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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This could be very bad for Cohen. And maybe trump.
  2. Probably true. I’m sure trump doesn’t care at all about Cohen but he does care what trump related stuff the feds now have due to the raid on Cohen’s office
  3. Or for some bombs to drop...good thing Trump let Russia know so they could move their assets out of harm's way. When Putin gives him the all clear, trump can launch some strikes on some empty buildings in Syria to distract everyone.
  4. Rusev apparently deleted everything related to WWE from his social media and reverted to his real name. Could be working people. But he and Lana have consistently been in hot water for awhile. He'd do quite well outside of WWE.
  5. This is trumps say is telling potential witnesses he will pardon them. But what struck me is he basically admits he knows nothing. He “heard” Scooter was treated unfairly. I would hope he’d want to know more details before issuing pardons.
  6. Couple of my guys were in New Orleans and ran into her, spent time hanging with Shayna, met Cena etc. Said everyone was cool. I read a story from a fan who ran into Kota and Kenny and asked for a photo and within seconds they were surrounded but made sure to get pics with everyone who wanted. I imagine it can get annoying but for WM week, they all seem to enjoy it.
  7. That wasn't the point you originally made. You took a usual swipe at Kenny in the context of celebrities doing promo work for the Jets. Someone even noted that many Jets fans didnt know who Chris Jericho was when he did Jets promo work. Certainly, of non-WWE talent, Omega is likely the most well known (hence his mainstream merchandise, repeated mention by WWE guys etc). He might be the highest paid too. And one person not knowing who Kenny is certainly does not prove anything any more than one person knowing who he is proves everyone does. For me, it became really telling about 1.5 years ago when a co-worker, a woman in her 50's over-heard me taking about our show and said she didnt watch wrestling at all and asked if we ever used wrestlers she mght have heard of. I said probably not, our top guy is Kenny Omega but he works primarily in Japan and she said "oh I've heard of him! I have no idea where but I dont know anything about wrestling and even I've heard of him." She likely heard him on TSN or in the newspaper or an ESPN article. I was quite surprised. But of course, her knowing about Kenny doesn't mean everyone has. It just means he's "out there" enough that people who dont watch a single second of wrestling could hear about him. And there aren't too many non-WWE guys like that. I think that is something we can all agree on. As for New Orleans, the 65,000 there are not "casual" WWE fans (the "big four PPV" types). And I guarantee you far more than 5000 know who Kenny is. The reverse might be true where only 5000 would NOT know who he was. That's a smart crowd. Its not a Kenny thing either, they reacted big to debuts of guys like Styles, Joe, Nak, Anderson. Omega is more well known now then all of them were when they debuted (maybe not Styles...very similar though AJ had the national TV stuff with TNA). Casual fans dont travel for wrestling...
  8. Her strikes looked more realiastic than most wrestling punches but in wrestling you're going more for theatrical than realistic so she looks unique and real. WWE actually has Seth Petruzelli on staff at their Performance Centre as a striking coach and he worked with Stephanie a lot before WM. I agree but the WWE audience is largely smarter than its ever been in the sense they arent *only* WWE fans. Their house show business is more the traditional idea of casual WWE fans. When Styles debuted he got a huge reaction but had never been in WWE had had spent the previous couple years in Japan. Nak got a huge reaction too. Joe. Even Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Lots of Bullet Club merch, chants etc by WWE crowds. The cool thing is, when it comes to discussing the popularity of indy wrestling is the Bucks and Omega have become very successful non-WWE talent to the extent they have merchandise deals with mainstream retailers in the US. And if you follow WWE, like I said before, Omega's name has been mentioned on their programming and many times on social media of WWE guys. So you'd have to be a "casual" fan of WWE that mostly just tunes in once in a while for a big show. Its a good debate though and when you bring up the fact Im in the business, its something I have to consider when I've brought in talent - how much will they draw, how well known are they etc. For example, Ryback is a pretty big ex-WWE name but my understanding is he wants $5000 per appearance. I know a promotion in SK has him coming in but I'd never spend that money. When Kurt Angle first left WWE, I was the first promoter to try to book him and was quoted $5000 and I said Ill book him multiple times at that price (price was raised to $10,000). That was at a time when $1000 was a high price for a guy. Now, the non-WWE guys are getting well above that price.
  9. This show is certainly something... Rusev vs Undertaker in a casket match has been changes to Undertaker vs Jericho in a casket match. Rusev had tweeted "Bury be softly, brother" so no telling if that salted WWE's nuts enough to make the switch. Friday April 27th in Saudi Arabia. Live on the Network beginning at 10am. No women allowed and I imagine Finn tones down the gay pride too. Money talks! 50-man Greatest Royal Rumble match Universal Champion Brock Lesnar defending against Roman Reigns in a steel cage match John Cena vs. Triple H The Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho in a casket match Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins defending against The Miz, Finn Balor, and Samoa Joe in a ladder match Cesaro & Sheamus vs. either Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt or The Revival for the vacant Raw Tag Team titles SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers defending against The Usos WWE, United States, and Cruiserweight Championship matches that have yet to be revealed Edit: Rey Misterio now added to this show
  10. Clearly it was about casual wrestling fans. The post Goalie replied to with the weird story about celebrities was the post I made about Reigns tweeting and Kenny replying. Why would someone reply to that, reference casual fans, and be talking about casual fans of something other then wrestling? Most people following wrestling enough to follow Roman likely know of Omega. We know the original intent anyway...lol Although the point that some people were asking on social media who Jericho was is certainly interesting. He's a pretty big cross-over celebrity and of course, you will always have people who dont know who everyone is. When Randy Savage died, I was surprised my mom knew who he was and knew it was newsworthy enough to call me to tell me she had seen it. lol
  11. Sorry Rich, I edited my post which you quoted before my edit. Honestly, its not really up to me to define casual in this discussion. Because the post that kick started the debate was clearly made up (it didnt make sense as it was written) and was about celebrities doing promos for the Jets. The Jets have nothing to do with wrestling so one has nothing to do with the other. Its not a personal affront to me and Im not arguing because Im offended. Im simply correcting a myth. It speaks to wrestling as a whole, not just Kenny, that indy wrestling (and ROH/New Japan) have become incredibly popular in the last couple of years or that Bullet Club merch (including Omega merch) were everywhere at last year's WM, being worn by WWE fans. The line between WWE fan and "hardcore" fan is the narrowest its ever been. "Casual" might be a good description for many people who attend WWE house shows who go because its WWE and may not even know half the guys on the show. But if you watch/follow WWE you have a pretty good chance of having heard of Kenny since his name has been mentioned on their programming and website and many of their talent have mentioned him on their official social media.
  12. As a casual wrestling fan who uses a local sports forum, your fandom has resulted in you knowing who Kenny is. Which sort of proves my point. lol Again, silly debate as the original intent was to knock Kenny with a made up story about celebrities and the Jets.
  13. Good on Vegas for their first ever victory. Looked like a party in Vegas! And I've got Fleury in my pool...
  14. Impressed with Laine. He is better defensively than some give him credit for (and way better than he was even earlier this season). How good can he be 2...3...5 years from now? Again, have to pat Chiarot on the back. He's not just an ok fill in, he's a good NHL d man. Helle was excellent. Now they got the jitters out of the way and got that historic first win out of the way and know what Playoffs feel like, I *hope* they come out better on Friday.
  15. So Brock's new deal wasnt signed until Wrestlemania Sunday. Talk about waiting til the last minute. And it was a raise (incredible), possibly for only the last match in Saudi. The plan was agreed to on RAW before WM. Very very few people knew the change in finish for Brock/Roman. Roman showed up at WM thinking he was going over for the title and was told of the change. The ref walked to the ring thinking it was Roman over. Crazy. Brock has not entered USADA testing yet which he has to do for six months before he can fight in the UFC so his talk of fighting might just be leverage to get a better deal in WWE.
  16. And I think the reason his people do not want him being questioned under oath is because he will surely lie and then he's toast. Clinton was impeached for lying. There is lots of speculation about Trump's business dealings and he himself said any investigation into his business was a "red line". Which is also a red flag. But he has nearly 20 accusations of harassment/assault including a girl who claimed he raped her when she was 13. We know Cohen and others gladly paid off women who had affairs with him, its not a stretch to suggest there are even more salacious or illegal stories. The New Yorker just did a story about the Inquirer doing a catch & kill about a Trump affair/child from the 80's. They found no evidence the story was true, but the Inquirer still paid a guy $30,000 to bury the story.
  17. Certainly, if the DOJ launched an investigation into Trump's ties with Russia they should have probable cause. But there is no reason to assume there is shadiness there. We, the general public, know so little of the actual evidence and yet we can easily see a prima facie case. The only legitimate claims of FBI shadiness were out of the New York office where trump pal Rudy G had major influence and that shadiness was to Trump's benefit. Comey, a Republican, was so determined to be above board on everything he ended up sinking Clinton's campaign. Mueller was appointed in response to Comey's firing. So even if the DOJ came out and said "we can't connect Trump to Russia meddling" it doesnt impact Mueller because he's still investigating obstruction. Trump himself admitted he fired Comey to end the FBI investigation. He's admitted this week to wanting to "keep down" Mueller. He's demanded loyalty oaths from people, he's asked who people voted for when they were up for position. If Trump fires Rosenstein it almost has to be to try and replace him with someone who will fire or handcuff Mueller. But imagine Trump "interviews" replacements and asks them if they'd fire Mueller, finds someone who says they would, fires Rosenstein and replaces him with that person... that's obstruction. Im not even sure he *can* do that or if Rosenstein must be replaced by the DOJ chain of command. I think we can agree that we can envision a scenario where Trump is dirty. Regardless of Russia, he might have issues with fraud, money laundering, or even worse things which have been speculated. He knows what he might be guilty of and if he is, then winning the election was the worst thing for him. I dont think Mueller's investigation is likely to lead to Trump's removal as President (unless 1) he resigns to try and fend of deeper investigations 2) something big, like human trafficking services). Because even if the Dems win the House, they could very likely impeach Trump but the Senate wont convict him (barring something so distasteful it turns the GOP on him). But crimes that might get him convicted outside of the Presidency are his real threat. The raid on Comey is a major deal. And likely has little to do with Stormy Daniels. The US Attorney (it was not Mueller that conducted the raid) felt strongly enough about evidence presented to him that he'd raid an attorney and take items that fall under privilege. That's a big deal. And likely they are looking for evidence of a pattern of paying hush money but more likely any discussion related to wikileaks. Allan Dershowitz met with Trump this week and then went on CNN and expressed grave concerns over info Cohen had that could be "very embarrassing". Ultimately, no one should be subjected to a witch hunt. But no one can legitimately say this seems like that. If Trump committed no crimes, he has nothing to worry about. But he sure acts worried.
  18. I agree they should move the big rigs to the perimeter and the province should quickly get to fixing it (adding inter-changes at St Mary's & St Annes for example). But I bet we see Kenaston announced sooner than later. Havent they already started some of the work clearing houses?
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