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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sadly it probably is. I always expected the Jets would bring him back, for a much lower salary of course. But even if that was in the plans, his injury history makes it less likely as you cant plan for a guy that can only play half the time. Plus, Niku looked good in the one game and will get a chance. And Chiarot has really developed into a solid bottom pairing D man. And I think Morrow has been a surprise and could be the "extra" D. Assuming Trouba is back and you still have Poolman, perhaps the Jets look for one more D in the off-season but they are good. Especially if Kulikov is back. If he isnt, they LTIR him and sign a 2LHD.
  2. He was NXT Champion. He was actually really good when he was in WWE years ago as Vince's "Chosen One" but pushed too hard too fast. When he left WWE, he worked all over and became a lot better. His run in NXT was very good. He has everything. He's gigantic, has a great look, is a good worker and decent promo. Way way better than Cass (which isnt a knock on Cass since he's not nearly as experienced as Drew). They might be going for a Shawn/Diesel dynamic with Ziggler and Drew. But its interesting how WWE thinks. Of course, their unwavering desire to push Roman but in the main event of RAW, they presented Roode and Lashley like top guys and neither guy got a reaction from the crowd. Drew did though. I was really thinking they should do Lashley/Brock. But man...next week, if they want to shake thing sup, have Drew interrupt and confront Brock. Crowd will go wild.
  3. Yup. And one suspects the feds believe strongly Cohen has evidence of illegal activity by 1) himself 2) his clients. To convince a judge and the DOJ to raid a lawyer and take documents, recordings etc that under normal circumstances would be privileged, its an enormously hard warrant to get and indicates they really believe there is important evidence of serious crimes.
  4. Jets recall Sami Niku. So...is Toby not ready or do they just want an extra body? Its really tough to think of how good the Jets are and yet they are down three starting D men from the season. If things go awry, its a really unfortunate situation. Fortunately, their top two RHD are Trouba & Buff. Their time on ice will increase.
  5. Hannity clearly got some legal advice at some point because he went from "he's not my lawyer and there is no privilege" to "he's not my lawyer but I assumed privilege" to "I might have given him a few bucks so ofcourse privilege exists". And now he's just doing his usual over-bearing, obnoxious shouting down of anyone questioning him. Imagine Hannity's reaction had it been, say, Anderson Cooper (which isnt even a great example since he's not a de facto spokesperson for Dems) connected to a Clinton lawyer under federal investigation?
  6. Forget Roman, Drew McIntyre is the guy they should build around.
  7. Noooooo! as a kid I watched Night Court religiously. Turns out he was also on Cheers (I didn’t start watching til later). Played an occasional guest role as Harry The Hat, a magician and trickster that would often swindle Sam and the others. Fun characters.
  8. Cohen has three clients. Trump, Broidy and Hannity. What did Cohen do for these clients? Well the first two, he paid off women that slept with them. We don’t know what he did for Hannity but....seems like Cohen has a speciality. Lol
  9. Sorry, yes, he denies Cohen is his lawyer even though Cohen's lawyer just told a federal judge that Hannity IS his client. They tried to keep it confidential so Im guessing Hannity was fine with them using his name as part of their argument to let Trump see the seized material but once it became public, he was running for the hills.
  10. Hahahahaha. Now hannity denies it!
  11. What’s the point of this anyway? Just to provide the potential targets with advanced knowledge of evidence that might be used against them? I’m no lawyer but it doesn’t seem that trump has a leg to stand on here
  12. Win Game 4. Get up by 6 goals in Game 5. Hand out some receipts.
  13. This isn’t talked about enough. Rudy G and his pals in the NY field office of the FBI got Comey to publicly disclose the clinton emails one weiner’s laptop swinging the election to Trump.
  14. Yeah Im sure WWE has tons of backstage video that could have shown how hurt and pained Andre was. Perhaps HBO chose to go more general to make it more accessible to the public. But I think you're right, the struggle aspect was most interesting. WWE did a lot to protect the myth of Andre has a tough guy though. Im sure most people here could have taken him by the late 80s. Its a shame he got bad medical advice as far as not getting help for his acromegley. Big Show did. That guy in NXT who's name escapes me right now, just had surgery for the same thing.
  15. Bruce B is a good coach and had a plan to win last night. Looking to see what maurice comes up with in Game 4.
  16. I agree, if the Jets make them pay on the PP, its all over. But you can see the Wild plan. They are slowing the Jets down and trying to make it a fist fight. And they know it will create power plays but they are willing to let Dubnyk work his magic and their PK was really good too. Funny that their best solution is to let Buff tee it off when a couple years ago the strategy was to avoid that. If the jets connect on the PP, Wild are done.
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