been really good. And Morrow is an RFA but likely has earned a contract offer as an extra D.
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