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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I feel the same about Jose but there are some acts that have more value on the house shows which are more family/kids driven. He'll be big on the house shows and then he has to get some TV time to support that. Lashley/Brock sounds 1000 times more intriguing than Brock/Roman again.
  2. Incorrect. The special counsel is authorized (you could argue obligated) to follow any lead in criminality he uncovers. Cohen's payoff is pretty clear and obvious. If he paid of someone with damning evidence of business fraud would it be more reasonable to you? Because it's a porn star its not worth it? We know its valid to explore because of Edwards. Plus, when you consider the amount of women who have accused Trump of harassment, it adds another layer worth exploring. If your position is "yes, root out his illegal acts" but also "but no one should actually investigate" those two dont work together. A special counsel is investigating trump. Not just for Collusion but for the Comey firing and anything else he uncovers. The fear for Trump and Trump's apologists is that he might have to answer, under oath, about the hush money and his relationship with Stormy. But really, why would Trump supporters fear this if there is nothing there?
  3. No offense but you have to be a next-level Trump apologist to really believe that. What about the investigation tells you they have nothing on collusion? They have no completed or submitted the report. Why would you want them to ignore potential illegalities? Do you believe it was okay to charge Edwards with campaign fraud but not Trump/Cohen?
  4. Trump is very much like Nixon in feeling that the mere fact he's him and President should protect his bad acts. Its hard to imagine Trump not also creating a Saturday Night Massacre scenario by firing Sessions and Rosenstein and appointing someone who will fire Mueller, creating a constitutional crises. I'd never have faith in this GOP to do the right thing so you have to wonder if Congress would have the support to 1) impeach 2) hire Mueller themselves
  5. And ember moon. Almost too many debuts. Joe’s was the best. He’s killer. Forget Roman. Push joe and Jeff and Lashley.
  6. Brock’s deal is short term but it’s not out there how long it is. There were certain obligations with wwe til August so I’d guess it’s til then or just through the Saudi show and raw maybe. Who knows. it includes the ability to do ufc so he could sign wirh them as well and enter his USADA testing. The altercation after WM included brock throwing the belt at Vince or against a wall near Vince and Shane jumped in and wanted to fight Brock. So...Shane’s a nut. Since no one knew about brock winning and it involves Vince and Heyman you have to consider it all being a work (it was surely taped as it happened right in the Gorilla Position. Interesting stuff. I do know they wanted Lashley to work with Brock so it could be brock drops to Roman and then puts over Lashley on his way out. But regardless I’m not convinced brock wants to fight but ufc needs him and will throw a lot of money at him. Either way it’s a short window and he would be back to wwe. If he even goes.
  7. i love this “they found nothing” routine. Mueller has not completed his investigation. When he does he will submit his report. It’s like day 2 of a murder investigation and the killed saying “well they haven’t arrested me yet so just drop the whole thing”.
  8. Trump is unhinged!! Hes actually complaining about Clinton and why they aren’t going after her instead of him. Wow. He’s losing it. Says it’s an attack on America. That accusation actually deserves all the evidence found to be released so that the people can see it for themselves. If he did nothing wrong why is he so worried?
  9. Apparently the White House is losing their minds and saying Mueller went rogue. Their narrative will be that mueller was only supposed to investigate Russia collusion. Of course we know he had the authority to investigate any crimes he becomes aware of. GOP didn’t seem to mind when Democrat Edwards was charged with campaign fraud. That’s what they will get Cohen on. And I’d trump lies under oath to the affair with Daniels, just like clinton it will be sex that gets him impeached. But Cohen could also have materials that show many other things. Definitely a major development today.
  10. Brock resigned with WWE. The plan is to do roman’s Coronation at the big show in Saudi Arabia. I assume they expect Roman to get the reaction they want there. I’m shocked they convinced Brock to go to Saudi Arabia! Lol
  11. Network numbers hit 2.1 million. 2018 should be the most profitable year in company history
  12. That LHD worries me. But chiarot and Morrow have been giving it everything they have.
  13. Some robots Vince and brock got into it last night. No details confirmed but the rumours are Vince was irate during the match and throwing things around. Or it was brock who was irate and as soon as he came through the curtain he began giving it to Vince and might have tossed the belt at him. It fits too well the worked shoot they tried to tell so who knows. I could see brock being hot about the apathy of the crowd though. But if the end result is brock doesn’t drop the belt and it’s not a work then boy are they dumb.
  14. I think it’s more about roman. If you do that exact same match with Bryan instead of Roman the crowd is going insane. Plus if you do the match with brock as a face they are more into it. But they tried desperately to turn brock heel so you end up just creating an audience that doesn’t care.
  15. The kid may have been the son of one of the refs.
  16. It wasn’t bad in a vacuum. Similar in a way to their first wm match but this Time the crowd did not want to like it. Chants of “this is awful”. And for CM Punk. They were distracted by beach balls etc. No heat for romans kick outs. Their booking was designed to get Roman sympathy support but when that didn’t happen there was little heat for anything. If Roman had been, Bryan for example, that exact match would have got crazy heat.
  17. I definitely agree it was disappointing. But it’s hard feel too cheated if he was a make a wish kid. Well know more in the next day or two. It could be Braun Beats brock tomorrow and vacates the tag titles.
  18. I wouldn’t say that. She’s one of the best athletes though with her gymnastics background. She’s really good and worth building around. WM next year should be Charlotte vs ronda.
  19. L It’s wrestling. And this is a discussion forum. So of course people will express that opinion. you called that they’d pick a ten year old boy beforehand? lol I don’t even know what “smarks got swerved” means. Anyone using the term smark is a smark lol Everyone predicted it including you because that was the finish. They changed their minds. Again. Four years of trying to get Roman over. Although I did suggest it was possible Initial opinion, really good show. Didn’t like Nak losing st first but the heel turn makes it work. The Braun thing was definitely a disappointment at first but assuming he was a make a wish Kid or something it was cool. WWE’s audience actually skewes older. Good show.
  20. I disagree. Ronda looked fantastic. She squared off with hunter and beat him with Strikes. Had her submission on. The psychology was great. Sure Ronda could tap step in 2 seconds but what kind of match is that? i thought all the heat steph got on Ronda made sense and was never steph besting Ronda one on one. The idea Steph would scout the arm bar makes sense. But as soon as Ronda locked it in step taped out in a fraction of a second They actually did more than I figured they would for Ronda’s first match. She did great! They even teased the Double tap out spot I was hoping for. And I believe the idea was steph was about to tap and hunter grabbed her arm to stop her good stuff
  21. Hunter is about to turn 49 years old. Hell of a physique. Angle looks tremendous too for that matter.
  22. Boy was that the wrong call but it’s the one I smelled the swerve the most. It’s probably because they see Ronda vs Charlotte as more marketable than Ronda vs Asuka.
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