Good as a casual fan, you have heard of Omega because people talk about him in a wrestling thread on a sports forum.
there are many talented guys that cant throw a worked punch to save their lives lol If anything, I'd have had Ronda lay hers in even more. I bet they told her to throw punches like she would in MMA and they'd cover up so she's only hitting their arms anyway. They looked good from a realistic perspective which is the point although I think Hunter & Steph could have taken some stiff shots (but you risk someone getting knocked loopy for real...which makes Brock/Roman look even stupider with their shoot elbows).
It was excellent. Could have been a two partner really. I would think the hogan stuff was simply to build up the importance of Andre losing to Hogan at WM III which, young people today probably cant imagine how big that match was. All the talk in the doc about them not knowing what Andre would do was myth though. The doc did come across a bit of a rehab of Hogan as he came across great. I believe the Andre doc will end up on WWE Network once its HBO run is over.
If Im WWE, I'd do a Hogan doc in the same vein and deal with the sex tape/n-words/lawsuit stuff.