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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Sure but I mean, everyone is discussing Trump's bad acts and you express that the Meuller investigation is off the rails and start pushing this Nunes thing. Its like being totally against jaywalking but having no issue with assault. And let's be honest, Nunes doesnt care about the letter of the law. He wants an unredacted copy of the FBI report because he wants to find a reason, no matter how small, to call it into question. The report was about Trump lackey Papadopulous mouthing off about dirt on Clinton that triggered the FBI probe into Russia meddling. The Trumpologists first tried to say the investigation was triggered by the Steel dossier so they could discredit that dossier and claim it was a Democrat plot. Unfortunately the report that led to the Steel Dossier was started as opposition research by other GOP members. And many things in the Steel Dossier have been found to be true. So even if the investigation WAS triggered by the Steel dossier, it was warranted. As it is, the FBI's report indicates it was Trump's own man that triggered it. And its moot anyway as every top intelligence official has stated that Russia absolutely meddled in the election. Nunes is trying to blow smoke to create cover. Its like getting a speeding ticket for actually speeding and then claiming the cop didnt put a dot over an "i" so how can we believe anything...Its nonsense. And finally, none of that has anything to do with Mueller or his investigation which, as you know, was triggered by Trump's firing of Comey in an effort to stop the FBI from investigating his ties to Russia. And if Nunes is so concerned about people snubbing congress, when is he going to go after the witnesses that refused to answer questions?
  2. Why is this concerning to you? If nothing else regarding Trump concerns you and if you want Mueller removed, why is this so concerning? Doesn't it seem like a wildly partisan perspective on your part?
  3. Do you think the DOJ might know Nunes cannot be trusted? And/or any evidence they have is part of Mueller's investigation? Or is this another example of Trump appointees suddenly going rogue? I mean really...
  4. Yeah there was some thought that Ryan might have had a shot at the Presidency if an impeachment swept both Trump and Pence out. Ryan's star has certainly fallen. Trump infects all those around him.
  5. Under DOJ regulation, only the AG or, in this case Rosenstein, can dismiss Mueller for cause. Trump could either replace Sessions with someone who would not be recused who could then fire Mueller though that would be dangerous because it would appear to be an end run around Rosenstein. Trump could order Rosenstein to fire Mueller but he's unlikely to comply (he signed the warrant that raided Cohen). So Rosenstein would either then be fired or resign. By DOJ succession, the 3rd in command resigned in February so she's not there. 4th in line (name escapes me now) would then be tasked with firing Mueller per Trump's orders or refusing. Its the Saturday Night Massacre (read up on that). Nixon did the same thing. Ordered his AG to fire the special counsel. I think it took the 3rd person up before they carried out Nixon's order and it was so repugnant to American's, it made Watergate the most pressing issue of the day. It was a huge mistake by Nixon. But, like Trump, he felt the heat. The issue seems to be, everyone is telling Trump to let the investigation conclude on its own but Trump knows the problem with that is, he's guilty. There is no other explanation. He's acting like a very, very guilty man. If Trump ignores DOJ regulation and tries to fire Mueller himself, its possible Mueller would simply refuse to leave and ask Rosenstein for a decision. Likely, Rosenstein would back Mueller. At that point Trump would have to back down or, more likely (since he would know Mueller and Rosenstein would probably not just leave), he'd end up firing Rosenstein and looking for someone willing to remove Mueller. That alone doesnt end things for Trump. Congress could simply create their own special investigation and hire Mueller who would effectively never miss a beat but would have a whole lot more ammunition to come after Trump for obstruction.
  6. Well Nunes has already shown he's corrupt and no one will trust him with any info. And ummm, Mueller basically answers to only Rosenstein and will submit his report when he's done. Why would he turn over part of his report, part of his evidence to the people being investigated? Again, using my previous analogy thats like your lawyer demanding the cops turn over their evidence on day 2. They would not do that.
  7. Good Lord, they've added Undertaker vs Rusev in a casket match to "Greatest Royal Rumble". That Saudi money...
  8. Even if CBC got to pick, we might want them to choose Winnipeg, but Toronto is the right call business-wise. Its a shame they cant show both Canadian teams though. I like the panel on Sportsnet though.
  9. A show I never wanted to like but ended up laughing my ass off every time.
  10. Seems clear the GOP think the chickens are coming home to roost this November. We'll see if that turns out to be true. Trump really wants to fire everyone but its the GOP warning him off. The problem is, Trump knows he's in trouble legally and if the GOP turn on him, he's in peril as far as impeachment goes. I can actually see Trump's perspective though. If you committed crimes but had the power to fire the people investigating you, even if that might cause you peril wouldn't you rather do that? If he lets the investigation continue, he KNOWS he's toast. If he fires Mueller et al he MIGHT be toast. He's getting advice from Alan Dershowitz which probably isnt good for him. Sarah Sanders confirms Trump has been told he has the power to fire Mueller. Who's telling him that? The DOJ regulations are clear that Mueller can only be fired by the AG (or in this case Rosenstein because Sessions recused) and only for cause. If Trump tries to fire Mueller, its possible Mueller simply declined to be fired and if the DOJ backs him, Trump...I dont know what he'd do. I guess go to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile you have to think Mueller has a nuclear option to ensure his work isnt "lost" to history.
  11. Ending Asuka’s streak only to lose to Carmella in a cash in two days later is bad. I assume Charlotte is going to raw. Pffft
  12. Wow they would abolish elections and declare trump emperor if they could.
  13. The best part is none of the people who think they are remotely interested in the evidence.
  14. Welllll You should watch more New Japan. The stuff the elite is doing is far more than just “wrestling” WWE does exactly what New Japan does as far as pretending to be real. the difference is how it’s portrayed Getting over is the key. There is a reason Elias does his schtick but rarely wrestles on tv. Because wrestling is important.
  15. TSN only has regional rights. Playoff games are nationally broadcast by Rogers.
  16. Elias is over but he isn’t anything special. Eventually he has to wrestle and that’s the problem. But i agree. Some guys are there to be mid card. Some are there to be low card. They’ll see what they can get out of him.
  17. Chris Jericho is confirmed for the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia. Should be an interesting show, with the 50 man rumble, Cena vs Hunter, Brock vs Roman in the cage. And of course, no women (Stephanie's Women's Evolution hasnt made it to the Middle East yet I guess). It's April 27th and will be shown live on the Network beginning at 10am.
  18. I have a bad feeling about Kulikov. Could be career ending. Would open up some cap space if he goes on LTIR though.
  19. How do you know that? Are you inside the Mueller investigation? Ill use the same analogy I used earlier, if there was a murder investigation by local cops that took 6 months to complete/lay charges and the culprit says, on day 2, well, they havent shown me proof I did it, I guess Im innocent. The fact is, Mueller is quite obviously looking into Trumps relationship with Russia that pre-dated the DNC hack. And even if collusion began with the DNC hack, Im not sure what you're point is? That it's Clinton's fault Trump broke the law? lol This is an on-going investigation that is NOT complete. Any one saying there is no proof is really being silly.
  20. Its a moot point. Im not sure anyone cares about Putin's motivation, just what he did and who he did it with (Trump et al)
  21. Im not sure what that means. But if you mean, using Trump as an agent of Russia, would that not be a darn good reason for a VERY intense investigation? You seem to be agreeing with the Mueller investigation with that statement.
  22. Only Trump is arguing that. The warrant was signed by three judges, at the behest of the US Attorney and carried out by the FBI. Its more legally vetted than most. Any time a lawyer is served a warrant where his communications with clients is taken, its done with incredibly due care. Its not easy to get that warrant. Oh and the people doing this? Republicans.
  23. Yup and the public is supposed to ignore all that stuff and only worry about collusion. lol
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