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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I suspect the government knows on both counts. And anyway market value is whatever they are gracious enough to pay you for an illegal weapon. A gun person can always opt not to take the money and take the charges instead lol
  2. Biden also got grilled on morning show about this. Interesting how Dems treat this vs Republicans.
  3. And so it begins. Whats next, certain ethnicity cant vote either. Absurd.
  4. Oh no, they MADE me lie. They asked me a question for which I didnt want to tell the truth and they knew it. Oh no, how dare they. Im the victim. I should be able to lie if I want to. Give me a break. Oh they found out that the FBI knows what they're doing...wow. Smoking gun. He plead guilty. He is guilty. Shared values on display here. Good lord.
  5. You're clueless on this. Catching crooks in lies is interrogation 101. There is nothing to see here at all. Its a note discussing different interrogation techniques. Getting someone to lie and then building upon that is police work 101. Take off your Trump blinders. Ridiculous already.
  6. They could hold up a blank sheet of paper and proclaim it evidence. The guy was crooked and lied about it. Plead guilty as well. Their smoking gun is nothing of the sort. It amounts to Trump's excuse for not being questioned "they will catch me in a lie." Well...dont lie.
  7. Yeah. People have to remember, Biden is one of the most vetted people in American politics as a former VP. There are too many people who said there was anything to this. i believe it was her own brother who changed his story from "shoulder rubs" to "assault". She filed a police report without naming him (possibly because lying in a sworn statement is illegal). Apparently she's a fan of Putin (though...I dont know the veracity). Everyone knows Biden is touchy and he's addressed that. Apparently her complaint started out as a "he made me uncomfortable", like so many others said and then when he became the nominee, its suddenly a full scale assault. And yes, it can happen. But this is like Al Franken where the Dems are expected to slit the throat of any male accused but the GOP shrug off allegations and say so what. If any GOP'ers want the Dems to take this seriously, they can start by taking Trumps 20+ credible allegations seriously.
  8. It’s going to so much fun watching him self destruct.
  9. Imagine blatantly caring about money over human lives. Geez. If this obsession keeps up people will be slathering themselves in orange paint and snorting adderall.
  10. So maybe Im just bored but I was thinking about the Sopranos movie. Anyone else here a huge Sopranos fan? Allegedly the plot relates to the 1967 riots. But Tony was born in 59. So how is that possible when clearly he's late teens to early 20's in the film? Which would push the time frame close to 1980 which actually sounds more interesting (Tony's rise happened in the 80's as I recall). Just look at this cast: Tony Soprano: Michael Gandolfini Alessandro Nivola: Dickie Moltisanti (Christopher's father) Fera Varmiga: Livia Soprano Jon Bernthal: Johnny Boy Soprano Cary Stoll: Reportedly as Junior Soprano Ray Liotta: Unconfirmed but I wonder if it's Old Man Dimeo, the family boss who was in prison at the start of the series and soon forgotten about John Magaro: Silvio Dante Billy Magnussen: Paulie Walnuts I have this crazy hope that the film is so successful it either spawns a series of films or, better yet, a new HBO series.
  11. Yeah I thought the first few weeks, most of the money went to the studios and it was a sliding scale the longer the film played. Theatre's relied on concessions mostly which is why they're so expensive (another reason to love Grant Park which has cheaper concessions and larger drinks). I could see drive ins return. If our drive in was still open, how easy would it have been for a major studio to send newer releases there. Lot of fun going to the drive in on a nice summers night.
  12. Thats interesting. If studios can make as much money releasing films straight to streaming or VOD, it changes the game. I wonder if the numbers hold up though. Like, Trolls WOULD get VOD money later, so will that money be less and how much. I would hate to lose the theatre experience altogether. I think the future might be the VIP experience. Grant Park is a friggen joy to watch a movie in. Best theatre in town and sold out for all new releases for quite awhile. has to be a cash cow.
  13. It really is very little, especially with the CFL wanting to pay it back in some way. All the people whining about it now will be furious if the league folded. In fact, I suspect the Cons have two prepared responses 1) "How dare they give these greedy players that money" 2) "How dare they let this great league fold"
  14. Yeah, with the slow re-openings happening now, would it be that difficult to start the season and broadcast it? Surely TSN would LOVE the content.
  15. He better be careful because he's giving the Dems some talking points this close to the election. Biden can make it simple. Are you better off with Trump's vision of America or ours?
  16. Seems like a reasonable ask...maybe not the amount but the fed surely cant let the CFL die. Its not about millionaire players and their hobby. It has economic impact (and ofcourse, no millionaire players). I assume the ask was high and they will settle for less. Why cant they work with health officials to come up with a strategy to play no fan games. They will then get their broadcast money which isnt insignificant. And I suspect the ratings would be pretty good. If you delay the start of the season to save some games early, say, start Aug 1st. Play no fan games. Fans back in September. Minimize the issue. $150 million is nothing to the feds anyway. Perhaps they can work with the Provinces to provide some of it. So, feds kick in $100 million, provinces kick in $50 million. CFL saved (and get them on TV for our enjoyment).
  17. Certainly the greatest tragedy here is not the dead people, but the mortally wounded economy. Cant wait for the Ken Burns docuseries about that great hero, the economy.
  18. In these depressing times of not much to talk about, Dirty Dutch comes along to get everyone's hearts a flutter Likely he heard of the idea of WWE Network being sold off and conflated the idea. Who would buy them right now? However, WWE is for sale and has been for a few years.
  19. That show seemed so stupid and then I couldnt stop watching it. But it was mainly the hosts. They were awesome. HAVE to be back.
  20. DIdnt Pence once claim he would never be alone with a woman because you never know what could happen or something? lol
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